Introduce yourself! Human Genetics, Summer 2021

Tell the class the following

Where you are from

What you hope to learn in this class

What you find most interesting about Genetics.

If you have taken on-line classes, what has specifically helped you learn on line. What type of activities help you most? Reading? Videos? Interactive activities? Others?

27 thoughts on “Introduce yourself! Human Genetics, Summer 2021”

  1. Hi, I am McKenzie Gamage. I’m from Rochester, MI. I hope to leave this class with a better understanding of how genetics plays a role in disease processes and how genes can be affected and passed on. I think it is fascinating that someone with the same genome can have a completely different experience that changes how their genome expresses itself. In my previous online courses having a professor who is easily accessible via email or online sessions to answer questions and interactive assignments have been most helpful.

  2. Hi, my name is Helen Erceg. Just moved to St. Johns in March 2021. I am hoping to learn in this class is to go onto my next step is Molecular Biology towards my degree Molecular biotechnology also I want to get out of it of how genetics effect in the disease processes and how it can be passed on to the next generation. What I finds most interesting to genetics is how genes effect hereditary where it misses generations.
    What I have found that works for is videos, interactive assignments, reading, and using Youtube.

  3. Hello, my name is William McCormick. I was born and raised in Lansing, Michigan even though I currently live in Eagle. I hope to learn about human mutations when it comes to genetics, just what gives different people extremely rare hair color, eye color, and so on.
    I find the Punnett square very interesting. Just the idea of being able to guess what a child or something will look like just by examining the parents genes is cool. In my past online classes I think that interactive activities, calendars with due dates, and videos helped me the most.

  4. Hi everyone! My name is Bria Colosky and I am from Farwell, Michigan. I am currently finishing up my Masters Degree in Public Health at Central Michigan University. I am very excited for this course because the topic of genetics has always been intriguing to me and I cannot wait to learn as much as possible! I received my Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise Science from CMU back in 2019, so I never took a Genetics course. I am fulfilling a requirement for future PA School by taking this course and I’m ready to learn about it all. What I find to be most interesting when it comes to genetics, is how we are all different but so very much alike at the same time. I also find eye color, hair color/texture, and even hereditary diseases to be interesting as well. As human beings, we all start out as a small little embryo, yet we have such unique DNA and genes that I cannot wait to learn more about.

    I have taken many different on-line courses — at all levels even. What I find to be the most helpful are discussion board posts (to learn directly from peers and their opinions) along with interactive videos and calendars with specific due dates. In addition, I believe that the format and structure of the course is important as well and if everything is organized well then there should be no issue in learning.

  5. Hello, my name is Sara Delgado. I’m from Lansing, MI and what I hope to learn in this class is the finer details to that give organisms their physical characteristics since I think it would be a great plot point in a sci-fi plot. What I find interesting about genetics is that our entire being can be broken down into a code, like a program, but we can adapt and be flexible with what we have and it is mind blowing.
    In my experience with online classes, with what I find that helps me is ‘simulated work-along’ type work. (Sorry, I’m not sure how to call it, but I hope I explain it well enough). It’s where the student has to print off a blank worksheet(s) that goes with the lecture that is pre-recorded and the instructor is filling out the worksheet along the way which in-turn causes the student to be attentive and view the whole lecture.

    1. Sara: I read a lot of SF. Maybe I can dig up something that could be relevant for the class and is on-line. I will see what I can find (Do you know relevant stories?)

  6. Hello! My name is Sam Corbin and I am from Lansing, Michigan but currently reside in Byron Center, Michigan. I am interested in learning about population genetics and how different populations have genetic differences. I also would like to refresh my memory generally on phenotypes and genotypes. The thing I find most interesting is how genetics can be used to prevent many diseases including birth defects and cancers!

    Personally, reading on online classes did not help me very much, however, videos and engagement with the instructor and classmates has allowed me to be successful.

