Meiosis Scavenger Hunt

Part 1

Find 2 resources on meiosis (Videos,  Readings, Images, Activities that you find useful  Give only 1 of each type)

For each resource give

(1) The URL

(2) The title if available, to avoid duplication

Do not use the following as they are used already in the class

Amoeba Sisters  Meiosis video

Crash Course Meiosis video

Please look through the ones that have been submitted to avoid duplication.

Part 2. Respond at least one other students post on how this helps you understand meiosis.


I have to approve all posts so you will not see yours right away.

Here are a few from former students.

Meiosis Made Super Easy 

(from Jordon Robertson)

Mitosis and Meiosis

from Ender Detlaff

What is Meiosis?

63 thoughts on “Meiosis Scavenger Hunt”

    1. I found your first resource helpful because it iwas interactive. I personally am a visual learner so it really helped me gain a better understand the different stages a lot better. I tend to mix up the different steps as well so its nice that it is in order and had images to show what is happening.

    2. I like how everything in your links is listed, it helps me sort and organize the information. I also like how the second link has photos included with it as well

    3. The images in the second lesson are very useful. Note that the stage between meiosis 1 and meiosis 2 is usually called interkinesis, not interphase. This is a possible source of confusion. Importantly, chromosome duplication does not occur here.

    1. I really enjoy the graphics in the first link as they grab my attention and have great information. I like the second link because it is a great short version of everything.

      1. That Venn Diagram is certainly different than the one in the class lesson and the one in the Amoeba Sisters worksheet.

    2. The Venn Diagram was especially helpful because it forces you to understand relations between the different stages. Allowing you to have a deeper understanding of each step and what makes them individually unique. While other resources just state the process without diving in.

    1. I really liked the Mitosis vs. Meiosis because it goes into detail on the difference between the two. It shows similarities and differences which are great to study with!

      1. I also like the “meiosis vs mitosis” its so detailed and they make the similarities and differences so easy to understand.

    1. I like how the YouTube clip went through every step of meiosis and explained it quite thoroughly, very good link!

    2. I really like the first video, it creates a good visual representation of the process and it compares mitosis to meiosis which I think is helpful because it allows me to visually see the similarities and differences right next to each other on the screen

    1. I really like the first link about cell division. It makes it easy to follow and understand. I also love that there is tons of images and videos plus more detailed text. It’s a very informative website!

    2. The cell division- Mitosis and Meiosis website is highly packed with information. It had videos, diagram, and plenty of information to read. I good find for what we are looking for.

    1. It helped me understand meiosis better because of how descriptive it was. It really broke down the process to where I could understand the material to a greater extent.

    1. Bailey,
      That Khan Academy link was helpful for me too and a good overview of everything we covered this week! The drawings are simply and reiterated a lot of the key vocabulary we revisited this lesson. The videos in the other parts of the lesson are also very helpful for further diving into each stage. Thanks for sharing!

    1. I like the detailed breakdown this gives for meiosis. Especially how it breaks down the phases into substages.

  1. This helps me further my understanding of Meiosis by explaining to me the differences between Meiosis I and Meiosis II, which have several smaller details that I might’ve missed from other articles/class work.

  2. “Chromosomal crossover in meiosis I” (1).
    The link above it created by Khan Academy. I found it hopefully to strengthen my understanding.

    ” Meiosis: a simple introduction” (2).
    The link above it created by Stile Education. It’s a short video that is made simple and easy to understand the basics.

    1. It is such a helpful video. It illustrate the phases of meiosis in very clear way and show in detail what happens to the chromosomes during every phase. I really enjoyed it and find it so helpful.

    1. Haha I really liked this music video! It was light-hearted but actually very informative and catchy — definitely easy to remember stuff!

    2. Willow, I was hoping someone would post a fun music number about meiosis and you found a good one with the second link! It was a good review of all the phases and had great vocab blurbs as well as images. I liked it!

    1. I really like how the website article that you used broke down each part. It kept it sweet and simple while still giving you all the information that you needed to know. The images and diagrams it shows are also very helpful in assisting the understanding of the whole process!

      As for the video, khan academy videos are always super helpful and this one definitely did not fail to hit the mark! Seeing him change and alter the images in each step really helped to show a good understanding.

  3. I have to say I like the 2nd website that was used from a former student. The comparison chart on this website was simple and direct, but very informational.

    Some ones that I found that were very helpful to me were:

    This one had a couple of videos as well as some pictures under the microscope.

    This second one was more in depth with the process of meiosis and the phases of meiosis 1/meiosis 2.

  4. I see a lot of my classmates like the Khan Academy resources so I can’t share those as a new find but I wanted to reiterate they were helpful.

    I found these two resources:
    The Difference Between Mitosis and Meiosis (Article)

    Why Meiosis Matters: The case of the fatherless snake (Activity)
    This one was cool because it talked about an exemplary classroom discussion about a fatherless snake and how that could even possibly occur (hypothetically). I read through the lesson plan and could imagine how it would look in a high school setting. It helped me distinguish key differences between mitosis and meiosis (which was the goal)!

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