Introduce yourself! Human Genetics, Summer 2022

Tell the class the following

Where you are from

What you hope to learn in this class

What you find most interesting about Genetics.

If you have taken on-line classes, what has specifically helped you learn on line. What type of activities help you most? Reading? Videos? Interactive activities? Others?

29 thoughts on “Introduce yourself! Human Genetics, Summer 2022”

  1. Where you are from
    – I am from Detroit, the motor city! I just moved to Ann Arbor, to try something new but I plan to move after next year if I get into the medical program I want!

    What you hope to learn in this class
    -I honestly am not quite sure what I hope to learn in this class just yet but I am most excited about being able to try something new and hopefully grasp it with understanding.

    What do you find most interesting about Genetics?
    -I think the thing which I find to be the most intriguing about genetics is the clinical research aspect of it all. I enjoy being able to read and listen to podcasts on genetics because they break down the information in ways where it is so much more understandable and it almost feels easier to digest to an extent.

    If you have taken online classes, what has specifically helped you learn online. What type of activities helps you most? Reading? Videos? Interactive activities? Others?
    -I think the things that have helped me in genetics and other biology-based classes in the past were definitely watching a lot of videos and listening to podcasts. Another method I often did a lot was teaching or pretending to teach someone else because this actually helped me digest the information so much more than just reading it.

  2. Very good, Rae. Teaching others is a very good way to show that you understand something. There will be opportunities for students to teach others in this class.

  3. Where you are from
    -I am from Grand Haven, MI and am currently living in Grand Rapids!!

    What you hope to learn in this class
    -I hope to learn about gene mutations and common disorders with such.

    What you find most interesting about Genetics.
    -I do not know a lot about genetics, but I think that genes and hereditary traits are very interesting. I am excited to learn more.

    If you have taken on-line classes, what has specifically helped you learn on line. What type of activities help you most? Reading? Videos? Interactive activities? Others?
    -Videos help me most!

  4. -Where are you from?
    I am originally from Iraq. I came to the United States in 2013, and I live in Okemos, Michigan currently.
    -What you hope to learn in this class?
    I would like to learn and understand how Genetics contributes to human variation.
    -What you find most interesting about Genetics?
    How human traits are determined and passed down among generations.
    -If you have taken an online class, what has specifically helped you learn online? What type of activities help you most? Reading? videos?Interactive activities? Others?
    What helped me the most when taking online classes was videos for sure. I find videos very helpful and if I ever get lost or forget certain information, I can always replay the video or go back to it. Taking online classes is also very convenient for me because I’m a full time student and an employee.

  5. Where you are from?
    I am from Iran, but I am currently living in Haslett, Michigan.

    What do you hope to learn in this class?
    I hope to learn about genetics, mutations, and humans along with the useful information that will be used in real life.

    What do you find most interesting about Genetics?
    I think how certain qualities or traits that are passed down from parents to offspring, which results in a change in the DNA, are what I find the most interesting about genetics.

    If you have taken online classes, what has specifically helped you learn online. What type of activities helps you most? Reading? Videos? Interactive activities? Others?
    I think a teacher being flexible and understanding are what have helped me to learn in a more relaxing and comfortable environment. Videos have helped a lot 🙂

  6. Where you are from
    -I am from Swartz Creek, Michigan.

    What you hope to learn in this class
    -I hope to learn more about what causes genetic disorders and inherited diseases such as alopecia. I have alopecia so it will be interesting to get more in depth about what causes it.

    What you find most interesting about Genetics.
    -That sometimes certain genes don’t effect everyone in your family. No one in your immediate family could have a condition you have while some distant cousin might have it.

    If you have taken on-line classes, what has specifically helped you learn on line. What type of activities help you most? Reading? Videos? Interactive activities? Others?
    -I noticed the online classes I would do the best in are ones where there is a lecture video. They are much more engaging than just reading a ton of long articles.

  7. My name is Vita Sprader and I am from Hartland, Mi. I find genetics very interesting and very important but I have struggled with the class at U of M and since they do not offer it in the summer I am at LCC! I hope to get a better understanding of genetics and truly learn the subject in order to well in my other classes! I am a wildlife biology student and just finished my Junior year. I am a fan of watching videos in my online classes and also have activities like worksheets to practice.

  8. Where you are from
    – I am from Byron, Michigan.

    What you hope to learn in this class
    – Through this class I hope to broaden my understanding of genetics and biology in general. As of right now I don’t know much about genetics so I’m exited to learn!

    What you find most interesting about Genetics.
    – I find it very interesting that although siblings have the same genetic make up, they don’t share 100 percent DNA unless they’re identical twins. My brothers and I could not look or act less alike.

