Stem Cell Papers

After view the videos find a short article on some aspect of stem cells. Using your own words give a brief summary and explain why you found the article interesting. A good source for such articles is

Science Daily

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37 thoughts on “Stem Cell Papers”

  1. This article describes the finding that our bodies have STEM cells in our own sweat glands, which are better suited for healing wounds because they are not rejceted by the body. The cells can also be obtained from less than 3 mm of underarm skin. The researchers goal is to create or find some use for these STEM cells to help cure chronic wounds.

  2. Researchers identified stem cells of the optic nerve, that transmits signals from the eye to the brain. Creating a new theory on why open angle glaucoma may develop and provides potential treatment for blindness.

    The ability to identify which nerves are responsible for vision is amazing. Being able to potentially cure the most common form of glaucoma is one step towards understanding the human body even more. Although our eyes heal quickly due to living cells on the surface, maybe one day we can overcome glaucome completely.


    This article describes how stem cells can help repair cardiac muscle after a heart attack and restore it to how it was prior to the heart attack. The cardiopoietic stems cells help the heart grow new blood vessels as well as new heart tissue. Researchers believed these stem cells would help repair heart muscle after a heart attack, but they did not realize how well they would repair it, bringing the heart almost back to a pre-attack stage.
    This is extremely important and interesting in that heart attacks are the leading cause of death around the world. If we can help people prevent another heart attack from happening and help them rebuild their cardiac muscle, that would be life changing.


    Scientists, prior to this article, were stumped as to why IPSC’s (induced pluripotent stem cells) were unable to replicate cells within the placenta. A team of scientists studied the processes that allowed skin cells to become IPSC’s and found along the way that they discovered ITSC’s (induced trophoblast stem cells) that held the capability of growing into placenta cells.

    With this new research, scientist might be able to discover new treatment options for placenta damage and/or complications during a woman’s pregnancy.

    1. That is interesting, because at once time the definition of a human pluirpotent stem cell was that it could make any tissue except extra embryonic tissue like the placent. Totipotent cells can make emay cell at all (Totipotent cells include the earliest dividing cells in an embryo.


    This article discusses how researchers recently identified stem cells near the optic nerve, which is responsible for transmitting signals from the eyes to the brain, that nourish the nerve fibers that form the optic nerve. These stem cells are most present at birth but can stay for decades.

    I found this article intriguing due to the discovery’s relevance to treating glaucoma, which is the leading cause of blindness in adults in America. By studying these stem cells, researchers may be able to soon develop a “cocktail” to slow the progression of glaucoma in adults, potentially preventing permanent blindness.


    In this article the author goes over the process that scientists used to discover a new type of induced stem cell that was medically useable with the placenta (normal skin induced stem cells could not be used like this.) The reason that this is interesting for me is that it means that stem cells are still unexplored to the point where soon we could pull from our skin the ability to fight nearly any disease that was once thought not doable through such a process.

    1. Note that while the reference is different, the material is the same as in Jimmy’s article (I think they used the same press release)


    This article talks about comparing the development of motor neurons in mice to those in humans in the embryonic phase. The scientists discovered this process is twice as fast in mice in comparison to humans. Concluding that the faster rate of protein turnover in the cells of mice accounts for the faster pace of motor neuron formation.

    I found this article interesting because after undergrad I want to go to med school to be an OB/Gyn studying fetal development and fertility.


    This article talks about how stem cells can help with recovery after patients have a heart attack. It states that cardiopoietic cells that come from adult bone marrow can target damaged proteins in the heart and help heal them. This is great because the damage done to the heart is too extensive to heal on its own so having the help from the stem cells is promising in restoring heart muscle and returning patients back to their previous selves, prior to having the heart attack.

  9. This article states that stem cells are a future advancement and can help manage skin disorders at the stem cell level. This includes age-related degenerative changes, impaired wounds, healing, and cancer. I found this article very interesting since it could be a way of helping burn victims. Especially with all the fires happening this could help many people today. Also it being able to help those who have cancer is extremely amazing.

  10. This article talks about ways the immune system could stop the spread of cancer cells. Dating back to 1891 when William Cooley injected bacteria into a man’s tumor which stopped and killed off all the cancer cells. Scientists have come down to a conclusion that trying to find medication to kill the cancer cells will not work. Instead many purpose different ways to help the immune system target the tumors with T-cells. One scientists suggests when these T-cells attack the tumor an agonist can be added to enhance the attack and pass through the check point inhibitors with with ease. Another scientists suggests most of the time there are abnormalities that develop around The
    Tumor Microenviorment (TME) which fuel the growth of tumors. Mostly its decreased blood flow to the TME which cause the tumors to enlarge and harder to treat. They have developed an Intravital Microscope which would repair the blood flow and stop leakage in the tumor blood vessels.

