On line Collaborative Worksheet: Basic Human Genetics Problems

All of the material from this site is from the National Library of Medicine (Attributed above)


(1): Go to Genetics home reference (Click on the link below)

Genetics Home Reference: Conditions

(2) Using the alphabetical listing find a disease that starts with the first letter of your last name

(3) USING YOUR OWN words, give a brief description of the condition in the comments section. Also give the gene or genes that are thought to be responsible for the condition. Images may be useful. You may post a link to an image, but do not put the image here. Also note these restrictions: https://www.nlm.nih.gov/copyright.html

Note that all information from this website is public domain.  Use the information below for use (And see the link on proper citation).


(4) Make a problem based on your disease.  You may or may not want to give the inheritance pattern for the condition. For example, one type of problem will be to try to determine the inheritance pattern from the information given.

(5) Note:  I have to approve of comments. So you will  not see your comment until after I approve. You will also have to register to use this site. Once I have approved your post, I will give you a link to post your answers.



Anonychia congenita

Image of condition

Genetics Home Reference.  Bethesda (MD): The Library; Reviewed  2017 May, Cited 2018 January Available from:


People with this condition are missing fingernails and toenails or only have a portion of these structures.


Anonychia congenita

Genetics Home Reference, National Library of Medicine


Public domain

Problem: Barry and Sue have normal finger and toe nails as does their son Charlie. Their daughter Chelsea lacks fingernails and toenails.

  1. Write the genotypes for Barry, Sue and Chelsea.
  2. What possible genotypes could Charlie have?
  3. If Barry and Sue have another child, what is the chance that the child has the condition?

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