Introduce yourself! Human Genetics, Spring 2020

Tell the class the following

Where you are from

What you hope to learn in this class

What you find most interesting about Genetics.

If you have taken on-line classes, what has specifically helped you learn on line. What type of activities help you most? Reading? Videos? Interactive activities? Others?

38 thoughts on “Introduce yourself! Human Genetics, Spring 2020”

  1. Hello, everyone.

    My name is Dan Platte and I am from Portland Michigan. In this class, I hope to gain a more in-depth knowledge of how genetics affect us and our health. The thing about genetics that interests me the most is how much there is to discover about the genes that dictate how we are similar and how we are different. In the other online courses that I have taken, the activities that have helped me learn the most are reading and interactive.

    1. Hi my name is Kaitlyn and I’m from Eaton Rapids. I hope to learn more about the our genetics and how they can effect our day to day life. I find genetics interesting because they are really 100% of what makes us who we are. You can really understand where you’re from and who you are from your genetics. I’ve taken a few online classes before and interactive activity and videos help me learn best.

  2. Hey class!

    My name is Kaylee Twork and I am from Zeeland, Michigan. After this class, I hope to have a larger knowledge base of what dictates our genes and how they effect our every day lives. The thing I find most interesting about genetics is the probability aspect. It is interesting to me that because of the genes your parents have you may have the same or even different if your parents contain recessive alleles. I have never taken an online course so I am excited to see how this one is.

  3. Hello, to all.

    My name is Sarinede Jones and I am from Lansing, Michigan. I am interested in this course because I hope to gain more knowledge involving Mendelian’s genetics tactics and practices along with visually and hands on practice for myself such as the punnet square. I wish to gain a better understanding and comfort with the inheritance of genes and to build on top of the knowledge I’ve already retained from previous courses. One of the most interesting facts I have found about genes is that every human being shares 99% of their DNA with every other human. Yet no human looks exactly alike with the exception of twins and such which still are considered genetically different in some way. This is my first online class so I am excited for the challenge, I am more of a visual and tactile learner but I can adapt quickly to new learning/retention methods for myself.

    1. We will learn about the parts of our DNA that make us different from each other and different from other organisms. Welcome to the class.

  4. Hey everyone,

    I am Aayshah Maan, and I am from Lansing, Michigan. I find most interesting about genetics is how certain diseases are inherited from generations and how it can be a dominant and recessive depending on what it is. What helps me most is when there are set due dates and review sheets before the exam.

    1. Objectives will be provided for each week and for each exam. Due dates are in D2l. Note you can find them in the calendar on the class home page and on the assignment itself in the content.

  5. Hello! My name is Micah Carlson. I am from Illinois, but I currently go to school at Grand Valley so I live around the Grand Rapids area. I am excited to learn about genetic probabilities in this class. I find epigenetics very interesting and would love to potentially learn more about that. I have taken a hybrid class before, but this is my first solely online course! Thanks!

  6. Hello everyone,

    My name is Alison Hurley, I am from Howell Michigan. I am hoping to learn about how one inherits the genes and especially in twins and how in fraternal twins they look different. The thing I most find interesting about genetics is how genes are what makes up look different but similar to others. I have previously taken online courses and the things that help me most are activities and being able to reach out to other students and work with them along with study guides and having interactive tools to help better understand something.

  7. Hello everyone!
    My name is Cézanne and I am from Haslett. I would like to learn more about genetic diseases from this class. I am very interested in Down syndrome because I am studying social work and I would love to work with people who have this condition and many more. What helps me the most in online classes are review sheets for quizzes/exams and lots or practice and seeing/reading material.

  8. Hello everyone,

    My name is Tola Okubanjo and I am from Nigeria. What I hope to learn from this class is more in-depth information about genetics. what I find most interesting about genetics is how they affect some behaviours. I haven’t taken any online courses.

  9. Hello, I am a transplant from Little Falls, MN, and have lived in Lansing for over 26 years. I am hoping to learn more about heritary traits and how it may effect in the next generation(s). Also to learn more about the differences in recessive and dominate mapping. I have taken on-line classes before and what I have found is that visual activities, vedios and it is still best to read the material.

  10. Hi everyone,

    My Name is Nichole Beaubien, I’m originally from Alpena, Michigan but have live in Lansing since I was 2 years old. One thing I really hope to learn from taking this course is more about biology itself and gain a better understanding towards DNA and how it all comes together and forms who generally are. I learned a little bit of genetics from my biology classes in high school but my goal is to really be invested and eventually learn something that I didn’t know before. One things I find most intriguing about genetics is probably the molecular shapes, I don’t know if that’s the correct termonology but you tend to see a them in certain science classes. This is my second semester taking online classes and honestly it was easy but then became a little difficult toward the end of the semester for me. I’m a hands on person but since I’m unable to be in Michigan this semester and take face-to-face classes I have to learn one way or the other. What really helps me learn are videos and activities, readings are sometimes difficult especially if they tend to be long. Having terms and concepts actually help me extremely but one thing I always worry is if I have those terms it isn’t reflected onto the test, same with the readings.

