Introduce yourself! Human Genetics, Summer 2020

Tell the class the following

Where you are from

What you hope to learn in this class

What you find most interesting about Genetics.

If you have taken on-line classes, what has specifically helped you learn on line. What type of activities help you most? Reading? Videos? Interactive activities? Others?

34 thoughts on “Introduce yourself! Human Genetics, Summer 2020”

  1. Hi everyone!

    My name is Drew Graham and I am from Cadillac, MI but just graduated from Michigan State! I am excited to dive deeper into genetics and learn about the use of it in health care! I think genetics is so fascinating because it allows us to figure out why people are prone to some diseases and has many applicable uses. I learn best in online learning by reinforcing the class lecture by watching videos on Youtube like Khan Academy. I don’t find the textbook as helpful as interactive activites, but I also enjoy being able to ask questions on a discussion board, and then being able to see everyone else’s!

    1. We use videos in the class quite frequently. There are some programs that insert questions into videos to help keep focus and help learn the material. You will even be given the opportunity to make your own such videos.

  2. Hello everyone.
    My name is Kelcie Marsh. I am from Monroe MI but live in Alma MI currently. I have always been interested in genetics and would love to learn more about the inheritance of traits in humans and gene variation. I find this interesting because it will help guide me into a specialty in the medical field. I did take all online classes last semester, I found that watching lecture videos posted by the teacher and having weekly quizzes really helps keep everyone on track.

  3. Hello everyone!

    My name is Lindsay Coffey, I’m from Grand Ledge Michigan and have lived here and Lansing my entire life. I hope to learn more about inheritance, health, and disease passed by genetics. I think it is all very interesting and I don’t know much at all about how genetics works yet so I’m excited to be able to learn about this! I think what is most interesting about taking a genetics class will be to be able to apply this knowledge to real life situations! For other online classes, I enjoyed discussion boards and video learning so I could see things being done as if it were a face-to-face class while still being virtual. I look forward to this class!

  4. Hello,

    My name is Kaylee and I am from Jackson, MI but I graduated from Albion College in 2018. I have taken genetics in the past, so with this course I hope to brush-up on my past knowledge and learn a few new things as well. Genetics is most interesting to me in terms of disease pathways and heritable disease/dysfunction. I have taken online classes in the past at other colleges, and I think videos and interactive activities help me connect the central ideas the most. However, reading the text is usually my first step before using the other tools.

  5. Hello,
    I’m Ashley Pifer. I am from Hastings, Michigan. I have an associates from LCC in criminal justice and a Bachelor’s degree from U of M-Flint in criminal justice. I have decided to go back to school for molecular biotechnology here at LCC. I hope to learn the basics but to also dive deeper into genetics. I find genetics interesting because genetics is what makes every individual on this planet unique. One little change in our genetics can have devastating consequences like disease. I have taken online classes before. What has helped me was to print out the material and also watching related videos to better help me understand. I can not wait to get started on a new career pathway in biology and chemistry.

  6. Hello. My name is Avery and I am from Byron, MI and I currently go to the University of Michigan Flint.
    I hope to learn more about inheritance and how certain characteristics are passed down.
    I think it is interesting how gene variations create such different organisms and how one can find out so much about a person by gene mapping them.
    I learn best through readings and PowerPoints. Though videos are sometimes helpful, I often feel like I am missing some of the important content through videos and activities.

    1. Byron? every year I play in an Ultimate Frisbee tournament in Douglas Walker Park. (Though it is canceled this year)

  7. Greetings Everyone,

    My name is Tanner Neher and I am from Grand Blanc, MI, but have lived in the Lansing area for the past ten years or so. I hope to learn about the basic mechanisms by which DNA is regulated and how these can be applied to medicine. I am applying to Physician Assistant programs in the fall, so I hope what I learn here is applicable. I have only recently taken online classes, but my strategies for success mirror what I have read in the guide. Staying organized, devoting a certain period of time every week to study, reading the text, and seeking additional online resources to enhance understanding are all a part of succeeding academically.

  8. Hello everyone!

    I am Janet Johnson and I am from Okemos MI. I hope to learn more about how various diseases are caused due to chromosome abnormalities. Its really interesting to me because genetics determines just about everything. From how you look and what special abilities or traits you might have and in certain cases any diseases you may have. And that truly blows my mind! I’ve taken online classes for half of the last semester and I think videos by the instructor and interactive activities help me the most. And having small short quizzes helps to understand the concepts better and helps with revision.

  9. Hi all,

    My name is Emma and I was born in Oklahoma City, but I grew up in East Lansing.
    I never took a genetics class in college, so I hope to learn the very basics to build off of in my future studies. I graduated from MSU in 2019 with a Bachelors of Science in Anthropology and I am hoping to apply to a Physician Assistant program next year.
    I have taken many online classes and I enjoy them more than in-person. I like to work at my own pace and find it especially helpful when I can review video lectures multiple times. I am a visual learner and need animations/videos to explain topics.

