Mitosis and Meiosis Activities Spring 2021

Which was your favorite activity?

List one thing you learned from that activity and 2 things that you learned from other activities (Say what the activities are. Use the name on the slide)

17 thoughts on “Mitosis and Meiosis Activities Spring 2021”

  1. My favorite activity was the Snurfle Meiosis #2. I learned the stages that crossing over and independent assortment take place. I learned how to place microscopic versions of mitosis in order from Mitosis order. I also learned a catchy way to remember meiosis stages as well as a great visual example of it from the Meiosis Square dance video and questions.

  2. My favorite activity was also the Snurfle Meiosis #2. I learned the stages of crossing over as well as the importance of it. I also liked that there was a quiz at the end to test my knowledge. I also really enjoyed the Meiosis Identification as I am a person that learns best by answering questions rather than playing games. I thought it was super cool a former student created this. From this activity I learned that you can identify telephase 2 by 4 separate cells. Finally, I learned from fill in the blanks that dogs have 78 chromosomes. Just something fun & interesting to me! I enjoyed this activities that made learning a little more fun.

  3. My favorite activity was Snurfle Meiosis #1. I learned the genetic interactive, how to count the chromosomes. I also learned meiosis stages from Meiosis square dance. Moreover, I learned about the diversity through crossing over in Snurfle Meiosis #2.

  4. My favorite Activity was the fill in the blanks. from it I learned that what a chromosome looks like is it’s karyotype. From the snurfle meiosis exercise, I learned how important crossing over is, and from the meiosis square dance exercise, I learned how that takes place roughly.

  5. When I first looked at the activities I though it would just be busy work but it truly has helped me undertsand Mitosis and Meiosis. I am feeling a lot more confident about them. The Snurfle activities are what helped me the most as it highlighted important info in each stage and helped me undertsand the whole process. The Meiosis square dance was helpful as well as it asked the question right after the proccess was described so it was still fresh and helped me memorize it. I also liked the fill in the blanks from the former student, because it had key terms that often get confused and was straightforward at the same time.

  6. My favorite activity was Snurfle meiosis 2 and I learned the stages of crossing over. I also enjoyed the fill in the blank activity where I learned that the cell doesn’t always split into equal halves. The last activity that I enjoyed was meiosis order activity 2 where I learned what crossed over chromatids look like when separated from their sister.

  7. The filling in the blank activity was my favorite. I learned that dogs have 78 chromosomes, and that the appearance of the chromosomes is called a karyotype. I learned from the meiosis square dance how crossing over takes place, and what order the stages went in.

  8. My favorite game was Snurfle Meiosis 1. I was having a really hard time grasping Meiosis and after playing with this game I understand it so much more AND I took notes to easily remember what it is that happens in each phase. So the one thing I learned was Meiosis II. Another game I learned from was the Fill in the Blanks. It helped me lay things out so I can understand better and see the terms. Lastly, I like the Meiosis 2 game. I can remember what phase “crossing over” happens now.

  9. Snurfle Meiosis 2 was the activity i learned from the most specially when differentiating between sister chromosomes and homologous chromosomes.
    Snurfle Meiosis 1 shows how the single homologous chromosome strand duplicates to form an identical sister chromosome strand during interphase not seen in Meiosis 2.
    It also differentiates between chromatid and chromosome pairs.
    During Telaphase chromosomes(chromatid) uncoil to make chromatin.

  10. I think I learned most from the snurfle activity. There was a lot of interactive information that helped me truly understand meiosis. It helped me really understand the process of crossing over and how that relates to all of the information that we have previously learned in this course. I liked how they related everything back to the punnet squares that we learned earlier. My favorite activity was the meiosis square dance just because it was a very catchy song. It helped both visualize the process of meiosis and re-enforce the different steps of it.

  11. My favorite activity was the term matching/ fill in the blank quiz at the end of the slide show. This was my favorite activity because it challenged me and I was able to see what terms I am confident in and what terms I needed more help with. One thing I’ve learned from this activity was an easier way to remember mitosis which is PMAT (I came up with this on my own to better memorize the flow of mitosis). I liked Snurfle meiosis #2 as well as the fill in the blank.

  12. My favorite activity was the Meiosis Square Dance. This was very catchy and I liked how it was a visual and the information was put into a song. I feel like this will help me remember more info about the phases. For example, during this I learned that during anaphase 1, the chromosomes are pulled apart from each other and move to the opposite sides of the cell.

    One thing I learned was the definitions for homologous chromosomes (2 different chromosomes with same genes, but are not identical) vs sister chromatids (2 identical copies of a chromosome) during the fill in the blank. Another thing I learned was from the Snurfle Meiosis 1 activity, which was during prophase 1, the nucleus and nucleolus disintegrate.

  13. My favorite one was the fill in the blanks one, probably because it came last and was a good way of testing the knowledge of what came beforehand, and also because it was the most fun for me. At that point, I didn’t learn too much from it, but it was a great way to demonstrate what I learned.
    One other thing I learned came from the Meiosis order, which I initially had incorrect; I wasn’t aware that the chromosomes started off disconnected. The second thing that I learned was from the Meiosis Square Dance which similarly helped me to understand the way that it worked, which I had wrong when I took the quiz.

  14. My favorite activity, and the one I learned from the most was the fill in the blanks because of the fact that It was the most interactive for me. I like to have things written out for me and be able to take thorough notes on the certain things. I also really enjoyed the Snurfle #2. I was able to gain a much better understanding of the content, and take very good notes on the phases.

  15. My favorite activity was the meiosis activity snurfle 2, i enjoyed this activity due to the fact that it allowed me to develop a deeper understanding of how dihybrid punnet squares are used and taken advantage of. Fill in the blank was also a good activity because it requires more critical thinking and allowed me to develop a better grasp on the topics, another thing i enjoyed although not explicitly prat of the activities, was the inclusion of the amoeba sisters. I very much enjoyed how they approached the concept of crossing over.

  16. Which was your favorite activity?

    List one thing you learned from that activity and 2 things that you learned from other activities (Say what the activities are. Use the name on the slide)

    My favorite activity was Snurfle Meiosis 2 exercise. I learned when crossing over occurs(prophase 1 of meiosis 1). Other things I learned from the other activities is that during metaphase one the homologous chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell. Also, during anaphase 2 the sister chromatids are separated and moved to opposite ends of the cell.

  17. My favorite activity was the Snurfle Meiosis 2 and the Meiosis Dance Square. I feel like they were both interactive and the song is going to help me remember the material.

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