Article Discussion

(1) As a reply to this post, give a title and URL of an article of interest. Make sure your article discusses the hypothesis being tested, the methods used to test the hypothesis done and the conclusion that was research.

Give a brief description to make this appealing to other students. Your description should include the hypothesis and conclusion but not the methods. Use your own words and avoid quoting here.

(2) Reply to at least one other poster to say why you thought the article was interesting. Then, by e-mail, send me a description of the methods used to determine the conclusion. Use your own words and avoid quoting.

Note: this site will be used for 3 different classes. You might be replying to someone from a different class. I teach BIOL 121 (intro biology for health science students) BIOL 127 (Cell Biology for transfer students) and BIOL 270 (Human Genetics)

(3) This is a game of sorts. The person who gets the most responses will be the “winner”.


3 thoughts on “Article Discussion”

  1. Gut microbiome influenced by host’s genetics, shows new study in mice.

    Around the globe researchers are trying to understand the influence of genetic composition of the host on microbial population in the gut and the genetic architecture of host-microbe interactions which can provide insights into treatment and management of gut-related problems in humans. A study conducted by UK and Germany Researchers has suggested that the genetic makeup of a host influences the gut microbiome. Infact many species of microbes are inherited from one generation to next in a host species. Both the host and the microbiome evolve and diversify together. For instance, the genes of Inflammatory Bowel disease are clustered in the genomic areas concerned with gut microbiome. Another collaborative study conducted by researchers from Kiel University, University of Bath and Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology for the first time on wild hybrid mice. The mice were put on same diet to rule out the influence of diet on microbiome of gut. Among a large number of candidate genes, about 80 high confidence genes were identified which are involved in recognition and communication with bacteria. This has established a relationship between the heritability and the degree of diversification of bacteria with their hosts during the speciation process.

    1. I did really enjoy this article, it does make sense that your gut microbe is influenced by genetics. This work on mice in this article can be very important in the medical field and in finding the gut issues in younger children by looking at their parents.

  2. Do genetics control who our friends are? It seems so with mice
    A study was done with mice to see if there is a biological basis behind compatibility in friends and people we choose to be in our lives. Have you ever met someone you instantly liked, or at other times, someone who you knew immediately that you did not want to be friends with, although you did not know why? This article dives into the science behind what friends you choose to hang around with. A team of researchers showed that variations of an enzyme found in a part of the brain that regulates mood and motivation seems to control which mice want to socially interact with other mice, with the genetically similar mice preferring each other.

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