Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 Problems Summer 2020

For each unit, you should read the book links and look at the objectives in the folder. For some of the objectives, it is helpful to have worked examples and problems to try. In addition, there are some objectives that may require different approaches than in the book or Therefore, this class will have a blog that will go over these particular objectives. For each unit there will be a blog post.

Chapter 1
Be able to distinguish between inductive and deductive reasoning
Watch the following video
Inductive vs deductive reasoning

Go through the slide show below

Slide show: Deductive reasoning

Be able to identify proper controls to test a hypothesis. 

The key points to remember here are that (1) The control condition is identical to the experimental condition except for the variable to be tested and (2). If one wants to know what the effect of the variable is, the control lacks that variable. Example: There is research suggesting that the attention span of fruit flies can be measured. (Really!)

Drugs Dopamine and Drosophila

Supposed you wanted to determine whether Ritalin increased the attention span of the flies. What control would you use? The control would be flies not given the drug.  The experimental group would be the flies given Ritalin.

Now try this one:

Recently, there have been some reports that dogs could tell whether a person had cancer by sniffing their urine.

How might you test whether this is possible? What controls would you use?

Be able to order the levels of biology

This video with embedded questions should be helpful

Levels of Biology


Chapter 2

Be able to determine the atomic number and atomic mass given the number of protons and neutrons and vice versa.

Rules to remember

(1) The atomic number of an atom is equal to the number of protons. This is equal to the number or electrons unless the atom is an ion.

(2) All atoms of the same element have the same atomic number but they may differ in  the number of neutrons (isotopes)

(3) The mass number is the number of protons plus the number of neutrons (The mass of the electron is too small to affect the atomic mass).

Examples:  An atom of nitrogen has a mass number of 15. How many protons and neutrons does it have?

Answer: Nitrogen has has an atomic number of 7, therefore it has 7 protons. 15=neutrons +7, so the atom has 8 neutrons.

Using the rules for placing electrons in shells, be able to draw an electron shell diagram


(1) The first shell can hold 2 electrons, the second and third can hold 8 each (Most biologically relevant atoms have no more than 3 shells. K and Ca have 4 shells, but they only have one or two electrons in their 4th shell

(2). Electrons are never put in a shell unless the shells below them are full.

Example: Magnesium has an atomic number of 12. Draw a shell diagram

It would have 2 in the first shell, 8 in the second and 2 in the third.

By Peo at the Danish language Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Do not worry about the SPDF designation for this class. (SPDF designations indicate position, shell diagrams refer to energy levels)

Now try this one: Draw an energy diagram for phosphorous, atomic number 15.

Be able to determine how many bonds an atom can form

Example oxygen

Step 1 determine the number of valence (outer shell electrons) 6 for oxygen


Step 2 If the number of valence electrons is 1-4, then that is the number of bonds it can form.

If the number of valence electrons is 5-8 then 8-# of valence electrons = the number of bonds

So for oxygen the number is 8-6=2.

There are exceptions to this rule and you may have learned them in chemistry class, but for this class you do not need to worry about most of them. (Phosphorous can sometimes form 5 bonds and that is found in some important biological molecules).

Be able to distinguish the bond types including covalent, ionic, and hydrogen bonds. Recognize the difference between polar and non-polar bonds. 

When categorizing terms,  sometimes it is useful to make a tree diagram, like our evolutionary trees. BondsJust as in the evolutionary tree, in this diagram bonds that are grouped have features in common with bonds that are not grouped. For example The covalent bonds share electrons, while the ionic and hydrogen do not. What do hydrogen and ionic bonds have in common that is not in common with the covalent bonds?

Another consideration for classifying bonds is where there are found. Covalent bonds are within molecules. Hydrogen bonds are usually between  molecules (But they can be within some large molecules such as proteins). Ionic bonds can be between atoms in an ionic compound and sometimes between molecules or within large molecules.

You should know that bonds between the same atom are non-polar and bonds between carbon and hydrogen are non-polar. Biologically important polar bonds that you should know are C-O, O-H and N-H.

Here are a couple of  other activities to help you review bonds types:

Bond Types Branching Questions


Example what is the molarity of 20 g of NaOH in .5L of solution?


Given pH, [H+] or [OH] calculate the other 2

Rules (1) pH=-log[H+]

if the pH is 2 the [H+] =.01M. If the [H+] is .00001 the pH is 5.

Rules (2)

[H+]  [OH-] =10-14

If the [OH-]=.001M, then the  [H+] =10-14/.001 =10-11 

Then the pH=11.


Be able to determine whether 2 structures are isomers and whether they are structural, geometric or enantiomeric isomers.

For 2 structures to be isomers, they have to have the same molecular formula

Watch the video. Note that geometric isomers are a type of diastereomers


Be able to identify functional groups.

Click on the green flag to start. The faster you do this, the higher your score

One thought on “Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 Problems Summer 2020”

  1. In the functional groups game I am not sure what the question with the carbonyl functional group wants. It is the one that says based on the carbonyl group what molecule is this (or something like that). Is it asking for the specific name of the molecule or a type/characteristic of the molecule? Thanks.

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