  11. Hey everyone!

    My name is Ashley Hare. I am from Sterling Heights, Michigan. I am hoping to learn about inherited diseases and how certain genes are expressed. I find genetics to be very interesting as DNA is a universal code, and everything we are made of comes down to a few letters. It only takes one base pair to be inserted, deleted, or substituted to cause a serious disorder. I have previously taken online classes and what helps me most is putting scheduled time in my planner to make sure everything is done. I really appreciate the weekly checklists to ensure we are not forgetting any coursework.

  12. Hello all! My name is Christopher Rhodes, I go by Chris, and I am from Tennessee but moved to Michigan when I was younger. I served 5 years active duty in the Marine Corps and I am currently in the Reserves while I complete college.

    I’m honestly hoping to learn everything I can from this class. Genetics have always interested me but I do not know enough about it. I think that the most interesting thing about Genetics is how we study it in order to diagnose, treat, and prevent illnesses. It is really amazing.

    I have taken online courses in the past, the best advice I can give is to stay on top of your work. Even if you have a week to complete the assignments, you should be on D2L everyday brushing up on the material. It is very easy to get into the habit of cramming everything into one day and providing mediocre work. Your grade in the class will reflect your work ethic. Videos and interactive activities help me the most in learning.

    Also, it may be annoying for the professors, but reaching out with ANY concerns and questions is totally worth it. Be patient because they have a lot going on. That being said, don’t wait to send the email the day that the assignment is due.

    That being said, I look forward to reading all your discussion posts and seeing how we all digest the material!

    Time management in this learning environment is key.

  13. Alice from Port Huron, Michigan. I-like many of you-am hoping to work in medicine some day. I have a bachelors degree in art, but biology was my favorite class in high school. Genetics is incredibly interesting especially as we begin to explore disease. I am so fascinated with pathology, pharmacology, etc. that this class felt like the perfect move for me. Rosalind Franklin is a huge female figure for me as I push forward in my studies.

    Online courses are all about patience and time management. I have taken several online courses, and find they work well in permitting the flexibility my schedule requires. I am social, and love learning, so if anyone is looking for a study buddy, I will be your person. 🙂

  14. Hello!

    My name is Whitney Card and I am from Rockford, MI and I currently go to Grand Valley State. I remember learning the basics of genetics in my entry level biology class and I was most intrigued by DNA and how the body can add methyl groups to your DNA strands that alter your genes. I also am interested to learn more about how the environment alters your DNA. I have always had troubles with probability in the past so I hope to get better and make connections to past knowledge.

    I have taken online classes in the past and I really liked videos. Specifically videos about more complex topics and/or interactive activities.

    I am looking forward to learning more about genetics and relate it to nursing!

  15. Hello Class!

    My name is Haley Stersic, I am from Byron Center, Michigan.

    I hope I can get a better understanding on genetics as I feel like I don’t know very much about it yet. I’d love to learn more about how genes are expressed and passed on and how much comes from parents, family, etc. That stuff is what is most interesting to me and I’m looking forward to learning more about it.

    I have taken a few online classes before, I’ve found that for me it is very important to go through the course schedule at the beginning of the semester and write down each week’s schedule in my planner. I am a visual and hands on learner so videos and interactive activities are what I benefit most from. Also do not procrastinate! I like the weekly checklists in this course as well.

  16. Hey, my name is Skylar and I am from Oscoda but moved to Lansing over a year ago now for college. I just hope to learn more about the human body, its history and what genetics can tell us, and the way it functions at the DNA level. I think the most interesting thing about genetics is how so many things are similar in genetic code, for example we are 60% genetically related to a banana and even closer within monkeys I forget exactly but I know its in the high 90s. This is my first online class, but reading, videos and interactive material has always helped me if needed.

  17. Hello everyone,

    My name is Deni, I am from Grand Rapids, currently going to school at GVSU and am part of the nursing program there along with a few of my other fellow classmates in this class. The big take home from this class for me is to see how genetics truly affect the body and how we function, especially to see the emphasis it has in my future field of work; bedside nursing. Within genetics, what fascinates me is to see how similar we all truly are but realized how unique, individual, and complex each one of us is. In past online classes just having everything structured for the weeks to come has done the trick for me, just to keep myself on schedule. Readings, online lectures, interactive activities all work for me. Granted it’s all about time management and putting the work in for the course to succeed. Should be a solid time this semester.


  18. I’m from the south suburbs of Chicago, IL. Though I do not particularly like biology, I have always found genetics specifically to be fascinating and fairly relevant to my life. I would like to come out of this class with a deeper understanding from what I learned in high school and maybe even feel like I could apply more.

