Introduce Yourself Spring 2021

Give your name, where you are from and what most interests you about Biology. Also say whether what has helped you in online learning (even if it was just the end of  Spring semester or a bit in high school).

Also list something that you think you can learn in this class that you can not learn simply by googling or by a you tube video

Finally, Say something about yourself (some hobby or interest for example) without  actually naming the hobby or interest. This is like something that has been going around social media in which someone might say “Tell me you are from Michigan without telling me your are from Michigan” and someone else might respond “If someone asks me where I am from, I point at a place on my hand”. Note that there is a scientific reason to do this: You are giving evidence for something, rather than simply making a conclusion.

Put your answer as a reply.

I have to approve all posts, so you will not see your reply immediately.

23 thoughts on “Introduce Yourself Spring 2021”

  1. Hi my names is Adil Jat, I am from the East Lansing area. I am actually really interested into biology, I want to know how cells work/ how they form/ to see further into the debate on whether or not viruses are considered living or not. Basically keeping up daily with the class and reviewing the material has been a big help for me with online especially if the class has pre recorded videos or slides I could go back and see if I missed anything it’s a really big help.

    I think I could learn more in depth about the cells and especially viruses in this class unlike learning from a simple YouTube video that might brush over the surface of the topic.

    I’m a defensive player on the opposite attack side.

  2. Hello all, my name is Alison Kruse and I am from the city of Howell. What interests me most about biology is learning the relationships between different types of matter from things as small as molecules and cells to things that are larger such as organisms and ecosystems. I’ve always been interested in the way things work, how they are broken down, and how they work or don’t work together to create what you see everyday.

    As far as online learning goes, something that I’ve realized is to utilize all of the external resources. In a classroom its easy to just refer to the book or ask a classmate. With online learning, there are many more tools all in one place that are easily accessible. Also, I’ve learned to set time aside in the day, as in block off specific hours just for school. This year in particular that has been difficult for me with a new baby, but it is definitely necessary as its easy to fall behind.

    In this class, I hope to be able to learn which areas of biology to turn to when seeking an answer, and furthermore, using that knowledge to form more specific questions.

    Lastly, I love how the trees smell, the sound of animals thriving, and the beautiful views I can see when I get to where I’ve been heading.

    Happy learning!

  3. Hello! My name is Harlee Pohl and I am from/went to a small school, Pewamo-Westphalia. One thing that helped me most with online learning was keeping a regular schedule. By doing this, I was always on task and finished assignments on time. I love learning about why certain things work the way the do and what roles they have. After this class, I hope to be able to label most/if not all parts of a cell and their roles. I like to express and relax myself through pictures using pens and paper.

  4. Hello! My name is Josie Pemble, and I’m from the Okemos/Williamston area. I really enjoy human biology. I was planning on transferring to a four-year institution and attending medical school. To be honest, I did not do this, but it definitely would’ve helped me. I have a habit of procrastinating then cramming everything the night before. This semester, I would really like to make a schedule and keep up with all my work. I have noticed that classes tend to go a lot more in depth than the internet. For example, I took World Religions this summer, and my professor covered a lot of content that I never would have even been able to simply Google. Finally, I like to put on a t-shirt and put my hair up in a messy-bun and sweat it out at Crunch!

    1. I used to like to use the LCC gym, but that is closed. I took up running. I ran for the first time in a long time on Saturday, but my ankle is not 100% alas.

  5. Hi everyone! My name is Tara and I am from Grand Ledge. My favorite part of biology is anatomy, I love learning about how complex our bodies are and how every system functions. Taking online classes is a difficult task but I found that planning out my time (especially if you work, play sports, etc.) really helped me work through my classes and develop time management skills. I hope to learn more about how cells function and go into depth on what they are made up of. I unfortunately really enjoy spending my hard earned money.

  6. Hello, my name is Sarah. I am from Owosso, Michigan. I have always been fascinated with the big picture of Biology; to see and learn how everything works together. This picture can be a human or animal body, an ecosystem (large or small), or even the earth itself. Opening my mind to science always reminds me to stop worrying about the little things.
    In order to remain on track with my studies, I create a list with bullets for each class. I include any important notes or due dates. I always make finishing homework a priority.
    I am curious to learn about DNA technologies and its limit on society. How advanced is too far?
    I love the thrill of running a clean clover-leaf pattern with my trusty steed in under 17 seconds.

    1. One of former students was an equestrian champion. She went to Vet school at MSU after completing her undergraduate requirements (which included BIOL 270 Human Genetics)

  7. Hello all, my name is Boyoung. I am from ann arbor, MI. I am highly interested in science and I love to see how science integrates into the molecular level. I am excited to start this course and willing to learn beyond what I know. I think this online course will help me pace and stay on top of things along with my work. I hope to learn a good foundation in this cell biology course and going in-depth. I enjoy playing team sports like volleyball and basketball!