  7. Hello, my name is Delaney Andridge and I am from Haslett, MI. I hope to learn from this class how much diversity there is to genetics in general and how many traits and genes can be continually passed down in several generations. What I find most interesting about genetics is how many chromosomal mutations there can be in humans and that genetics is one of the most important things to learn and know about in people even as soon as when they’re developing. In previous online classes, I personally liked outlines and videos to follow along with as well as being able to communicate with students and the professor to ask questions and receive help.

  8. Hello everyone, my name is Derk Seabold and I am from Kalamazoo, MI. Genetics is my final prerequisite course for PA school. This will be my second career as I am transitioning from the finance industry at age 42. I am most interested in learning more about the intersection of disease and the possible corresponding genetic origins.

    I really find the study of genetically transmitted disorders interesting. How a genetic mutation such as a single amino acid substitution in a protein can lead to such things as sickle cell anemia.

    Due to COVID, nearly all of my prerequisite classes have been online. I have found that online video lectures and responsive/interactive professors are most helpful, particularly when it comes to some of the more challenging science courses.

    Good luck to all!

    1. DerK: I don’t get many students with your background. Perhaps you will have some unique perspectives to help us understand Genetics.

  9. Hello everyone, my name is Alex Hitchcock. I am from the mid-Michigan area and currently live with my wife and two children in Dewitt, MI. I am taking this course as part of the curriculum for an AAS in molecular biotechnology at LCC. This program requires a strong understanding of biology and genetics so I’m excited to learn more foundational aspects of genetics. I have experience working for a biotech company in Lansing, so I have some background knowledge from the work place, and other courses here at LCC, but it will be good to take a formal human genetics course. I am hoping to learn more about the mechanics of inheritance, probability, and main areas of study in human genetics. My background in science in the workplace has been based around insects and plants, so I am excited to learn more about human genetics in general. One of the things I find most interesting about genetics is the development of new technologies and techniques, and the debates around them.

    For online learning I think it is important to have a variety of resources for learning. I like to have recorded lecture videos so I have the option to re-watch them. I also like to have reading options to reinforce concepts, and write out steps. I think communication is important for online learning. Checking in on the class daily, communicating with professors and other classmates is really helpful to stay on track.

  10. Hello. I am Ann Braman and have been a resident of Lansing for over 35 years now. It has been even longer than that since I have taken a genetics class and I am looking forward to learning about how innovations in this branch of science impact our daily lives, particularly medical and agricultural applications. I am not the most tech savvy person on the planet, but I appreciate the flexibility of online classes and have found simulations to be extremely helpful in my learning.

  11. Hi everyone! My name is Sydney Loughridge, I am from Muskegon Michigan. I just graduated from Michigan State and am taking this class as a prerequisite for applying to PA school. I am hoping to learn more about genetic mutations and how some may or may not lead to different diseases and present themselves differently. I think I will find that the most interesting. I have taken online classes, and for me it really helps to try to stay organized. Typically I learn the best from watching videos and writing out learning objectives.

  12. Hi my name is Laurel DeMay! I am from South Lyon, MI currently I am a student at MSU and I am taking genetics this summer at LCC. I hope to learn in this class about genetic mutations since I find that extremely interesting and more about punnet squares. I have taken many online classes and I find it helpful when the professor emails us a lot and keeps us updated with dates and what we should be doing weekly. I also love when the class has a big group me chat so we can ask each other questions instead of having to constantly be emailing the professor. Good luck to all in this course, I am looking forward to it!

    1. Yes, it is always a good idea to have students communicate wit\h each other. I can set up a Q and A forum that can be used in the class for those purposes, but it is great to create your own forum, too.

  13. My name is Kathryn Pawlowski, and I was raised in DeWitt, Michigan, but I now live in East Lansing, Michigan. I will be attending pharmacy school in the Fall and I would love to cover some pharmacogenetics. I find it fascinating that genetic mutations can make someone more susceptible to cancer, despite the purpose of mutations is typically to improve the function of the organism. I have only taken a few online classes and I tend to struggle with these courses. I learn best with lectures or videos, so I have generally avoided online classes.