    1. Interestingly one type of cancer therapy is to prevent blood vessels from growing so tumors do not get the nutrients needed to divide. This is almost the opposite.


    Although stem cells can reverse a lot of diseases we thought to be fatal, it can also cause conflict about whether or not they should be doing this. In order to retrieve stem cells, these cells have to be from a fertilized egg, an embryo. Although this sounds like a somewhat easy task, some would argue this is murder for the child that couldve come from these cells. At what point is an embryo considered a fetus, when is it okay to take these unspecialized cells and try to create them into something else? On their own they would grow to be a new life, but instead scientists and doctors are using these cells to cure diseases and rebuild areas with dead cells.

  12. This article is about how the University of Maryland School of Medicine has discovered stem cells in the optic nerve for the first time. I found this interesting because I have bad eyesight myself and thought that this would be interesting to see what they are able to do with eyesight.
    Steven Bernstein was the study leader and the Vice Chair of the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. He said that, “This is the first time that neural progenitor cells have been discovered in the optic nerve” in the article. Having these cells in the optic nerve could lead to new treatments to repair damage to the optic nerve. This treatment can lead to massive new discoveries that could treat glaucoma and other eye diseases.

  13. This article is about how clinical remission of a critically ill COVID-19 patient treated by human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells.
    The human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells (hUCMSCs) have shown good capabilities to modulate the immune response and repair the injured tissue. Therefore, investigating the potential of hUCMSCs to the treatment of COVID-19 critically ill patients is necessary. I found this article interesting because it it very relevant to what is going on right now and found it interesting that they are able to use stem cells from the human umbilical cord.

  14. The article I read was about if you inject stem cells into a brain will it slow down/ reverse signs of aging in the brain. Seeing if additional stem cells in the brain will assist in memory retention and learning new things. They injected mice brains with stem cells, which gave rise to new neurons, the new neurons functioned and connected with the old neurons. They tested old mice ability to navigate their way through their environments. Old age leads to forgetting how to get home and where you are in many species. They found that the older mice did respond to the stem cells and could navigate their environment better. When they put the stem cells in young mice they found that it delayed old age impairments and their memory lasted longer than mice without extra stem cells in their brains. The use of stem cells in brains could help in the prevention and treatment of degenerative diseases.


    In this article, I was looking to see how stem cell research is being utilized in understanding cancer’s mechanisms. I found out that a team of researchers in oral biology looked into the interaction between nerves and cancer stem cells found in tumors of the mouth. Since stem cells are highly innervated, they found that dental pulp stem cells created better and denser neuronal connections than bone marrow stem cells. WOW! I didn’t even think dental pulp stem cells could even be extracted.

    Since nerves are key for the survival and function of cancer stem cells, that communication between neurons and cancer stem cells is where drugs could interrupt and possibly stop cancer stem cells from metastasizing. Upon finding how innervated these types of stem cells (dental pulp) could be, there is a possibility for cancer treatment to utilize this connection in a different way, to regenerate healthy tissues with new connections from the cancerous stem cell tissues. WOW. Did you understand that? It sounds very complicated in practice.

  16. This article is about how injecting stem cells into the heart can help someone recover faster from heart injuries caused by heart attacks. Animals were tested and data showed that those who received stem cells were healing at a rate 2.5 times greater than those who didn’t. I found the article interesting because instead of the stem cells becoming heart cells they release healing factors that enable repair and reduce the extent of the injury.


    The article I read discussed stem cells and the role that they play in causing cancer, and about how one of the causes of cancer may be a stem-cell disease. The article said that the camncerous stem cells may cause “reproduction and growth of cells within a cancer”. They are investigating the FGF protein and how it functions normally to then try to distinguish how it works abnormally. This FGF protein greatly impacts breast and prostate cancer. They found that by keeping the FGF cells dominant, they can attempt to keep the cancer cells at bay. It is a work in progress, but the scientists are hopeful.

    I found this interesting because cancer is such a terrible, mysterious disease that has impacted multiple people in my family. Looking into the different ways people are attempting to cure it is fascinating, and gives hope for a possible cure one day.

  18. The article I read was called “The Evolution of Cancer Research.” The article discusssed how scientists have determined that medication will not treat cancer. Instead doctors should focus on building up immune systems to target cancer cells and fight them off. An example of this being successful was when a scientist named William Cooley injected a patients tumor with bacteria in 1891. This ended up terminatine the cancer by attacking it through the immune system. The patient can developed T-cells that will ultimately help them fight the cancer.

