Mitosis and Meiosis Activities Summer 2021

Which was your favorite activity?

List one thing you learned from that activity and 2 things that you learned from other activities (Say what the activities are. Use the name on the slide)

22 thoughts on “Mitosis and Meiosis Activities Summer 2021”

  1. My favorite activity was watching the Meiosis Square Dance video and answering the questions because it was more interactive and exciting to me and kept me engaged. I learned from this activity that there are several steps to meiosis which include the separation of homologues in meiosis I and sisters in meiosis II. In the first activity “Mitosis Order”, I learned through the pictures that during prophase the chromosomes are all bundle up in a nucleus, then aligned at the middle during metaphase, in anaphase they move away, and in telophase, the cell splits into two. In the 2nd activity “Meiosis Order”, I learned that at the end of crossing over and telophase there are 4 unique daughter cells.

  2. My favorite activity was the Snurfle Meiosis 1. I learned a lot about the stages of Meiosis. From Snurfle Meiosis 2 I learned about crossing over. I learned from Mitosis Order a visual of what Mitosis looks like in a real cell.

  3. My favorite activity was the Meiosis Square Dance video. The reason I really enjoyed this was because it was super catchy and I loved having a visual of the chromosomes dancing around. I found it very engaging by the video stoping and asking questions since it forced me to learn more. The meiosis square dance taught me that interphase happens before meiosis. I was always confused when interphase occurred and this video helped clear up the confusion for me. Another activity that helped me learn was snuffle meiosis 2, when I did the crossing over game. This helped me understand that crossing over occurring during prophase 1 or meiosis 1. I was always confused when crossing over happened and this visual helped me understand that it is during prophase 1. Another activity that helped me learn was, snuffle meiosis 1, the meiosis interactive game. This was able to teach me that during meiosis the cell does normal cell activities during interphase, it also taught me that the uncoiled stringy DNA is called chromatin. I really enjoyed these games since it taught me about meiosis and mitosis in a fun engaging way that made me want to learn more.

  4. My favorite activity were the snurfle games. It really helped break down the process, and I enjoyed looking at the different combinations of gametes that could be produced in the crossing over video. In the square dance video I learned how to determine the XY homologous pair out of a set of chromosomes. And in the ordering videos I found it interesting to match real life photos instead of cartoons to the different stages.

  5. My favorite activity was the Snrufle 2 game. It helped me visualize more of what crossing over meant and looked like. The meiosis square dance was also helpful in showing the full process and giving me a better visual for what everything meant. The homologous activity was very very quick but it was a good reference for if I forgot what a homologous pair meant or looked like.

  6. My favorite activity was the Snurfle Meiosis 2. It thought it did a nice job of bringing together the concepts of independent assortment, crossing over, and random fertilization. This effectively taught how each contributes to the variety of life that we see all around us.

    It was also helpful going through the steps of meiosis in Snurfle Meiosis I. I learned the process of meiosis by interacting with each of the main steps of PMAT.

    I also enjoyed the Meiosis Square Dance. It reminded me of some wild cartoon from my childhood (early 80s)! It also taught how to identify the XY pair. I also learned from Sarah’s “Fill in the blanks” worksheet that dogs have 78 chromosomes. Never knew that one!

  7. My favorite activity was the Snurfle Meiosis 2. It helped me to break down and visual the process so I could see things that confused me a little better like crossing over and independent assortment. The Meiosis Square Dance video also helped me to better understand the steps of meiosis. The mitosis order activity helped me to better visualize what was happening in the cell.

  8. The “Meiosis Square Dance” was my favorite of the activities. It was just corny enough to keep me entertained while reviewing the concepts. The more interactive nature of the “Snurfle Meiosis” activities helped keep me engaged. While almost all of the information in the activities was covered in other readings / assignments, I thought the “Snurfle Meiosis 2” did a good job of emphasizing and summarizing the three main mechanism of genetic diversity: crossing over, independent assortment and random fertilization.

  9. My favorite activity was the “meiosis square dance.” I found the video very educational and fun. The song was very catchy and because of it being more cartoonish, it was easier to comprehend and understand than reading other readings. Being able to answer questions during the video is very engaging for students and I highly recommend this activity.

    In the BIOL 270 unit 3 quiz, I learned that dogs have 78 chromosomes! I never realized that dogs had so much more chromosomes than humans! In all of the activities combined, I learned that mitosis is used to create identical daughter cells for growth and repair while meiosis is used to make gametes (sperm and eggs).

    Overall, I really enjoyed the activities!

  10. I think 4 Meiosis Square Dance, 5 Snurfle Meiosis 1, and 6 Snurfle Meiosis 2 are all good. If I have to pick one, the Meiosis Square Dance would be my favorite. It visually illustrates how the crossing over occurs.

    The Snurfle Meiosis activities are also fun and educational. On top of showing the motions, the activities give us a hands-on (or mouse-on?) opportunity to play with the cells, which is very helpful to understand and memorize the process.