    From my experience with many different kinds of classes online the constant reading easily burns me out. I know to take it in segments and start early. Keeping a checklist on my phone with each assignment for the week kept me accountable and helped me feel that I was making progress. I believe reading helps to an extent. Some videos or interactive modules are nice from time to time to give different parts of your processing a break.

  19. Hello everyone!
    My name is Emily and I have moved between Michigan, Virginia, and Mexico my entire life- I consider these to be the 3 places that I’m from. I became interested in genetics the previous semester when one of my teachers was speaking about genetics, inheritance, and whether or not DNA can really determine a person’s exact race, including where they are from. From then on I’ve been interested to learn about the connection between genetics and race to understand it further. That being said, that is currently what is most interesting to me about genetics.

    When taking online classes in the past what helped me the most was to keep up on readings and lectures, in addition to, working on discussion boards and reading others’ questions to clarify difficult topics.

    1. We will discuss whether it is possible to use DNA to determine where and or whom someone came from. This is a very interesting but tricky subject.

  20. My name is Ty and I am from Zeeland, MI and I am a student at Grand Valley as well. I am hoping to learn a lot about how specific genes can change aspects of our life. The thing that interests me most about genetics is how our genes interact with our environment to shape who we are. I have never taken an online course before, but in general I enjoy learning with activities.

  21. Hello everyone!

    My name is Kayla Curry and I am from Holt, Michigan. I am interested in learning more about the role of genetics in development. I have taken many anthropology courses which typically emphasize the role of environment in creating a human via adaption so I am excited to take a look at the other side of the same coin. What interests me about genetics is DNA as a sort of language or code in the creation of proteins, I find that process so intelligent and wonder at the evolutionary processes that led us to such a system.

    I have taken multiple online courses and have found it helpful to make time to find my own resources that cater to my own learning style and make up for the lack of face-to-face learning. Having read all the required reading and used what I am provided by the course, I always find other diagrams or videos online to further cement my understanding. It is often difficult for students to retain what they read and supplementing that with videos/online diagrams/online quizzes can make a world of difference.

  22. Hi!
    My name is Alexa Kaschinske and I am from Mason, Michigan. In this class I hope to become better at understanding gene expressions, and how genes are passed down from parents to children. The thing I find most interesting about genetics is gene mutations and learning about all of the different mutations that can happen to DNA. What I like about online classes is the videos that professors have posted to help us learn concepts better. Videos that summarize concepts often help me learn best.

  23. Hi Everyone!

    My name is Stefanie Pacia and I am from Tawas, MI! Im originally from the Philippines but we moved here because of my dad’s work. From this class, i hope to get a better understanding on genetics and how it affects every little thing. I have a good idea on what is consists of, it’s just putting it all together. Like i said before, I find it really interesting how our genes can not just affect appearances but other things like our health to even with the things we like to eat. Im looking forward to how this class will turn out to be. I have taken online classes before and videos are honestly what helped me learned the material better. I’m a visual person so reading texts is not the best way for me to learn.

  24. Hello! My name is Jessica and I am from Chesterfield, MI. I hope to gain a better understanding of genetics and learn more about how genetics will help me understand my goal field of nursing. I find it interesting how certain genes are passed on to offspring and how important DNA is with genetics. I took a hybrid class last semester and what helped me the most was doing all the assignments ahead of time, and managing my time very well.

  25. Hi everyone. I am Maya Hall, and I am from Lansing, Michigan. I hope to learn about the vast selection of effects that genes can have on our everyday lives, especially diseases like Huntington’s. It has always fascinated me that just a few gene mutations can alter the way everything within the body works drastically. What I hope to learn in genetics is the way that we can use gene technology to help those with genetic ailments, like CRISPR-cas9. The thing I like most about online courses is that I feel like I get a better grasp of the material. I sort of like learning in an environment of my choosing, and online courses are perfect for that.

  26. Hello everyone I am Bennett Rushin and I grew up and live in Portland Michigan. I took this class to learn more about what makes what is in our bodies and what processes take place. I find it cool that we can change any parts of us through genes and I wanna learn more about that. When it comes to learning reading and writing a bunch does not help me at all I learn better if its hands on or interactive.

  27. Hello! I am Emery Maher, and I am originally from Livonia, Michigan. I currently attend Grand Valley State University and am a Junor. I hope to learn the effect human genetics truly has on a person’s development and how outside factors can affect that process as well. One thing I find very interesting about genetics is how simple mutations in the genetic code can have vast effects on people while other mutations do no harm at all. I have taken a few classes online before. It really helped when the professor gave lots of guidance on topics. The best online classes I took involved not just watching or listening to lectures but in-depth walkthroughs of harder topics from the professor.

  28. Hello Class,

    My name is Aaron and I am from a small town outside of Kalamazoo. I am interested in learning more about how genes work and how they can cause certain disorder specifically, cystic fibrosis. I find it very interesting how certain mutations of genes can cause disorders and change the body. I have taken a few online classes and I found the use of quizlet to be ver useful. I also found that doing more research online and watching videos really makes a different and can help better understand class material.

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