Mitosis and Meiosis Activities Summer 2022

Which was your favorite activity?

List one thing you learned from that activity and 2 things that you learned from other activities (Say what the activities are. Use the name on the slide)

22 thoughts on “Mitosis and Meiosis Activities Summer 2022”

  1. I learned that mitosis is the process of making new body cells. Meiosis is the type of cell division that creates egg and sperm cells.
    I learned from the pedigree folder in week two, how to analyze charts, the circle is for females, and the square is for males. I learned that Autosomal dominance doesn’t skip a generation, affected parents can have unaffected children. Autosomal recessive, skip a generation, unaffected parents can have affected, children. X-linked dominant, disease never transfers from father to son, all daughters of an affected father will be affected. X-linked recessive, males are more affected, disease transfer from mother to son, the disease never transfer from father to son. I was able to learn all of this from the pedigree folder of week 2. The activities included: Pedigree Analysis, Pedigree Practice, More Pedigree Practice, and Spontaneous Mutations.

    1. I think that all of the activities in the google slide were pretty educational and fun. I learned the meiosis and mitosis order in which they occur. One thing I learned from Snurfle Meiosis 1, is that interphrase occurs before meiosis, and the cell does normal cell activities during interphase. From activity More identification of mitosis, meiosis 1, and meiosis 2, I learned about the visual identity of prophase 1, telophase 1, and prophase 2. And from the fill in the blank activity, I learned that sister chromatids are 2 genetically identical copies of a single chromosome, as well as the fact that homologs are present during all phases. The activities in the google slides were fun because they included visual descriptions and learning visually is easier. 🙂

  2. I think all of the activities were pretty education and the interactive ones gave me a better idea of how mitosis and meiosis work visually. Overall, I found the Snurfle activities the most helpful in clarifying what each step in the process does, but some interactive parts felt a bit redundant. The fill in the blank activity was really helpful in solidifying the terminologies. I wish more Q&A activities would have an explanation for why a choice is correct or incorrect. But these are just minor problems, and I found these activities so much easier to comprehend than the readings.

  3. All of this is review to me but my favorite activity was probably the meiosis square dance because it was catchy and makes the order of things easier to memorize. One thing I learned from the video was the order of meiosis, or more so got a more concrete understanding of it. In the fill in the blanks activity I learned that dogs have 38 chromosomes which is crazy. Then from the find the homologs activity I was able to more quickly recognize a homolog and practice it.

  4. My favorite mitosis and meiosis activity that we did was the Snurfle Meiosis 1 – it took everything from the reading for this week and condensed it into an informative interactive application. It made me think and watched the processes of Meiosis in “real time,” with animations and everything. The “Stage Identification” activity was helpful as well, though as others have mentioned here I would like to see explanations after each right or wrong answer too, to solidify our reasoning.

    One thing I learned from the Snurfle Meiosis 1 activity was how important independent assortment of the homologous chromosomes is to the potential diversity of gametes. We know in general that a non-diverse gene pool can lead to negative things such as inbreeding and harmful mutations.

    Also, I learned how to identify different stages of Mitosis in real pictures from the Mitosis Order activity – up until now we have been looking at colorful, labeled diagrams so it was neat to see what they look like in real life. Another thing I learned off hand from the Fill in the Blanks activity was that dogs have 78 chromosomes! Makes me wonder why they have almost double the amount that humans do.

    I also learned that chromosomes wear lipstick and square dance. Just kidding.

  5. My favorite activities were both of the snurfle exercises. I really liked how thorough they were in explaining the phases of meiosis. I watched them a couple of times and found them very helpful. It was nice to have a visual representation of what happens in each phase. Although I know about meiosis, I feel like my knowledge is more solid about what occurs in each phases. Specifically the differences between all phases in meiosis I and meiosis II. I also really enjoyed the meiosis square dance. It was catchy and fun. I typically remember better when I put a story with something. I also liked the stage identification and fill in the blanks. The interaction in all of the activities helped.

  6. My favorite activity from this assignment was the stage identification activity. It allowed me to visualize what the stages look like and the order that the stages go through.

    In the snuffle 1 activity, I learned a lot about what happens in each of the stages of Meiosis. It really allowed me to have a better visualization of what occurs in each of the stages, and how those stages occur.

    Lastly, the homologs activity allowed me to better understand what homologs are and what they look like in regards to chromosomes.

    Overall, each of these activities contributed to a better understanding of Meiosis and Mitosis as a whole.

  7. I really enjoyed all of the activities and I found them to be fun and educational. The one I like the most was the Meiosis square dance I learned a lot about the different processes that chromosomes go through to make a cell and it made learning the order of it more clear. I also learned and was able to understand what prophase 1, telophase 1, and prophase 2 looked like with the visual examples in the More identification of mitosis, meiosis 1 activity. I also learned a lot in the snurffle meiosis 2. Where I was able to learn and get a better visual of the process that goes on with this meiosis 2. It was really helpful to have a visual lesson and answer questions along the way to see my understanding of it.

  8. My Favorite Activity was the square dance video and quiz. I thought that song was silly and made the material a little more fun to comprehend. I think it would be very helpful to learn the song to help remember the phases and what happens during each phase. One of the things I Learned from the video was about the X and Y chromosomes being across from each other and on opposite poles during separation. Something I learned from Snurfle Meiosis 1 was a more detailed look at what happens in each phase of Meiosis while also being able to control the simulation steps. The last activity I wanted to mention was the Identification of mitosis, meiosis 1 and meiosis 2. This I found to be a helpful tool in order to identify the different stages from just looking at pictures of the process.

