Mitosis and Meiosis Activities Fall 2021

Which was your favorite activity?

List one thing you learned from that activity and 2 things that you learned from other activities (Say what the activities are. Use the name on the slide)

56 thoughts on “Mitosis and Meiosis Activities Fall 2021”

  1. My favorite activity was the snurfle meiosis. I liked that it was a combination of teaching then testing your knowledge right after. It helped me actually retain the information while making it entertaining. I was able to learn more into depth what linked genes are and how they are passed. My other favorites were the meiosis and mitosis order on quizlet. This helped me to better visualize and recognize each stage.

  2. I really enjoyed the Snurfle activites. I thought it was very helpful that the concepts were explained and then you could immediately check your knowledge. Personally speaking I do the best when I am held accountable in that way so I found that the most educational.

  3. My favorite activity was Snurfle Meiosis 2. This activity was able to clearly demonstrate and explain how genes can be linked, and how this can change the genetic diversity of an organism. The Fill in the Blank activity was very informational, as it allowed me to use and apply many of the key terms of this unit. Find the Homologs was very informational as well, as it allowed me to apply the knowledge of homologs, then identify them. It also explained any incorrect answers, which was helpful while learning.

  4. My favorite activity was the snurfle activities. I loved that I was able to see a very clear demonstration and complete the activity as they went and taught the material. I really got to understand the differences between random assortment, crossing over, and fertilization. I also really enjoyed the homologs activity as well. I felt that I was able to get a clear demonstration and I found it to be very helpful especially considering it was something I found to be confusing. I also learned a lot by matching the order of meiosis and mitosis in the quizlet games! I was able to see a clear and distinct order with the pictures in that game.

  5. I liked the snurfle meiosis 2 because it was fun to play a game while learning, it allowed me to interact and do activities, which is awesome because I’m more of a hands on learner. I learned a lot during the fill in the blank. I liked that you were able to match up which one went with the sentence, in order to better comprehend the material. The meiosis order exercise was hard for me because i struggle with the order, although it helped a lot!

  6. For me, #2 meiosis order and #5 Snurfle Meiosis 1 were my favorite. These two provided the most information educational wise and fun as well. I learned how the meiosis order would look under a microscope/in the body.

  7. My favorite activity was the snurfle activities. I loved being able to see the action of meiosis clearly, the questions in between were great checkpoints, and the action of clicking/dragging in the activities was a great way to remain focused. I finally learned the difference between haploid and diploid, as I struggled to remember the difference between the two. Seeing a graph of the organization helped define the two as well. Two things I learned from other activities was that dogs have 78 chromosomes, from the finish the sentences activity. Another thing I learned was identifying the homolog in Find the Homologs activity.

  8. My favorite activities were Snuffle meiosis 2 and fill in the blanks. From these activities, I have a better understanding of foiling and how the punnet squares work. Another thing I learned from the other activities was the proper order of meiosis. I understood it before but now I feel like I got the hang of it.

  9. My favorite activity was the snurfle activities. They were in depth without being confusing, and I liked being able to participate in the simulations through the clicking and dragging of the chromosomes and nucleus. The demonstration of independent assortment really helped me understand it better. From the fill in the blank activity I learned that cells don’t always split evenly during cytokinesis. From the Find the Homologs activity I learned how to identify a homolog versus a sister.

  10. I liked watching the meiosis square dance the most, I thought the song was funny. It taught me that homologues pair up in meiosis, but they do not in mitosis. I also learned from Snurfle meiosis activity 2 that crossing over has a random chance of occurring, and it does not happen every time. In addition, I learned from the fill in the blanks form that during cytokinesis the cytoplasm is not always split evenly between the two daughter cells.

  11. I found I liked the Fil In The Blank it was very helpful in learning more in depth of mitosis. The other I loved was the Snurfle meiosis 1 activities was helpful in teaching me the different phases which I feel I still need to do more work on it.