    If you have taken on-line classes, what has specifically helped you learn on line. What type of activities help you most? Reading? Videos? Interactive activities? Others?
    – In the online classes I took before, I found that videos helped me the most. Sometimes, reading is hard for me to follow and really grasp the content.

    1. We will discuss why siblings can be alike or different. Once I was visiting my mother in her retirement home and someone thought I was my brother. He had not seen my brother in many years. I do not think we look that much alike, but people do notice similarities.

  9. Hello Everyone!

    My name is Cassie Bryant and I am pursuing the Biotechnology degree here at LCC.

    Where you are from
    I am originally from Jackson Michigan but I currently live in Downtown Lansing.

    What you hope to learn in this class
    I hope to gain a much more indepth understanding of genetics then I have learned in previous biology courses.

    What you find most interesting about Genetics.
    The most interesting part of Genetics to me is just how traits are passed down in each generation and how they present themselves in different individuals.

    If you have taken on-line classes, what has specifically helped you learn on line. What type of activities help you most? Reading? Videos? Interactive activities? Others?
    I have taken most of my classes at LCC online because I started my degree in Fall of 2020 so everything was online. The things that help me the most is videos explaining what is expected or how to perform an activity. Reading is always a good tool as it allows you to take the time to really understand the material.

  10. Where you are from
    -I am from Howell Michigan.

    What you hope to learn in this class
    -I currently have very little background information on genetics, so I hope to learn about genetic disorders. I have heard about them, but I have no idea how they work.

    What you find most interesting about Genetics.
    -I find interesting how some genetics are passed down from parent to offspring, but not every offspring will get the father’s eyes and the mom’s nose. It is always a different combination.

    If you have taken on-line classes, what has specifically helped you learn on line. What type of activities help you most? Reading? Videos? Interactive activities? Others?
    -I have taken two online classes so far. Online learning is something newer to me and to help me learn I discovered that in order for me to succeed I need to have a scheduled time each week to complete my work. Without setting aside certain times and dates I found myself procrastinating at the very last minute. I kept telling myself I’ll do it later or I’ll do it tomorrow. I do best with clearly labeled assignments. I like to know what is expected from me. Also, I am not the best working with technology, so having assignment clear is a benefit to me! I prefer video over reading, but I do fine with both.

  11. Where you are from
    I am originally from Zimbabwe, a country in Southern Africa

    What you hope to learn in this class
    I hope to learn more about genetics and the advances made to help counteract different defects and mutations people may have.

    What you find most interesting about Genetics.
    how your genes control how your body works and looks.

    If you have taken on-line classes, what has specifically helped you learn on line. What type of activities help you most? Reading? Videos? Interactive activities? Others? In the past watching videos on the topics learned really helped me further understand what I was learning.

  12. Where you are from:
    – I am from Beijing, China, but I am currently living in Ann Arbor, MI.

    What you hope to learn in this class:
    – I want to learn more about how genetic mutations can happen and genetic variations.

    What you find most interesting about Genetics.
    – I think DNA replication is really fascinating, and how genetic traits are passed down is also interesting to learn about.

    If you have taken on-line classes, what has specifically helped you learn on line. What type of activities help you most? Reading? Videos? Interactive activities? Others?
    – I have taken online classes. Personally I find lecture videos helpful because they are more engaging than pure reading materials. I think practice quizzes are the most beneficial for me, since I get to see what concepts I am struggling with and learn from my mistakes.

  13. Where you are from:
    – I am from Paw Paw, MI. The home of St. Julian’s winery and Red’s Rootbeer.

    What you hope to learn:
    – I hope to broaden my understanding of human genetics. Along with how different variations can impact your body and development.

    What do you find most interesting about genetics:
    -I find interesting how different siblings can look from one another and basically how genes can skip generations.

    If you have taken on-line classes, what has specifically helped you learn on line. What type of activities help you most? Reading? Videos? Interactive activities? Others?
    – When learning online I definitely think having a professor that is responsive helps a lot. Personally reading and conversation boards help a lot.

  14. Where you are from
    – I am from Okemos, Michigan but currently living in Grand Rapids.

    What you hope to learn in this class
    I hope to expand my knowledge on Genetics as I know only a little bit and really get into genetic disorders and the science behind them.

    What you find most interesting about Genetics.
    I think that mutations and disorders are interesting and how a small change in the genome can cause a huge difference in people.

    If you have taken on-line classes, what has specifically helped you learn on line. What type of activities help you most? Reading? Videos? Interactive activities? Others?
    I think videos and interactive activities help me learn the best. Online work is hard because it is difficult to approach hands-on learning but these types of activities have proven beneficial to my learning style.