  9. I thought the activities were all fun and educational to each of their own extent. My favorite activity was the Snurfle activity because it felt like I was going through a story. The steps were broken down and they each involved an interactive component which called on my engagement. This in combination with the mini quizzes is what I think really allowed me to pay attention and learn. I was able to learn the steps of meiosis I and II a little better and even recognize the similarities and differences between them. The Meiosis Square Dance video was also fun to watch. The catchy lyrics allowed me to better memorize the steps of meiosis. I was also able to improve my recognition of the different stages of meiosis I and II through completing the Stage Identification activity.

  10. Meiosis Square Dance was my favourite activity, from this activity I learnt how the cross-over process works, and I also learned how to identify the x and y chromosomes in the animation.

    From the activities, I learned how to identify cells in different stages of mitosis (Mitosis order), I also learned the order in which these different activities occur. From Find the Homologs, I learned how to identify homologs.

  11. I really liked Meiosis square dance. It fluidly and clearly demonstrated the whole process. I especially liked the part showing how crossing over ultimately led to genetic variability and also the attention to detail in the X and Y chromosomes. The mitosis order activity showed me how the cells really look when undergoing this process, especially how the chromosomes start to become thick and visible in prophase. Also the snurfle quiz showed me each step that leads to genetic variability (crossing over, independent assortment,random fertilization)

  12. The meiosis square dance was my favorite, although it wasn’t the most educational and efficient it was by far the most enjoyable of the activities. I found the fill in the blank and the snurfle meiosis to be the most educational. My computer didn’t like snurfle game however I thought it did a great job of showing independent assortment and random fertilization. It was able to make it easy to understand, and not too complicated just a lot of clicking. Then the fill in the blanks I think was the best tool to help memorize the information.

  13. My favorite activity was the Meiosis Square Dance Video and Questions. It was easily the most fun, but it was also the most educational. I enjoyed the song and how they tried to rhyme each verse to help us remember the steps. During the video, I learned the correct order of meiosis, and what occurs in each stage. The video helped me also understand the cross-over process.
    Other activities that I enjoyed were the Mitosis order, the Meiosis order, and the fill in the blanks. The pictures in the first two activities helped me understand the 4 stages, and how to differentiate mitosis and meiosis. The fill in the blanks helped me get a better understanding of interphase. I learned that the DNA duplicates in the S phase.

  14. My favorite activity was the Meiosis Square dance. I learned the phases very well from this activity and I thought it was a fun and interactive way to learn and actively listen and grasp the information from the video.
    From fill in the blanks I learned that cytokinesis does not always split the cell 50/50 and from snurfle meiosis 2 I learned that independent assortment can diversify gametes that are formed.

  15. I liked the meiosis square dance because I was able to answer key points as I was watching the video. I got to learn more about the order of meiosis while having a catchy song in the background. The snurfle activities were nice as well because the visuals helped me understand visually what was going on during the different stages. I learned more in detail about what happens in what stage as well. In the fill in the blank activity I also learned how many chromosomes dogs have and it’s a lot!

  16. My favorite activity was 1: Mitosis Order, because I love Quizlet games. It is a fun and competitive way to learn information. It was fun trying to beat my personal best and others’ high scores. In the process, I became more familiar with what the different phases of mitosis look like.
    From the Fill in the Blanks activity, I learned more about the different phases of interphase which I was not familiar with before, such as how DNA replication occurs in the S phase. In Snurfle Meiosis 2, I learned that not every gene on every chromosome undergoes recombination/crossing over.

  17. Overall, I thought all of these activities were very educational and fun. My favorite activity was the fill in the blanks activity. Through this, I learned more definitions and was able to get clarification on the definitions that I knew. I liked this activity because it involved several different ideas, making it a very good review. I also enjoyed the snurfle meiosis activities because I was able to more clearly understand the difference between what happens during each stage in meiosis I and meiosis II. In addition to those, I also enjoyed the mitosis order activity because it displayed real pictures of the cell. Through that I was able to get a more realistic idea of what the process looks like.

  18. The one that stood out the most was the Meiosis square dance. Maybe I’m aging myself here but it reminded me of a schoolhouse rock. It was very catchy with the lyrics and the interactive questions I thought were very helpful to clarify some of the vocabulary for me. I kept confusing chromosome, chromatid and centromere.
    In general I think that they were all very helpful but the Snurfle was a really good visual activity that helped with visually differentiating each phase. I did like having the practice Meiosis quiz as well so I could go through that to test myself.

  19. My favorite one was the quizlet. It helped me learn the order a lot better because I was able to memorize the picture to the number. It was more enjoyable since it made it more competitive to get a faster time.
    I am also much better at finding homologues because of the H5P and the fill in the blank quiz at the end helped me to better recall the vocabulary. The fill in the blank made me realize I was confusing sister and homologues with each other. It cleared things up for me with the other activities.

  20. My favorite activity was the Mitosis order because it helped me memorize a picture of the stage number it was. Reading it was one thing, but connecting the dots was another. I kept confusing stages three and four, so one thing I learned was what the difference in pictures was. Two other things I learned, both from the fill-in-the-blank, were humans have 46 chromosomes while dogs have 78 chromosomes. A second fact I learned was the name for the overall stage of G1, S, and G2 is interphase. I thought the first fact about dogs and humans was an interesting comparison to look at and the second fact is an important term to know for the group of stages.

  21. My favorite activity was likely the Snurfle meiosis 2 because it was the most interactive and I found it to be the most educational. It really helped me to visualize what was occurring in the different stages and how to differentiate between the different stages. I also enjoyed the Meiosis Square Dance video because it was kind of fun and silly but also explained the details of meiosis pretty thoroughly, such as differentiating between the stages and understanding how the nucleus and the chromosomes behave in each stage. I also learned from the Snurfle activities that crossing over doesn’t always occur but does contribute to more possibilities of diversity.

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