  12. My favorite activity was the Snurfle Meiosis 2. I enjoyed doing these activities because I felt like the way the activity was played I really learned something from it. It went through several parts of the crossing over, independent assortment, and random fertilization. I felt like this really broke down the process better for me then the openstax notes. Some of the other activities I liked were the fill in the blanks and the snurfle meiosis 1. Snurfle meiosis 1 really broke down the process for me to understand meiosis better. The fill in the blank activity I liked because I got learn the correct terms for meiosis.

  13. My favorite activity was the more identification of mitosis because it helped me better understand key images of each step of the process. I learned a lot from the mitosis order because it helped me recognized the appearance of each phase better and the fill in the blank activity because it helped me recap on what we already learned and was easy to understand.

  14. My favorite activity was the snurfle meiosis 2 activity because I enjoyed how interactive it was and how it tested your progress throughout the learning about variation in cells. I also enjoyed the fill in the blanks because that is a good memorization method to test how well I have been retaining the knowledge and where I need to focus more attention on. I also found the connection game fun once I got the hang of it because it definitely was tricky at first!

  15. My Favorite would be the matching of Mitosis cells Mitosis order game. That showed pictures of cells going through mitosis. I learned that I need to go through more questions and possibly go through the activities to work on the differences between mitosis and meiosis.

  16. My favorite activities were probably the snurfle ones. They were entertaining but also very informative. They broke things down well and had in depth explanations on what was happening and why. Overall I really enjoyed them and they taught me a lot. I was able to learn more about the process of crossing over from those activities. I also thought the fill in the blanks activity was helpful. The descriptions were in depth and some were similar so it really made you think about the little differences between the stages and processes. Overall I really liked a lot of the activities and they helped me learned more about mitosis and meiosis!

  17. My favorite was #9 fill in the blanks and this is because I thought it was the best mix of educational and engaging as I thought many of the other activities required little focus or effort. An interesting fact I learned from it was dogs have 78 chromosomes. Another bit of information I learned was from #6 Snurfle Meiosis 2 and I learned that crossing over does not have to occur during meiosis. On top of that I also learned what stages of mitosis look like under a microscope from #1 Mitosis Order.

  18. My favorite activity was the Snurfle quizzes. It was fun to interact with it and how turning science into a game helps others (like me) learn better! I learned how to use the Punnett table with 16 boxes, I usually had trouble with it but I learned how to use it! I learned from the other activities is that dogs have 78 chromosomes from the finish the sentences activity, and learned the meiosis cycle from pictures under a microscope in Meiosis order (14.1 seconds is my best run).

  19. My favorite activity was the Mitosis and Meiosis Order. I learned what the real cells look like in the stages of division instead of just looking at drawings and animations. From the Snurfle Meiosis 2, I learned what independent assortment is and I learned what random fertilization is. I also learned how they affect the genotype and phenotype of offspring.

  20. The Snurfle Meiosis activities were best for me, the interactive component helped me to memorize the steps and processes and the questions were hard enough to be useful. This activity was most helpful in teaching me about Independent Assortment.

    The Fill in the Blanks activity was helpful for learning about sister chromatids and homologs.

    The Mitosis Order activity helped me with the order in which the chromosomes line up and detach.

  21. My favorite activity was the Meiosis square dance. Some topics can be difficult and boring to study the traditional way and making difficult topics into songs takes a great deal of knowledge and creativity. If a song is catchy enough, the lyrics can be easy to memorize hence making the information in it easy to memorize

  22. My favorite activities were probably the snurfle ones. They were decently entertaining and also informative. I was able to learn more about the processes of meiosis and solidify the material. Secondly, I thought the fill in the blanks activity was valuable. The descriptions were in depth and had similarities so it made you think about what made each stage and process unique. I also thought the corny video dance was enjoyable. I liked that it had stopping points for the questions. Overall the majority of the activities helped me to learn more about mitosis and meiosis!

  23. My favorite activity was the meiosis square dance. When I was younger, I always found that a way to learn information was to put it to a catchy beat or even a dance. I do feel as if having a dance makes the topic of Meiosis less daunting and tedious!

