Human Genetic Engineering Spring 2022


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Crsipr Babies Video

As shown in the  video above recent experiments  claim that two babies have been born that were genetically engineered to resist HIV infection. Should this or any similar genetic modifications (which can be passed from generation to generation unlike standard gene therapy such as the one used to treat the woman with the vision problems ) be allowed for humans?


8 thoughts on “Human Genetic Engineering Spring 2022”

  1. I agree with the scientist’s beliefs. Human genetic engineering should be allowed to prevent diseases, while it should be illegal to enhance IQ or trait selections.

  2. While the scientist’s reasoning for carrying out this experiment where altruistic, the necessary understanding of genetic experiments on embryos is insufficient. The reckless use of gene-editing technologies could forever impact the health of these children. Having stated my position on the Twins experiment, I believe that gene editing should be limited in humans to curative applications and not as a resurrection of eugenic principles.

  3. I believe that gene therapy should be used on existing conditions, but I also agree that it would be beneficial to protect future generations from harmful diseases. I also agree that genetic modification should NOT be used to create “designer babies” that have a preferred hair or eye color. The readings did present an interesting case against genetic modification however, because humans would be less diverse and so that could lead to poor adaptation in the future and ultimately extinction in the long run. All in all, I believe that further generational research is needed as well as research on whether the human gene pool would become too narrow to sustain itself.

  4. I believe that embryos shouldn’t have experiments conducted on them because of how fragile they are and how unknown we are to that type of thing. I also believe that humans shouldn’t have the choice to pick what their babies will look like. It takes away the specialty of what makes your child yours if everyone’s kids look the same in some way. I do think that it can be helpful but it can be just as hurtful if used the wrong way.

  5. I believe gene therapy should be used for the practice of diagnosing and solving existing Conditions, but the conditions in which our food is produced, how we consume it and so many other factors can affect the human genome in a negative way, ultimately ruining the prescriptive futures of the children in this country. So I’m conclusion, I think gene therapy should be monitored in order it’s only used for safe practices and not eugenic therapy to enhance or diminish specific traits.

  6. I agree with gene therapy if it benefits people and helps cure diseases and leads to ways to help people who already suffer from diseases as well. Also come more affordable to people not just for those who could afford it. Now making your self smarter i think that taking the easy way out and i do not agree with,but to able cure people with learning disability now I’m all for so just like everything in this world have it good and bad side it all about what the person is willing to do with it that determine if its good or bad.

  7. I think that using gene therapy to change a persons traits, like eye and hair color, is stupid and a waste of gene therapy. However using gene therapy to create a resistance to diseases or help cure people is fantastic. But there is a fine line to walk here, especially with disabilities, mental or physical. Gene therapy shouldn’t be used for something like eugenics. It should be closely monitored to make sure it isn’t being used immorally. Right now I think the best course of action would be to do gene therapy on people who ask for it so that they can be cured from a disease or something. Meanwhile, more testing can be done on gene therapy at the same time.

  8. Genetic engineering is a technique in which certain procedures are performed to modify the genetic constitution of an organism by insertion or deletion of certain genes. It is different from gene therapy in aspects that gene therapy is used to treat an organism who has certain faulty genes, whereas in the technique mentioned in the video, the genes are altered before the birth of an organism and such babies are called “designer babies” Techniques like these should not be allowed for humans because
    This would create differences among the society. 2. We are not one to decide which genes are good and bad 3. Since these techniques are expensive, only he rich
    will be able to afford them, which would create a bias in the society. 4. Humans cannot be trusted with this technique as we never know what kind of genes might be introduced
    in our body.

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