Mitosis and Meiosis Activities

Which was your favorite activity?

List one thing you learned from that activity and 2 things that you learned from other activities (Say what the activities are. Use the name on the slide)

22 thoughts on “Mitosis and Meiosis Activities”

  1. My favorite activity would have to either be activity number 5 or 6.
    I appreciated how they were interactive and showed you step by step what was going on, while testing your information on some of the topics.

    One thing I learned was that crossing over doesn’t always happen, but it helps to create genetically different gametes.
    Another thing I learned doing the activities was the difference between homologous chromosomes and sister chromosomes. I never quite understood the difference and it really helped to clear it up for me! (Activity 3)
    Another thing I learned through all of the activities was the distinctions between meiosis and mitosis while looking at images. Though they share the same steps, they appear different with their number of chromosomes and the number of cells present.

  2. My favorite activity was a tie between the first two (mitosis and meiosis order). It was very informative to see actual pictures of these processes taking place, as opposed to seeing drawings of them occurring. The Snurfle Meiosis 1 and 2 activities were also very informative. These two activities helped me understand the difference between meiosis 1 and 2, including how genetic information is split up during each process. I often get confused about sister homologues/homologous pairs, so these activities helped me conceptualize what is occurring in each process better.

  3. Which was your favorite activity?
    My favorite activity was the mitosis order activity. I really thought I learned a lot about the phases of mitosis and what it looks like on a detailed slide. I enjoyed doing the game over and over again until I got faster and better at it.
    2 things that you learned from other activities (Say what the activities are. Use the name on the slide)
    From this specific activity, I learned the different phases of mitosis and the order of them. From the meiosis order activity, I learned the proper order of meiosis. The snurfle meiosis 1 activity taught me how meiosis and fertilization work to make offspring.

  4. If you like games, try the meiosis game in the announcements. I have a couple more as well that I will put out.

  5. I liked the last activities/games for mitosis and meiosis. Visual, interactive learning is key for me, so it helped a lot. I will definitely do them again for exam prep and make sure I really understand. I also liked the “square dance” video; I learned more about crossing over when watching them switch hands with the other chromosomes. I also learned from the Meiosis order activity which helped organize the stages better.

  6. I really enjoyed the 1. Mitosis Order, which was my favorite.
    I liked that it was on Quizlet and it was easily accessible. I learned how to quickly order the slides without cartoon animations. I think this will be necessary in a real-world setting for future science classes. Most of the images I have seen have been cartoon depictions.

    The two other activities I enjoyed were the 2. Meiosis Order and the 6. Snurfle Meiosis 2.
    In the Meoisis Order 2, I learned how to quickly order the stages of Meoisis with descriptions under each slide. This allowed me to match the description to the image, something that I struggle with from past classes.
    In the Snurgle Meoisis 2 quiz, my original score was low, however, I learned how to FOIL alleles, which was not an emphasis from former classes.

  7. My favorite activity was Mitosis Order! I enjoyed this because it forced you to quickly match up the steps of mitosis by imagery. It will be very beneficial moving forward in this class and I would imagine others, to be able to quickly order the steps of mitosis whether that be images or descriptions.

    I also enjoyed Snurfle activity 1. I enjoyed the interaction it provided and really immersed you into getting all of the steps Meiosis down correctly, so I was able to solidify the steps for myself.
    I liked Meiosis Square Dance as well! It was easy to watch and stuck well in my head because of the song, but also the words describe the steps. I liked the quiz questions embedded in the video because I was able to make sure my understanding was correct. I was a little confused regarding the nuclear membrane breakdown but I liked the part of the video where it shows the centromere attaching to each fiber.

  8. My favorite activity was Activity 5, snurfle Meiosis 1. I liked that the activity had questions dispersed throughout the reading. I learned the details of each step of meiosis through this activity.

    I also liked Activity 6, snurfle Meiosis 2. I didn’t completely understand the difference between recombination, independent assortment, and random fertilization before this activity – but I feel pretty confident that I understand the difference between the three now! I learned that independent assortment can occur during metaphase in both meiosis 1 and meiosis 2.

    Finally, Activity 2, Meiosis Order, was helpful. It helped drive home the point that while all genetic material is present at the beginning of meiosis 1, it is not all present at the end of meiosis 2.

  9. my favorite activity was number 3 or “find the homologs” this was the most challenging therefore I learned the most. I learned that not all genetic material is included in meiosis 2. From the snurful meiosis 2 I learned that crossover occurs in prophase 1.last I learned in Meiosis order that meiosis starts and end with haploid cells.

  10. My favorite activity was the Snurfle Meiosis 1 game since it really cemented each step of meiosis. By making it interactive I think it made it easy to remember what comes next since you actually participated in the game rather than just reading. I also liked that the questions would come in between information which helped me remember what I just read. From this activity I learned each of the steps of meiosis and the main differences between meiosis 1 and meiosis 2.

    I liked the Mitosis Order matching game since it used real pictures of the cells. I found the animations from the other sites helpful when learning but I enjoyed seeing how it would really look in cells and being able to identify the steps from the images.