  24. I enjoyed the snurfle activities the most. I am very much a visual learner, so those activities helped me grasp the stages of meiosis fairly well. Other activities I found to be helpful were the fill in the blank and the meiosis and mitosis order on quizlet.

  25. The Snurrfles because the level of interactivity allowed you to visualize the process occurring as you read about it. The difference in cross-over and random assortment was easy to learn using this activity. I also enjoyed the crash-course science video that paused for questions, and the meiosis order exercise. Both the video and the exercise helped me understand the differences in each phase of meiosis.

  26. My favorite activity was the Snurfle Meiosis 2. One thing that I learned from Snurfle Meiosis 2 is that there are 3 main ways that cause genetic diversity and variation (Crossing over, independent assortment, and random fertilization). From the fill in the blanks activity, I learned that cytokinesis does not always split the cell 50/50. Another thing I learned, from the Meiosis square dance, is that homologs pair up in meiosis (not Mitosis).

  27. My favorite activities were the snurfle interactions. I learn best visually and when activities are hands on, so creating snurfles was extremely helpful. It was fun to watch the square dancing video too because I was able to see meiosis in a visual and funny way. The meiosis quiz on H5P was educational as well because of the pictures that helped me learn the phases better. With the help of the snurfle activities, I was able to take the meiosis quiz super fast and get the answers right!

  28. For me, I liked the fill-in-the-blanks activity. This activity allowed me to review what I had learned. The pedigrees assignment was very helpful for me. It helped me practice and distinguish between the types of inheritance (autosomal dominant/recessive and X-link dominant/recessive). I liked the exam 1 makeup activity as well. It let me read about some diseases and answer questions related to our class subject.

  29. Personally, I enjoyed the meiosis square dance. The song was very catchy, and I found myself easily learning the material because it was in the form of music. I was able to learn that crossing over actually occurs in metaphase I opposed to prophase I like I originally thought. I was able to learn from the snurfle activity 2 that indepedent assortment happens because chromsomes line up differently during metaphase I and II. And, I learned from the “Find the Homologs” assignment that homologues are simply the same in size and genetic makeup, but are among different tetrads.

  30. My favorite activity was meiosis identification because I felt it helped me the most. Specifically, getting more familiar with being able to identify the differences between prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase I versus their II stage counterparts. The mitosis order activity helped me review mitosis order. Lastly, the meiosis order helped me learn about the phases of meiosis I and II more thoroughly.

  31. While I thought the Meiosis Square Dance was the most entertaining, I found the Snurfle Meiosis 2 activity to be the most fun while still learning and practicing my knowledge. I liked that the activity told you information and tested you on it afterwards, and the interactive element helps to keep you engaged and paying attention while helping you to better understand the process of meiosis. One thing I learned from the Snurfle 2 activity is using the FOIL method for possible gene combinations, it helps me to organize what combos I have and have not done yet. The Square Dance video helped me learn how the crossing over process fits into the bigger picture of cell division. The first activity, Mitosis Order helped because it showed pictures of actual cells rather than simplified cartoon ones, this helps to understand and identify what the stages will look like in a real setting with real cells.

  32. My favorite activity was the Meiosis Square Dance. It was entertaining to hear the clever lyrics and review how Meiosis occurred. I didn’t learn anything new, but it solidified my knowledge of Meiosis.

    The Snurfle Meiosis 1 confirmed what I’ve learned about what occurs in each phase of Meiosis 1 and 2. The Fill in the Blanks activity taught me that during cytokinesis the cell doesn’t always split 50/50.

  33. My favorite exercise was the meiosis square dance (slide 3). It reminded me of the old “bill” jingles we watched in economics back in high school. It helped reestablish my knowledge of how chromatins form chromosomes and then tetrads…. And so on. As well as the meiosis order quiz (slide 2) I learned how to remember the phases in order and to identify which phase did what; this was also why I enjoyed the Snurfle meiosis game because it was very simple in what I had to answer about the splitting of the cells, the formation of the sisters and the the division of haploid cells.

