DNA Testing Survey Fall 2020

Take a looks at this video:

Soccer Genomics

Can we really find anything useful about your ability to play soccer from your DNA?

Suppose all we had was your DNA. Could we tell

(A) Your eye color?

(B) Whether you would get type 2 diabetes? (In type 2 diabetes, the person makes but does not respond to insulin. It is usually associated with poor diet and lack of exercise

(C) Whether you would get sickle cell anemia?

(D) How tall your are?

(E) Whether you would get cystic fibrosis

(F) Whether you would be a good sprinter?

(Take a look at this)

Soccer Genomics

(G) What your skin color is? (use information from the human skin color exercise, if you did it)

(H) Whether you would be a good chess player?

(I) What else might we able to tell?

