Unit 2 review and quiz makeup

In order to make up quiz points, do the activities below and make sure you follow the directions. When you are done, use the “leave reply” space to  comment on the activities (Which ones were helpful, which ones were not as helpful and whether this format is preferable or not to having the activities all in D2l). Note that I have to approve the comments, so they will not appear right away.

1. Click on the link  (cells) and go through the cell review lecture

2. Go this worksheet and follow the directions

Unit 2 Group Worksheet

4. Go to the quiz, answer the questions. When you are finished, you will get a certificate. Download and print out the certificate and give it to me during class or take a screenshot and e-mail me the certificate.

Hypothesis Testing Worksheet

hypothesis testing worksheet

Choose one of the the problems listed on the hypothesis testing worksheet. Do not use one that has already been addressed here.  In your own words, state what your hypothesis is, how you would test it and what controls you would use. Write your answer in the ” leave a comment ” section of this blog.  I have to approve all submissions, so it may not appear right away. This assignment is due 6/15/2015 at 5PM.

7 points

Hello world!

For 5 bonus  points answer the following (in the Leave a comment section)

Your Name

Why you are taking this class?

What do you find interesting about Biology?

What is your area of expertise (even if it is outside Biology or outside of science)?

Post this by June 15th 6:00pm