  34. I thought all activities were helpful in their own way! Some were more creative than others, like the square dance and the Snurfle activities. It makes it more interesting when there is more than just words on a screen! However, the other activities were pretty good review, and I enjoyed how it tested my knowledge on the topic. The Meiosis identification activity was difficult, but it showed that there is always room to improve in truly understanding the content!

  35. All of the activities were very helpful in learning! Personally, my favorite activities were Snurfle Meiosis 1 and Snurfle mitosis 2. Not only were they they extremely helpful, but they were very fun activities to play! They had a lot of information and it was fun to drag the information to the correct cells and letters. Some of these activities were difficult but they helped you understand deeper and better.

  36. My favorite activity was the snurfle meiosis 1. It was interactive and I felt as though I was able to grasp more of an understanding of meiosis. I also liked that is was self paced and I was able to take more notes. Finally I able to understand what the difference between chromatids and chromatins. Another activity I enjoyed was the meiosis identification. I liked that I was able to ensure my knowledge of what the stages looked like. It was much easier to tell the differences between the stages in this activity then the very first meiosis order activity. I also liked the snurfle meiosis 2. I learned that independent assortment, crossing over, and random fertilization all lead to genetically distinct gametes.

  37. i really enjoyed doing the snurfle meiosis 2 and genetics 2 it was a refresher and i had fun doing the actives. The breaking it down and having you interact with it as it break it down gave me a better under standing of the meiosis

  38. My favorite activity was the Fill In The Blank one. That one was very helpful in learning more about mitosis. Another activity I enjoyed was the Snurfle meiosis 1 and especially the 2 one, it was very helpful in teaching me the different phases which are difficult to remember. I also learned from Snurfle meiosis 2 that crossing over, independent assortment, and random fertilization all increase the diversity of potential offspring.

  39. My favorite activity was the snuffle Meiosis activity. I love how informational the activities were followed by a quiz to test your knowledge. The questions were also in the lecture portions of the website. The quiz questions help reinforce the material. One thing I learned from this activity is that in independent assortment, the way one pair lines up doesn’t affect the way another one lines up because the lineup process is random.

    Other activities I enjoyed are the mitosis activity and the Fill in the blank from a former student. In the mitosis activity, I learned how to rank the stages of mitosis in order using real photos from a lab or microscope! In the fill-in-the-blank work, I learned that dogs don’t have a total of 46 chromosomes but have a total of 78 chromosomes.

  40. My favorite activity was probably the Snurfle Meiosis activities. They were neat and short but still helped me understand the material by asking frequent questions. Through those activities I learned more about independent assortment.

    In other activities I learned how to identify stages of mitosis in real cells (Mitosis Order). I also learned about dogs having 78 chromosomes, which I didn’t know before (Fill in the Blanks).

  41. I really enjoyed the fill in the blank activities. I feel those are really helpful when remembering and learning new information.
    I also thought that the snurfle ones were very fun and helpful.

  42. My favourite activity was the Meiosis Square Dance. Even though it reminds me of the 1960s or the 1970s, the rhythm, lyrics, and overall tune were too easy to have stuck in your mind. I will have that tune stuck in my head for the next couple of days. In the “Find the Homologous” activity I learned that they are only homologous because of the size and not that they are not from the same sex.

  43. Meiosis identification was my favorite activity, it was somewhat challenging despite my firm grounding in the subject. That same firm grounding prevents me from honestly saying that I actually learned anything from this, since none of it was new information aside from the fact that the squaredance song is just dreadfully awful and irritating.

  44. My favorite was Snurfle Meiosis and Genetics 2: Diversity and Dihybrid Crosses. It helped me connect the terms and names with images much better. I learned from Meiosis Square Dance When a cell divides by way of meiosis, it produces four cells, called gametes. I learned from Meiosis Order Exercise 2 that During crossing over, part of one chromosome is exchanged with another.

  45. My favorite activity was the snurfle meiosis. I like it because it is a combination of teaching and testing knowledge right after. It assisted me in retaining information and also to entertaining. I learned more about the linked genes are and how they are passed. My other favorites were the meiosis and mitosis order on quizlet. It assisted me to visualize and recognize each stage.