  8. Howdy! My name is Aiden. I am originally from Lansing but moved to the Hastings area where I am stilling living. Hastings is about an hour from the Lansing area so being online is a blessing since I don’t have to drive that much anymore. I have an interest in human biology, I love to learn and know how the body works. I believe taking BIO 127 will give me the ability to not only explain the structure and functions of a cell, but give me a fuller understanding.
    Since we have transitioned to online learning, I have become more organized with my planner and my social life. That has really helped me excel and live somewhat stress free.
    As for my hobby, I enjoy working on a barn, where a specific type of hat, working with animals that weighs about 10 times more than me. I also enjoy going on rides on this animal.

  9. My name is Aesha Zakaria and I live in the East Lansing area. I like biology because it is a subject that studies life, in all of its forms, which to me, is a miraculous thing. I also like biology because it is a a subject that is constantly challenging me to learn and accept different things about life.

    Something that has helped me during my past few online courses is using an online planner called “Notion”. Up until the switch to virtual learning, I was an avid user of my planner. After the switch, I couldn’t bring myself to use my traditional pen-and-paper planner and I felt myself slacking. When I switched from a physical to a virtual planner, it was a lot easier, at least for me, as a virtual planner is a lot simpler and “straight-to-the-point”. This especially helped me because everything is virtual and not being able to “see” the materials/lesson in front of me caused me confusion and lack of motivation. Having a simpler way of “doing things” when it comes to virtual learning has been the trick for me, despite my meticulous nature– this has been a very interesting journey.

    I imagine that I cannot learn about most topics in-depth– despite my curiosity, the way I would if I was in a course. The environment in class, virtual or in-person, most always motivates me to learn, investigate, and ask more about a subject more than I would if I was to only depend on my curiosity to learn. Some of the things that I am specially looking forward to learn about in this course include evolution– particularly how DNA plays in “survival of the fittest” and how the world came about to how it is today.

    My “evidence”; I have bad eyesight because of this habit.

    I look forward to this semester, prof 🙂

  10. Hello everyone, my name is Peter and I from a small, rural town called Fowlerville. I am currently a sophomore at LCC and I will finish out my Associate’s Degree in Science at the end of this semester. I am taking this course as it is a requirement, but I find Biology to be interesting and I would like to see how life works at the smallest building blocks in the cell. I also hope to be able to retain more knowledge about biology after this class than I did in high school, as the only I thing really remember is that the mitochondria is “the powerhouse of the cell.” Originally I did not like online classes in the slightest, but I have come more accustomed to them over the last year. One thing that has helped me learn is being able to do homework as it has helped to drill knowledge into my head before exams. Not that I enjoy it the most but it is quite effective most of the time. I think I will learn a lot more about how cells work in this class than I would be able to online. The class will go in depth while the internet mostly shows surface-level knowledge. I enjoy throwing a lure into the water on a calm summer day.

  11. hello my name is Alexus, I am working on extra environmental and biology classes to transfer towards my bachelors on environmental science zoology and I am from Detroit Michigan. Anything biology and environmental are two topics that interest me no matter what, I think from this class I expect to learn more in depth about the make up of animals and what they need to survive, adapt, and possibly their behaviors.
    Something that has helped me in online learning is creating a strict schedule as well as creating that classroom or library feel sometimes away from home to study, take notes and do some assignments.
    A hobby/ business venture of mine is I create, design, and print varieties of things

  12. Hi everyone, my name is Michelle. I’m from the East Lansing area and Biology has always been my favorite topic in school. I can’t wait to understand the way cells work.
    I’ve been a student at LCC since 2018 and all I can say is STAY ORGANIZED!!! having a printed out schedule with all the due dates helps me stay on track.
    This class will give me a fuller understanding of how cells are made, as well as how DNA shapes us and plays in the “survival of the fittest”.
    Finally, I like to visualize myself in different realities to escape the “Real world”.

  13. Good Moring everyone! My name is Gabrielle Hosey and I am from Charlotte, MI. The thing that most interest me about biology is its numerous applications and constant evolving nature. The thing that has helped me most with online learning is simple, keeping a planner. It is easy to forget a deadline with an online class without a daily planner. The thing that I will learn from this class is reputable knowledge. Googling and YouTube can provide ample amount of false information.
    I love to escape to a far away land, step into someone else’s life, on a daily basis.

  14. Hello everybody, my name is Bilal Khan and I am from Haslett. I am currently a senior at Haslett High School. What most interests me about biology is the aspect of anatomy. Something that has really helped me learn in online school is teacher’s leaving detailed videos and slides for the material. I think this class goes more in-depth about biology than any YouTube video or google search could.

    During quarantine, I started to lift weight to use as resistance.

  15. Hi, my name is Ashley and I’m from Lansing! I like doing things hands on, especially with they have to do with creating sounds. Biology concepts as a whole seem interesting to me, and I’d love to figure out how they can apply to reality. You can definitely read a definition on google, but this course will help me dig deeper and have a better understanding than that or a youtube video will. Of course with online learning, the act is new for a lot of us. I liked how the schedules are slightly more forgiving, but what helped me the most was creating my own list.

  16. My name is Sikander and I am from Jackson Michigan. What interest me most about biology, is being able to understand the relationships between cells and microorganisms. What has been helpful for online learning is being able to have more flexibility in terms of my schedule, since I work full-time.

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