  15. Where are you from
    – I’m from northern Michigan originally but live in west Lansing currently.
    What you hope to learn in this class
    – I’d really like to learn more about the link between genetic factors and mental health. I’m also interested in learning about the affect (if any) that trauma can have on genetics.
    What you find most interesting about Genetics.
    – I find it interesting that so much information about ourselves is on our biological code. Specifically, how this relates to genetically inherited diseases and mental health disorders.

    If you have taken on-line classes, what has specifically helped you learn on line. What type of activities help you most? Reading? Videos? Interactive activities? Others?
    – I have taken online courses before and I really think videos and interactive activities help to clarify information for me. I find that visual aids of any kind are very helpful with my information retention.

  16. Where are you From
    – I am from Paw Paw, Michigan. Its a small town near Kalamazoo.
    What you hope to learn from this class
    – I hope to learn more about genetics and how this area of study affects different aspects of healthcare as a whole.
    What do you find most interesting from Genetics
    – I find the dominant vs. recessive traits to be the most interesting. I think its fascinating what different traits individuals can have and how they got them.
    If you have taken on-line classes, what has specifically helped you learn on line. What type of activities help you most? Reading? Videos? Interactive activities? Others?
    -I have taken on line courses since cover began. I find the most helpful thing is to make a list at the beginning of the week of all the assignments, readings and lectures that are due for the week. Being organized and attentive is the most important thing in on line classes. I have found that lecture videos have been. the most helpful activities in online classes.

  17. Hello to you all!

    My name is Ambur and I currently live in Lansing and have for a few years now. I have always had an interest in biology based courses; I enjoy being outdoors and spending time with animals. My love for nature is what interested me in this course; I know very little about genetics and am eager to get a better understanding. Something i find interesting about genetics is the ability to somewhat predict offspring characteristics; that’s pretty awesome and very unique in itself. I have taken several online and hybrid courses through LCC. I take full advantage to talk to text and that’s one big pointer i give anyone that asks. If i’m writing a paper or taking notes, I will use my phones talk to text and email it to myself. I am not a fan of chapter reading and I have found using talk to text via D2L or even downloading the assignment to a word doc helps by having the software just read it to you! By using these methods I stayed up to date on my course work in almost all my online courses. I enjoy interactive activities and/or lab assignments that require me to physically take part over just watching informative videos or chapter reading.

  18. Where you are from
    I am originally from West Michigan, but live in Hillsdale.

    What you hope to learn in this class
    I am hoping to learn more about genetic mutations and the technology used in that arena.

    What you find most interesting about Genetics.
    Genotypes and Phenotypes fascinate me.

    If you have taken on-line classes, what has specifically helped you learn on line. What type of activities help you most? Reading? Videos? Interactive activities? Others?
    Watching lecture videos, interactive activities and having clear instructions and directions on exactly what is expected of me on an assignment.

  19. Hi everyone! I’m Magda. Originally from the Gaylord, MI area (where that tornado just hit recently), but now live in Holt.

    I am interested to learn exactly how certain traits are passed from parents to offspring. This has become more of a topic of curiosity as I get older and see it unfold in my own life.

    What do I find most interesting about Genetics?
    The fact that diseases, physical characteristics, mental health, habits, and more can be passed on in any seemingly random combination from parent to offspring. Of course, I currently use these generic terms, but I’m looking forward to learning the specific terminology and processes involved.

    I have taken a great deal of online classes – I find that having a complete, detailed syllabus to start with helps me chart out how each week will look. Assigned or suggested reading/chapters that correlates directly to quizzes, homework, or tests. When the material requires essential graphics and diagrams, then explanative videos and interactive activities are helpful.

  20. Hello everyone! My name is Samantha and I am from/live in Sterling Heights. I have never taken a course specifically on Genetics so I am really looking forward to learning more than just the basics that my other biology classes have taught. I am also going to begin studying for the MCAT soon so having a solid foundation on Genetics would be very helpful. I also find Genetics to be a very interesting field of study. Throughout history it has helped us understand a variety of concepts such as why we look the way we do, why diseases run in some families, etc., and I can imagine that there is still much more to discover.

    I have taken a few on-line classes, and I would say that what has helped me learn is to really stay on top of the course schedule which is even more important since summer courses go by quicker. I tend to learn best in courses that provide supplemental videos so I am looking forward to any online lectures or videos that may be posted.

    Best of luck to everyone this semester!

  21. Where you are from
    – I’m from Grand rapids
    What you hope to learn in this class
    – A little bit about human genetics and how certain things operate.
    What do you find most interesting about Genetics?
    – Not much that I can think of particularly. It’s all kinda hard to wrap my head around. Just not my thing.
    If you have taken online classes, what has specifically helped you learn online. What type of activities helps you most? Reading? Videos? Interactive activities? Others?
    – Yeah I took them my freshman year at msu online. I don’t mind them but I prefer some classes to be taught in-person versus others. It’s hard to manage time at home I have a lot of other responsibilities compared to being at college.