  46. My favorite activity was the fill in the blanks activity because it helped me map out my information that I had learned from the other activities into the simple blank form. While I didn’t necessarily learn new information from the blanks, I guess I can now say that I know dogs have 78 chromosomes.

    From one activity that helped me is actually the Meiosis Square dance. That visualization helped me truly understand the division of chromosomes of meiosis.
    The second one that helped me was the Meiosis order activity because that taught me best how each stage looked like, and it made learning the rest of the information much easier.

  47. Fill in the blank was my favorite activity, I learned from this activity Karotype, I have learned it before but I had forgotten what the word referred to as, and the same thing with cytokinesis, I forgot that it wasn’t always split 50/50.

  48. My favorite activity was the square dance video. This is something that will stick in my head more because it was a song. I didn’t necessarily learn more but it just made it stick more.
    The other activity that helped was the fill in the blanks. This made it where I could repeat fulling in the blanks to ensure that I had the information correct.

  49. My favorite activities were the Snurfle Meiosis ones. I was forced to pay attention more because I had to move things around and click to discover the next stages. What I learned is the visualization of what it looks like when cross over occurs versus when it does. This helped me differentiate it in my head better.
    In the fill in the blank exercise I learned that cytokinesis doesn’t always split 50/50. In the quizlet matching exercise I was able to learn what these processes we have been learning about actually look like under a microscope which helped me understand better.

  50. My favorite one by far was the meiosis square dance, the song was so much fun and easy to follow. My only critique is that is is slightly outdated in quality. I learned from it the meiosis process in a fly. I also enjoyed the Snurfle Meiosis 2 and something important that I learned from this activity that I missed in the readings was that crossing over is not something that happens every single time which I wrongly thought it did. From the mitosis order activity I got to actually see what seemed to be microscopic images of the actual process which I thought was a really cool detail, not to mention the competitiveness of trying to complete it in the shortest amount of time!

  51. I think my favorite activity was the fill in the blank because you have so many options to choose from so you really have to have knowledge of the mitosis process opposed to using the process of elimination with your answer.

    I also enjoy the Meiosis square dance it was cute and reminded me of the “Im just a bill” animation.

  52. My favorite activity was the Meiosis square dance video. It reminded me of the educational videos we used to watch in elementary school, like School House Rock. Something I learned from this activity was an easier way to remember the stages of Meiosis. Learning songs is easy for me, so it was helpful to have something to reference. Another thing I learned from the activity, Snurfle Meiosis, was more specific information on what occurs during each stage. It helped me better understand the stages.

  53. Although it was not the most fun, I believe that the snurfle activities were the best for me. These let me learn and test my knowledge the most while being interactive as well. I also liked the fill in the blank activity as I felt that helped me put everything together in a summary. Additionally, the line dance activity allowed me to memorize the song and use that song to apply to the later games.

  54. For this lesson, my favorite activity would have to be the fill in the blank. Usually with a few options given to me with multiple questions, I can figure out the answer. With this, I tend to learn the material better because I have to figure it out. I will also admit the mitosis order was fun due to the need to be better or get a faster result. Unfortunately for the Snurfle Meiosis 2 exercise, I had clicked the back arrow after taking the quiz which ended up losing all my scores for each assessment. That required me to complete each one again. That took the fun out of it but it did get me to learn the material over again.

  55. Suprisingly, my favorite activity was the Fill in the Blanks, because I felt I was able to apply what I learned a little bit, and I like matching actvities alot. One thing I learned from this activity was that what the chromosome looks like is referred to as its karyotype. One thing I learned from the Snurfle Meiosis 2, was that independent assortment happens because the chromosomes can line up during Metaphase 1 and 2 in different ways. I also learned that Crossing over didn;t alwyas happen. The meiosis and mitosis order activities helped me to learn what the different processes looked like under a microscope.

  56. My favorite activity was the Snurfle 2 because it was a combination of teaching while quizzing and had a good mix of everything we have been doing, including the last unit such as the punnet squares. One thing I learned from Snurfle was a deeper understanding of crossing over and what that looked like as an image.

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