    1. I have had many students who want to become Physicians Assistants. I am glad that that program requires Genetics.

  10. Hello! My name is Katrina Myers and I grew up in Kalamazoo, Michigan but I currently live in Lansing. I’m excited to learn more about patterns of inheritance and brush up on genetic concepts, as I’ll be taking the MCAT in the fall. I took online classes this past spring, and what seemed to help me the most was being able to pause and rewatch videos to ensure I understood the concepts.

  11. Hi everyone!
    My name is Hanna and I am originally from Flint, MI but am living in Grand Rapids now. From this class, I hope to get a deeper knowledge at the role that genetics plays in our health and lifestyle. I am in the nursing program at Grand Valley and would like to take the information from this class and apply it to my nursing profession. Something interesting I find about genetics is what makes genes manifest themselves sometimes but not others; I would like to learn more about that. I have never taken a full online class, only hybrid courses. I am a visual learner so anything with visuals helps me learn.

    1. Last semester, I had quite a few students who were also Grand Valley Nursing students. They did quite an impressive job!

  12. Hey everyone! My name is Marissa Shoemaker and I’m from Howell, Michigan. I’m looking forward to taking this genetics course to revisit many important topics, including the basics and even deeper concepts of patterns of inheritance! I graduated from MSU in 2017 with a degree in Biomedical Laboratory Science and I have been working as a Medical technologist for almost a year! I took online classes last semester at LCC and the biggest thing that helped me were videos and interactive activities.

  13. Hi everyone! My name is Jessica Schultz, and I’m from Roscommon, Michigan. I hope to learn about gene inheritance and variation, especially as it applies to medicine and healthcare. I think it’s interesting that genetics is applicable to every living organism! I have taken online classes in the past. I’ve found that pausing video lectures when taking notes, and replaying segments of the lectures that I didn’t completely understand the first time, are both very helpful techniques. I also like to make detailed checklists of everything that I need to do before an upcoming exam – watching lectures, completing review sheets, etc. – so that I don’t miss any material.

  14. Hello everyone!
    My name is Alex Hitchcock. I grew up right next door in Holt, MI, and currently live in Lansing, MI with my wife and two children. I have worked as a Lab tech for a biotech company in Lansing for two and a half years, and I am pursuing a molecular biotechnology A.A.S. degree.
    I am particularly interested in learning about recombinant DNA technology, and advancements and techniques in DNA technology, both for my career and personal interest. I think it is an exciting time to be working in the biotechnology field, and I’m looking forward to learning more about genetics.
    In previous online classes I have found online lectures from my professors, and lectures from Kahn Academy, very helpful. It helps to be able to pause and rewind to hone in on details. It’s also helpful to have unit outlines or worksheets to help organize areas of focus.

  15. Hi everyone!
    My name is Kara Axon. I am from Jackson Michigan, but I currently live in the Grand Rapids area. I am a nursing student at Grand Valley State University. I have taken several biology courses that have introduced genetics, but I am looking forward to going more in-depth! I am most looking forward to learning more about the inheritance of traits in humans and gene variation. I am sure I will learn so many things that will help my future medical career. In previous online courses, I found videos to be especially helpful. I like that we are able to slow things down or rewind to make sure I fully understand.

  16. Hello everyone!
    My name is Jenny Hernandez and I am from Honduras, but I live in Lansing MI. The thing that I find most interesting about genetics is the way we can find out how prone to illnesses some people are, and how illness or traits can be passed down through generations.
    I have taken online classes multiple times now and the thing that has helped the most are checklists and videos of either other online sources or the professor explaining the topic.

  17. Hi all! My name is Chelsea Flinton. I live in Holt, MI and that is where I partially grew up (Lansing, MI had the first 10 years of my life). I am 31 years old, and have two sons: the oldest is 12 and the youngest will be 2 in August. I am taking this class for two reasons:
    1. I need one more science credit to complete my Associates Degree in Psychology.
    2. I find genetics a fascinating topic and would love to learn more.
    I have actually been interested in genetics since my 10th grade biology class (yikes, that was almost 20 years ago!). I think the way humans are created is an incredibly complex process, and I’ve always wanted to learn more about how certain features/traits are inherited.
    I am familiar with online learning, as my entire time at LCC has been spent doing online classes. I appreciate having a schedule, like the one provided. I am a single mother, and having a checklist is something that helps me maintain my sanity. I find that the schedule helps me stay organized, but I also like having due dates that stay the same from week to week. If I had the option to take face to face classes, I would, but my life doesn’t allow for that. So, having assignments due everyday can be tough, and I do best when I have specific days that assignments are due by each week. The more organized the professor is, the easier it is for the students (that is something I have found to be VERY true over the last couple years.) I am used to posting discussions on the board on D2L, so this is a new feature for me. Looking forward to this semester!

  18. Hi,

    My name is Ahmed Sufyan. I am from Lansing. I am currently pursuing a Biology degree and am very interested in how genetics plays a huge role in our live. It can be the reason for something as simple as eye-color to much more complex issues such as illness and how likely someone may be to contract a certain sickness.
    I have not taken an online class before, but have taken a hybrid online class. I hope my use of to-do lists to help me manage the workload will help me through this class.