  11. My favorite activity by far was the Snurfle Meiosis 1 & 2. These two activities combined were incredibly helpful and allowed me to experience a more hands-on and visual representation of just how the process occurs. I believe that being able to see it first hand, and be able to go back to the activity for more practice later on will allow me to memorize the information as well. I also thought the quiz following the interactive activity also helped with my understanding because all of the questions went perfectly with what we were just taught. Another activity that I thoroughly enjoyed was the Meiosis Square Dance video. The music and song was incredibly catchy and held my attention the whole time, which makes it easier and more enjoyable to learn! With this activity I was able to learn about Interphase more in depth, which cleared up some questions that I had about that part of the process. In the “fill in the blank” activity by Sarah, I learned that the stage in which DNA is duplicated is called the S phase and that dogs have 78 chromosomes! Way more than the 46 that we have. Wow!

    1. My favorite activity was the Snurfle Meiosis 2. I really liked how this activity made sure that you understood what all of the phases were as you had to know when exactly crossing over occurs, and when and how Independent assortment works. Snurfle Meiosis 1 helped be just refresh exactly what Sister chromatids were, and the difference between sister chromatids and homologs. I also really liked the square dance video while this was just a fun refresher of the order of meiosis.

  12. My favorite activity was the meiosis order because it really helped solidify the process for me. I learned that meiosis goes from one diploid cell to two haploid cells with sister chromatids and then four haploid daughter cells in the end. From the homologue exercise I learned that a homologue is made of a sister chromatid pair from the male and one from the female. Lastly, from the Snurfl Meiosis 2 exercise I learned crossing over occurs during prophase 1.

  13. My favorite was snurfle meiosis 1 since I believed it was the most informational and straightforward. In the meiosis 2 snurfle I learned how to properly foil two gene combinations. I also like the first mitosis order and getting to see the mitosis stages on slides was interesting.

  14. My favorite activity was a tie between Snurfles Meiosis I, and Snurfles Meiosis II. One reason I liked these was because they were so detailed. It explains each step in detail which I found helpful. I also liked how interactive they were. Interacting with the information and the visuals helps me remember the process and feels more like a game. I also liked the frequency in which it checked for comprehension. It’s nice to have those questions after a new concept is introduced to make sure I’m getting the right points.

    One thing I learned from the Snurfles activity was that genes that are usually inherited together because they are on the same chromosome are known as linked genes. It was good to see that term again. From Sarah’s fill in the blank form I learned that cytokinesis is not always 50/50. From the Meiosis Square Dance video I learned that during anaphase I (meiosis I) the homologues are separating, and it won’t be telophase I until nuclei have reformed.

  15. My favorite activity was the meiosis square dance video because it kept me interested in the video and with the questions helped me to solidify the information being covered with the periodic questions. I felt like the video reviewed a lot of the things covered through the class materials already posted but it helped to internalize the different steps of meiosis and what each stage looks like. With the mitosis order, it helped me to identify the different stages and what they would appear like in a lab setting. Additionally, I enjoyed both the snurfle meiosis 1 & 2 because it clarified crossing over and independent assortment.

  16. My favorite activity was either mitosis order or meiosis 1. Mitosis 1 allowed for real life visualization which helped solidify my knowledge, and Snurfle meiosis 1 was very informational and the information was presented in a straightforward manner.

    Another thing I learned was that randomized fertilization occurred after meiosis, that was from Snurfle Meiosis 2. Another thing I learned from that activity was that crossing over is not the only thing contributing to genetic variation but so is independent assortment.

  17. My favorite activity was the Meiosis Square Dance. From this activity I learned about the different phases of Meiosis and what happens between Meiosis I and II. From the other activities I learned about crossing over and independent assortment. While crossing over happens during Prophase I, independent assortment happens during Metaphase. I also learned how these both contribute to genetic diversity of offspring. Lastly, I learned about how the nucleus disappears during prophase I.

  18. Mitosis Order was my favorite activity, as I gained an understanding of what the actual cells look like when undergoing different phases of mitosis (and Interphase).

    In Snurfle Meiosis 1 I learned that homologous chromosomes organize in tetrads and line up along the metaphase plate. I also learned that “crossing over” is a random event; the genes that “cross over” are random, and even when or if “crossing over” occurs at all random as well.

  19. My favorite activity was the square dance video because of the visuals and helpful illustrations, and it helped me understand better what’s going on in the anaphase better. Snuffle meiosis 2 helped me understand that crossing over happens in prophase 1. Snuffle meiosis 1 taught me that stringy DNA is called chromatin.

  20. My favorite activity was the Snurfle Meiosis 1 and Snurfle Meiosis 2. Not only were they the most challenging but they were the most helpful in learning about meiosis and mitosis.

  21. My favorite activities were the Snurfle Meiosis games. They seemed to be the most detailed activities and presented the information involved in a good way.

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