  22. I am from a little town called highland ( about an hour from Detroit) but have been living in the Lansing area since I was in 3rd grade.

    What you hope to learn in this class
    More in depth of what I already know

    What you find most interesting about Genetics.
    I find dominate and recessive genes highly interesting.

    If you have taken on-line classes, what has specifically helped you learn on line. What type of activities help you most? Reading? Videos? Interactive activities? Others?
    I think videos and being able to access the professor for questions really helped.

  23. Where you are from

    Hello, my name is Alex and I am originally from a small town called Corunna, Michigan which is about 15 minutes outside of Flint. I recently moved down to Detroit just over a year ago and have been staying here since.

    What you hope to learn in this class

    I hope to learn much more about the different genes and traits that we humans have, as well as what causes these things and why. It has been quite sometime since I’ve had a biology course so it will mostly feel very fresh to me.

    What you find most interesting about Genetics.

    The uniqueness and differences between individuals due to genetics is very interesting to me.

    If you have taken on-line classes, what has specifically helped you learn on line. What type of activities help you most? Reading? Videos? Interactive activities? Others?

    I personally enjoy videos. Readings are good if there is a set of questions to help me follow what I read. The same is helpful for videos as well.

  24. Where you are from? I am from Lansing, Mi

    What you hope to learn in this class? I hope to learn more about how the human body works. I’ve gone over genetics a bit in basic biology, but I’ve never taken a genetic class and I feel like that’s why it’s hard for me to remember anything about it.

    What you find most interesting about Genetics.
    I guess how genes are passed down

    If you have taken on-line classes, what has specifically helped you learn on line. What type of activities help you most? Reading? Videos? Interactive activities? Others? I would say interactive activities, online is harder for me personally, but my microbio lab last semester had online labs that we also did in person so the activities online really helped.

  25. Where you are from
    Eaton Rapids, MI
    What you hope to learn in this class
    about the nature of genetics, don’t know much so coming in with an open mind.
    What you find most interesting about Genetics.
    How they can be altered or mutated.
    If you have taken on-line classes, what has specifically helped you learn on line. What type of activities help you most? Reading? Videos? Interactive activities? Others?
    Short brief weekly assignments help me stay on track and make sure I know the material.

  26. Hi everyone! My name is Nicole, and I am a recent graduate from Michigan State University. I am from West Bloomfield Michigan, but I have recently just moved to Royal Oak! This is my first genetics course, and I am really looking forward to taking this course. I am interested in learning more about our genetic makeup, how individuals inherit specific genes, and how traits are passed down to their offspring. I have recently taken a few online courses, and one thing that has helped me stay on track is printing off the schedule prior to the course, so I don’t miss any due dates or deadlines, and also practicing different questions by watching videos and making flashcards (either on paper or on quizlet).

  27. Where are you from?
    – I am from Grand Rapids, MI

    What do you hope to learn in this class?
    – I can’t say that I have anything super specific that I want to learn in this class. However, I do find genetics fascinating. I also just found out I am pregnant so I am eager to see if I can learn some things and create a little guessing game on what the baby will look like and what traits he/she may have from myself or dad.

    What do you find most interesting about genetics?
    – Everything. The fact that genetics makes up everything about who we are. From our eye color, hair color, sex, etc. It is really unbelievable to examine something as microscopic as chromosomes can have such a huge impact on every living being.

    If you have taken online classes, what has specifically helped you learn online. What type of activities helps you most? Reading? Videos? Interactive activities? Others?
    – I have taken many online classes before. The biggest thing that helps me learn is when things are organized in a manner that is easy to understand. It gets to be very difficult if I have to vist 10 pages to get to the directions for one assignment. Mentally, it can be exhausting trying to figure things out. Additionally, I really like to watch videos to help me understand better – more short, straight to the point videos that don’t include a lot of extra fluff. That just takes away from my learning experience and what I am able to retain.

  28. 1)Where you are from
    I am from Kalamazoo MI! I grew up here and go to WMU.
    2)What you hope to learn in this class
    I hope to get a better understanding of general genetics to use as a baseboard for higher level coursework.
    3)What you find most interesting about Genetics.
    I think the most interesting thing about genetics is the history behind it. A lot of what we know about general genetics now was found out by men just diddling around with plants.
    4)If you have taken on-line classes, what has specifically helped you learn on line. What type of activities help you most? Reading? Videos? Interactive activities? Others?
    Creating a schedule for myself and trying to stay slightly ahead of coursework has helped me most. That way forgetting an assignments or having something come up is easier to deal with and keep on track with class. Supplemental activities on youtube and Kahn academy also help solidify ideas.

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