Human Genetic Engineering Fall 2021


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Crsipr Babies Video

As shown in the  video above recent experiments  claim that two babies have been born that were genetically engineered to resist HIV infection. Should this or any similar genetic modifications (which can be passed from generation to generation unlike standard gene therapy such as the one used to treat the woman with the vision problems ) be allowed for humans?


11 thoughts on “Human Genetic Engineering Fall 2021”

  1. I think that genetic modifications like the one used to prevent the two babies from contracting HIV should be allowed. I do however think that these modifcations should be montiored. Using these modifications to protect future generations from dieases that could kill them seems very benficial. I fear that the same practices used to do this could be used to change aspects of children for aesthetic reasons which I fear could be a slippery slope that should not be allowed.

  2. I think that this genetic technology should be made available to humans. I do think that it will reduce some of the stigma behind certain conditions such as Type I Diabetes, HIV , Sickle Cell Anemia and many more. Many individuals are apprehensive of having children because they do not want to pass something down to their children. I do think that with this technology, individuals will feel free to reproduce without having any guilt on what conditions their child could have.

  3. The video showed what I believed should be available for parents that want to have healthy children, by one or both parents are carrying the a mutated gene like cystic fibrosis, Tay-sachs disease, Huntington’s disease and the list can go on. If genetic modification can help save a potential child do it, but to change a child to be smart, or looks, I would say that is not right. But I do fear that will happen, people can be naïve or envy.

  4. I believe that those who are affected by a disease/disorder will be the only ones to decide if they want to proceed with the new science. I believe it presents as a great opportunity to not live in fear and also better the health of our friends, family, and neighbors. I do not think this would receive negative stigma for genetic disease/disorders, only when it is used for necessary traits such as physical, where it would be looked down upon. I believe there will be debate on how to distinguish between these two eventually in the future, and for that we must prepare and keep an eye out for.

  5. After watching the CRISPR babies video, I do believe that genetic modifications for humans should be allowed. The genetic modifications should have to be approved before it can be allowed for humans. Also the people receiving the genetic modification should have to have a check up done before receiving this modification so nothing horrible happens to them after receiving the genetic modification. I think this would make a positive impact for the people that actually need a genetic modification, just like the two had a positive impact in the video.

  6. Following the video, I do believe that genetic modification, if used appropriately can be extremely beneficial to society in terms of beating diseases. However, the balance of natural selection would shift. There also could be ethical issues presented such as should children who were born with genetic modification be treated differently than children who were not and would it even be fair to treat them equally? It could also present a social issue as to who can afford it and that would further the distance between the rich and poor?

  7. The video was based on two babies where Crispr was used to give the babies a normal life. I think this is a good idea to stop diseases from being passed on. I wonder if some viruses will then mutate and work around genetic testing and crispr to still infect people.

    I would like to think with time and education, we would not follow ideas from science fiction movies like Gattaca, or other slippery slopes. When Dolly was the first sheep for cloning there was a huge amount of backlash and fallacies thrown around about how we would start cloning people and how it would be horrible. Just like the video spoke about after the first IVF people were upset and probably went down slippery slope fallacies on what could go wrong with it. But IVF has been proven to give children to people who desire children. While extremely costly and also very difficult for the female who has to get a lot of injections.

    I would like to believe that maybe we could use Crispr correctly that wouldn’t be for enhancements but for eradicating diseases, then that would be for the greater good. But I can see how this idea could become very difficult to discuss.

  8. I believe that if the parent(s) have the disease and don’t want their children to inherit the disease then genetic modifications should be allowed. I do also believe that it’s more of a choice for people with the money and stability for it too, meaning that people who have the disease and want a child but don’t want to pass it down to them mainly have two choices; don’t have children or adopt.

    Obviously, it’s the parent’s decision to do genetic modifications but anything can happen if you try to adjust something so small yet life-changing to a fetus. It should be closely monitored to make sure everything is going smoothly and nothing can bad can happen.

  9. I think this type of genetic modification should be allowed considering it serves a good purpose. This can help children live better and longer lives if they can avoid disease. This is a beneficial type of modification unlike that of “designer babies” which is a bit unethical. As long as they aren’t changing any genes except the one that causes the disease then the intentions of this modification are to offer a better lifestyle.

  10. I think that this form of genetic modification is super interesting and feels futuristic all at the same time. Ofcourse with any new scientific processes, I think that there needs to be guidelines and boundaries, but I think that for genetic diseases it should be able to be conducted. It would not only help the one individual but it would pass on to impact many individuals. Now, if they were doing this to bring about more beauty, smarts, or athleticism that to me is unethical as it is essentially a “designer baby”. To me, if it is done ethically and within the parameters, utilizing this for diseases and genetic disorders could provide an increase in quality of life, a decrease in medical complication and reliance on medical professionals, and decrease the burden placed on the family and society as the individual would be able to be a more active community member.

  11. I believe that genetic modifications should be allowed for humans. This could really benefit the people who are in need of a genetic modification because of a disease that could be passed on to their children. As long as they change the gene that causes the disease, of course.

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