  19. A study conductedat the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology injected human stem cells into rats with severed spinal cords. The goal was to determine how human stem cells may improve motor function and neuronal growth in rats with paraplegia. The study found that a significant number of rats showed improved weight bearing ability on their hind legs and a vast majority responded to stimuli on their hind legs and tail.
    Something I found interesting was that while many rats showed improvement, not all of the rats responded to the treatment. This indicates that while there is knowledge of the efficacy of stem cells, the exact mechanisms for re-growing tissue is not fully understood.


    In this article scientists are implanting stem cells into mice to create new lungs that have been damaged. The Stem cells were implanted into mice that could not produce the enough cells to produce lungs and those who could not produce any cells. This is to help reduce rejection with the new lungs. This is promising and interesting to me because of the current pandemic. There is a lot of lung damage from COVID-19 and this technology could be helpful in helping to repair or to provide more lungs to transplant into those who need them.


    In this article, it talks about the discovery they have made about iPSCs. They found that there was a new way to create induced trophoblast stem cells which can in turn be used to create placenta cells. This is important because iPSCs could not could not properly translate to the placenta and now iTSCs can. I found this new discovery fascinating because I had no idea what iPSCs where and it provided me with new information about it and its advantages and disadvantages. Plus provided why iTSCs might be more beneficial.

    In the article it talks about how embryonic stem cells come from the inner mass cells of the human embryo. These kind of stem cells are able to grown into all three of the germ layers and they develop into a little over 200 cell types on the adult body. On the other hand embryonic stem cells can generate all cell types in the body which makes it pluripotent and the adult stem cells can make a limited amount of cell types in the body. I found this article interesting because it is crazy that there is the possibility that due to pluripotent stem cells some disease can be treated like blood and immune system related diseases and possible some cancers.

  23. Scientists are trying to use stem cells to treat neurodegenetive disorders such as parkinsons. Some diseases such as parkinsons are linked to the enteric nervous system which involves the intestines, stomach, pancreas, etc. Scientists are using pluripotent stem cells. These stem cells can be used to generate any cell type and scientists hope these cells can be used to treat diseases such as parkinsons. There is still much more to be learned but the scientists ability to create enteric neurons is a huge start in the process of finding new treatments

  24. Article:

    I read an article about a research team at the University of Luxembourg. They were researching ways to cure Parkinson’s disease. Parkinson’s is caused by the lack of DJ-1 proteins being made. The scientists used donor cells and a combination of phenylbutyric acid and RECTAS (RECTifier of aberrant splicing) to reactivate the production of the DJ-1 protein. Once they can reactivate the production of the protein, they can splice it back into the patient’s body.


    I found this article because I personally have endometriosis, and I was curious if stem cells could play a role in it in any way. Scientists found that special glands in the womb contain stem cells responsible for healing the normal endometrial tissue that is lost after menstruation. In these glands is also found a gene called Axin 2. Researchers destroyed the stem cell glands in mice that tested positive for this gene and found that without it the endometrium became dysfunctional and caused endometrial cancer. The researchers then theorized that endometriosis could be caused by these cells finding their way into the abdominal cavity where they begin to reproduce rapidly. This article was published recently, and I’m hopefully this research theory could be used to find a potential cure for the disorder, as currently one does not exist besides frequent surgery.


    I personal chose the field of science because I like to pull the curtain back and see what makes something tick! This is exactly what they are trying to do out there at the University of Colorado. In this article they talk about how RNA, specifically mRNA, is key in helping stem cells know what to become. May it be a eye cell, skin cell, brain cell, or a heart cell when that bridge (mRNA) is missing that stem cell never becomes an eye cell that is brown or a stem cell on its way to becoming a heart cell never learns how to beat! It is crazy when you digger deeper and deeper how serious the connection is between these two. The science community has known for quite some time that each cell has identical genes but are expressed differently depending where they are located is all possible due to the machinery that switches the genes on and off. What has remained unclear is just how this “machinery” works to make this possible!


    “The human body develops from a single diploid cell called a zygote and contains at adulthood an estimated 85 trillion cells, of which more than 150 billion turn over every day”. Since all cells that human body made of, came from a tiny population that called embryo; the genetics scientists and researchers states that from the embryonic it would possible to generate any specific certain cells if that embryonic will be surrounded by the same microenvironment of the cells that they are trying to regenerate. This principle is the same principle that neuroscientist Jeff Raisman uses to treat his patients and it may open such a great gate in genetic field.

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