Unit 2 review and quiz makeup

In order to make up quiz points, do the activities below and make sure you follow the directions. When you are done, use the “leave reply” space to  comment on the activities (Which ones were helpful, which ones were not as helpful and whether this format is preferable or not to having the activities all in D2l). Note that I have to approve the comments, so they will not appear right away.

1. Click on the link  (cells) and go through the cell review lecture

2. Go this worksheet and follow the directions

Unit 2 Group Worksheet

4. Go to the quiz, answer the questions. When you are finished, you will get a certificate. Download and print out the certificate and give it to me during class or take a screenshot and e-mail me the certificate.

10 thoughts on “Unit 2 review and quiz makeup”

  1. I found the group worksheet helpful. The video with embedded questions would be more helpful if there was explanation along with it. I’m not sure if I was using the cells lecture properly so that wasnt very helpful. The quiz was very basic, could have used more feedback or more in depth questions.

  2. The cell review was nice. I would have liked more information than what was given, but it was good. The Unit 2 worksheet was helpful. It definitely made me think. The Krebs cycle video needs sound of some kind. It was very useful. The quiz made me think a lot also. It was very insightful.

  3. The Unit 2 worksheet was definitely the most helpful of all the activities and it was interesting to see how other people answered the questions to all the different concepts. I agree that the video could have used some kind of sound or a voice-over to help clarify what was going on in the Krebs Cycle process.

  4. The Krebs Cycle video was a little fast and not very informative. It would have been more helpful with more narration or identifying more of the structures. The cell review was helpful to relate cells to the modern world. Overall, I found the quiz and the group worksheet the most helpful.

  5. All of the assignments were helpful. I found the group worksheet very helpful and I wouldn’t mind doing it again. This was a very helpful review. Thank you!

  6. I found all of the activities helpful. They are helpful in different ways. The videos helped to animate and illustrate the processes/functions. They give a good visual representation. This quiz is helpful in really testing what you know and what information you actually retained. It also gives you an idea of what you need to study. The group worksheet activity, although frustrating, was very helpful. Having to describe something helps you to better understand it. It makes you really think about the topic when you have to put it into your own words and explain it. Thanks.

  7. This was helpful for the most part. I could not get the sound to work for the Kreb’s cycle video.

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