Chapter 8


For each of the following, know where they are made and where they are used  (The light cycle or Calvin Cycle): ATP, NADPH, NADP+, Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide, Sugars,  Part of the table is filled in for you. Can you fill in the rest?  

Compound Light Cycle Calvin Cycle
ATP Made Used
Oxygen Made Not made or used
Carbon Dioxide


The link below is an exercise to put steps of photosynthesis in order

Photosynthesis Order


Be able to interpret an action spectrum and distinguish it from an absorbance spectrum

Plants move toward light. The image below shows how the relationship between the wavelength of light and the degree of movement. This is an action spectrum, because it measures a plant response as a function of wavelength. This can be compared to an absorbance spectrum which measures absorbance of light as a function of wavelength (like our first lab). What would you predict about the absorbance spectrum of a pigment that was responsible for the response in the graph below? What would be a good title for this graph?

Action Spectrum for phototropism


Be able to label a chloroplast and show where the Calvin cycles and light cycles take place.


Be able to compare respiration with photosynthesis. Which processes and components do they have in common?




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