  14. Hello, I am Ryan Johnsen. I grew up in Minnesota, but now live in Bath to be closer to family. I’ve been working on my bachelors in Computer Science. I have some experience with evolutionary algorithms for neuroevolution in machine learning. I like the simple statistics and probabilities that can have very complex results of life. I’ve taken a few online classes and each one has been structured slightly differently. As long as I stay on top of the course work they have been fine for me.

  15. Hello, my name is Indrea Joplin and I was born in Memphis, TN. However, I have spent most of my life in Michigan and lived in Ypsilanti, MI for over 20 years. I recently moved to the Lansing Area 3 years ago. In this class, I hope to learn more about oncogenes and what causes genetic mutations. One thing that I do find interesting about genetics is how genes can affect an individual’s appearance and health. With taking on-line classes, it may be different at first. However, I find it helpful to plan ahead especially when it comes to having juggle multiple classes in the same semester. Other activities that help me are reading, looking at videos on Khan Academy and doing practice problems that cover concepts that have been covered in class. Also, I like to make up my own problems to quiz myself and key words on flashcards to help me better understand the class material.

  16. Hello, my name is Alison Fox. I am originally from Traverse City, but I now live in Clarkston, Michigan. Quite honestly, it has been a while since I have taken a biology course that has covered genetics, so I am hopeful to take in as much information as I can and apply it to other classes I have taken. I have done some research and different genetic disorders sounded interesting to me, though that could change throughout the course! I have taken online classes before and I found that videos and taking notes helped me to digest the material better. I also utilized flashcards.

  17. Hello, I’m Noah Kowalczyk, I’m from Kettering University in Flint, MI. I’m hoping to learn about the influences that genetics have on the human body; I find it interesting how much control they have over how we as humans turn out and am interested in learning more. Over the past year of online learning, I’ve found that keeping my schedule and todo list in google calendar helps me keep track of my time and tasks. I’m fairly good at teaching myself material and so I’m content with reading to learn new things, although, videos and interactive activities are very useful to me as well.
    Looking forward to this summer semester!

  18. Hi all!

    My name is Alexandra Mikrut but I go by Alex. I grew up in Grand Rapids, MI, and although I have strayed away a few times, I currently am living here now. I hope to learn more about genetics

    I hope to learn a lot from this class. I am newer in the area of genetics, and have a lot of interest on the topic. I would love to learn more about different diseases and why they happen to some people and not others. I also would like to learn a basic overview of genetics as a whole. I think it’s very interesting that we carry so many of the same genes, but many of us never even know they are in there.

    It is nice when the professor is available to answer questions. It is also helpful to have material to read and study and take notes on. I find that reading and PowerPoints really help me, as well as spoken word. I do well listening to a lecture and taking notes on PowerPoints/paper.

    I look forward to this semester!


  19. Hi there, I am Alexander Stockwell you guys can call me Alex though. I am from Dimondale Michigan right outside of Lansing. I hope to learn more about genetic diseases, as I have taken a genetic course in the past, the genetically linked diseases were always very interesting to me. I am currently just about to graduate this weekend from Kalamazoo College and I would say the thing that has helped me the most for online classes is consistency. Just logging in every day and ensuring that I do at least a little bit of work each day so I do not fall behind in any courses.

  20. Hello,

    My name is Darien Courter. I was born in Texas but moved to Michigan at about five years old. I would like to learn more about how different characteristics are inherited. I find Punnett squares interesting. In past online classes I have found video extremely helpful.

  21. Hi, my name is Calvin. I was born in Maine, lived in Florida for several years and then moved to Michigan. I hope to learn and understand a lot more about genetics. The thing about genetics I find the most interesting: that all known life uses the same codes for amino acids in DNA / RNA. Even though we should expect this and it makes sense/is logical, it is a concept most people I know or speak with don’t understand. I like to expose myself to a variety of learning methods; I don’t really have a preference in that regard.

    1. Hi there Calvin! Nice to “virtually” meet you. What part of Florida did you live in? I have family near the Tampa area and spend a lot of time there throughout the year. I actually want to go to PA School in Florida. I agree with you, I think this class is going to be beyond interesting — as it already is! I’m excited to maybe get to work with you, and I wish nothing but the best for the semester.


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