    I enjoyed the activities in the Snurfle Meiosis 2 game as well since it provided great visuals to explain the different ways of achieving genetic variation. I like that it showed each of the different possibilities that could exist because I could see how crossing over, independent assortment and random fertilization all contributed.

  11. My favorite activity was the Snurfle meiosis interactive game. I thought this was the most in-depth activity and it helps walk you through each process so you really understand what is happening. I learned more about diploid vs haploid cells.

    From the meiosis square dance I learned how to figure out how many possible arrangements are possible with independent assortment.

    Find the homologs helped me better differentiate between sister chromatids and homologous chromosomes.

  12. One thing I learned from my favorite activity was when Independent Assortment took place. I often get confused with what is in prophase and metaphase because there are so many things that happen in prophase I feel the need to spread them out into metaphase.
    Another thing that I learned was that you get four haploid gametes at the end of meiosis 2.
    lastly, I learned from the same activity I used for the above fact (crossing over) which is that crossing over increases the genetic diversity. Also what a linked gene is which would be a gene that is inherited with another because they’re on the same chromosome.

  13. My favorite was actually the last two activities. I enjoyed the visual learning combined with reading and detailed information. I also think the short quiz questions would be very beneficial for quizzing myself for future exams. I also liked the Meiosis square dance. I learned more in detail about crossing over. I liked the mitosis order matching game. I thought the images were very clear and helpful. I prefer these images rather than cartoons or some animated diagrams, this way we can recognize the stages in all forms.

  14. I really enjoyed the the meiosis square dance activity. I thought it was very catchy and I enjoyed the interactive questions that were asked throughout the video. I thought the video was very cute and funny! From this activity I learned that homologous chromosomes are paired up in meiosis 1 and sisters are paired up in meiosis 2.
    From the Snurfle meiosis 2 activity I learned what random fertilization is and that it has to do with independent assortment. I also learned crossing over only occurs in prophase 1.
    From the homologs activity I learned how to differentiate between homologs and sister chromosomes.
    In the mitosis order activity I learned how to determine the order of actual cell images.

  15. I’d say my favorite activity was probably Snurfle Meiosis 2, simply because it was the most educational. It certainly wasn’t the most fun, but that’s fine. I appreciated it for putting everything in context, including crossing over and independent assortment, and how these phenomena play into things like Punnett Square and dominance/recessiveness. This, together with Snurfle Meiosis 1, drives homes how these phenomena compound to create diversity. Additionally, I enjoyed how the first activity, Mitosis Order, used photos of cells rather than illustrations. I think it’s important when studying biology to use a variety of representations, and human genetics is no exception.

  16. My favorite activity was the mitosis order quizlet. It was interesting to see actual EM images of cells at different stages of mitosis. I learned the different extents of chromosomal condensation and what the cells actually look like while undergoing the phases. I’m a pretty visual learner, so these things help me.

    In the snurfle meiosis 2 activity, I learned that crossing over does not always happen and that there are many ways that cells are insured genetically varied gametes (to produce genetically varied offspring). In #3 finding the homologs it was helpful to have a very clear depiction of what the difference between homologs and sister chromatids is.

  17. My favorite activities were the meiosis and mitosis order activities. I liked how I was able to learn how to differentiate between the two processes better. From the Snurfle Meiosis 2 game I was able to improve my understanding of independent assortment and genetic variation by viewing the processes from a new angle. The Square Dance video helped reinforce the different steps of Meiosis.

  18. I really liked the meiosis square dance video which was funny and educational at the same time. Snurfle Meiosis 1 and 2 were also great since they provided context to our text along with concise information.

  19. My favorite exercise would either be the 5th or 6th one because it was the most interactive and helped reinforce existing concepts and ideas.

  20. I actually liked the last two interactive activities, “Snurfle Meiosis 1 and 2”. It can be confusing to remember the order in which the changes occur, and specifically what stage they occur in. Doing these activities just helps make the information more concrete for me. I also had to do the activities a couple times because my computer kept freezing up, so now I know for sure that crossing over occurs during Prophase I of Meiosis I. I also enjoyed going over how the chromosomes line up. The part on independent assortment was beneficial to me, because it shows the different arrangements that can be made.

  21. My favorite activity was the Snurfle Meiosis 1 and 2 because it was helpful to have the questions right after the explanation which helps understand the process better. One thing I learnt from the activity is that crossing over doesn’t always happen. I also learnt that the arrangement of chromosomes does not depend on each other. They are ‘independently assorted’ which causes variations or diversity. I was also able to learn what homologous chromosomes are. The Snurfle Meiosis 1 and 2 were the ones I found most beneficial however the meiosis square dance video was really interactive and fun too.

  22. My favorite activity was the mitosis and meiosis order (1&2). It was helpful seeing pictures of actual cells and having to organize them and I enjoyed competing with myself to see how fast I could complete them.
    The Meiosis Square Dance helped me to see the process of meiosis occurring and understand when each step occurs. Find the Homologs cleared up the difference between homologs and sisters as I have struggled to clearly understand the difference between the two. The Smurfle activities taught me that recombination doesn’t always occur. They also helped concisely outline the differences in each step of meiosis and provided a trail of where each chromosome ends up. Finally, seeing each step occur and having to make the process move forward cleared up the difference between a chromatid and chromosome.

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