  19. Hi my name is Michelle Hernandez, I’m from Lansing, Michigan. I am a biology major and I’m very excited to learn more about genetics. I am most excited to learn about gene variation. I also think it’s very interesting how our genetics play a big role in contracting illness and that is something I want to learn more about.
    I have taken online courses before and something that I’ve noticed helps me is the set up of online classes. (depending on the professor) usually the set up is checklist- like which is very easy to navigate. The type of organized set up helps keep you on track of what you have to do. Also, having videos is really convenient because you can slow down or speed up to learn at you our pace.

  20. Good evening, everyone.

    My name is Michael Wemmer and I’m a semi-recent graduate from Michigan State University. I was born and raised in the Howell–Fowlerville area before migrating over to East Lansing in 2015. Since graduating in 2019, I’ve been living in Newaygo while serving with AmeriCorps. I’m taking this class in order to fill out a teachable minor in biology before applying to Grand Valley State University’s Graduate Teacher Certification program.

    I’ve never taken a great interest in genetics, but something that I tend to find striking is when seemingly small changes lead to big impacts. I see this often in my work with my students, and I recognize it’s true for genetics, as well. At the end of the day, what I’d like to take away from this course is merely a working knowledge of basic genetics such that I can explain those concepts to students of mine who take an interest in that sort of thing.

    I’ve taken a number of online-based courses throughout my years in school, including back in 2013 here at LCC. Regardless of the mode of delivery (videos, readings, interactives), what’s always helped me the most has been clear, concise instructions for all of my assignments. I’m not picky about medium, but I am happiest when I’m told precisely what I need to be doing.

    Looking forward to this summer with you all.

  21. Hello! My name is McKinlay Vercnocke and I am from Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. I am currently living in East Lansing working for a medical office for the summer. I graduated in 2019 from Michigan State University with a degree in kinesiology. I am taking this course as a requirement for several physician assistant programs I am applying to this summer.

    I hope to learn vital information that will help me be a successful care provider in the future and physician assistant student.

    I am a fraternal twin, so I find the genetics of twins and similarities between twins the most interesting!

    I have taken a few courses online. I have found an organized format and a syllabus with weekly due dates most helpful. I have found interactive activities the most beneficial to learning information.

    I am looking forward to this course and can’t wait to learn more!

    1. We may get some chance to study twins later in the class. Last year, I had a student who was a member of triplets. His brothers were identical, but he was fraternal.

  22. Hi All!
    I’m Ingrid from Holt, Michigan. I am studying Bioengineering at Oakland University so I am very interested in how this class relates to my field of study. One concentration of bioengineering focuses on genome editing and I am fascinated by the future of gene therapy and the possibility of treating certain genetic diseases by inserting functional genes to replace defective ones. In this class, I hope to learn more about the causes of genetic mutations and how variation is continued as well as understanding more of the processes behind how genes are targeted through the role of nucleases.
    Especially as classes transitioned to online last semester, I learned that a clear schedule with expectations is most useful for me when navigating an online class. Regarding format, I find videos very helpful. In addition, examples that require me to apply what I’ve learned really cement the material as I am learning it.

  23. Hello all, My name is Keaton Hegarty and I just finished up my junior year at Grand Valley State University. I am studying to be a PA and am excited fro this class. I always have thought genetics was such a cool topic and something that relates to every single person. I think the variety and all the different options when cross breeding and mixing of genes. I have taken online classes before and have found that staying ahead of the game works best for me. I sometimes forget to do an assignment so I can see it before its due if I stay ahead. I also use you tube and other video services like khan academy and others for extra explanation.
    Looking forward to this Sumer class with you all!

  24. Hi everyone! My name is Caroline Sucher; I’m from West Bloomfield, MI but just finished up my degree from Michigan State. I hope to learn more about how complex traits are inherited genetically, as I don’t have much knowledge of actual genetic inheritance beyond a simple punnet square! I have really enjoyed learning about the molecular basis of genetic material in other courses, but don’t know much about how it actually manifests in human traits. In previous online classes, I’ve been most successful when I have scheduled time to work on course milestones at least a few days per week, and videos have been a big help. Looking forward to the course!

  25. My name is Erin English. I am from East Lansing, MI. After this course I will have graduated from Hope College in Holland, MI. I am interested in learning more about genes and the characteristics they code for. I have taken online classes before. I think it is easiest for me when I check in at the beginning of every week and plan out how I will go about the load for that week. Unassigned practice problems help me learn best. I don’t feel the pressure of accurately completing the assignment for a grade so I am able to focus more on learning the material itself.

  26. Hi everyone!
    My name is Keagan Belyk and I am from Howell, MI. I graduated from Hope College in 2018 and am in the process of applying to PA school. I am excited to learn about genetics effects on diseases- how they are transmitted, inherited, and manifested in the body. I’m also interested in how our knowledge of genetics affects how we medically treat people. I am a visual and kinesthetic learner so videos, taking notes, and interactive activities that allow me to repeat and apply the material help me most.

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