Introduce yourself! Human Genetics, Summer 2023

Tell the class the following

Where you are from

What you hope to learn in this class

What you find most interesting about Genetics.

If you have taken on-line classes, what has specifically helped you learn on line. What type of activities help you most? Reading? Videos? Interactive activities? Others?

34 thoughts on “Introduce yourself! Human Genetics, Summer 2023”

  1. Hello,
    My name is Zania Brown. I am from Lansing, MI. My goal for myself during the duration of this class is to develop a better understanding of the concept of genetics as a whole. What I find interesting about genetics is that, it is such an in-depth concept and it’s crazy to think about how genes can make a person so unique. I’ve taken plenty of on-line classes and videos, sometimes, are helpful to get a greater grasp of the material being taught.

    1. We will talk about how genetic differences can make one unique, but also how one can very like a sibling.

  2. Hello,
    My name is Ammar Alromdhan and I am from Dearborn, Michigan. A component of genetics I find interesting is the relationship between the environment and gene expression. I hope to learn more about this as I continue this class. In previous online classes, I found lecture videos to be most helpful along with practice exams.

    1. We will give examples of how environmental effects can increase or decrease the expression of specific genes.

  3. Hi, My name is Taylor! I am from northern Michigan. I hope to learn about how mutations affect the body, and what follows that. I think genetics is fascinating due to the fact that one little defect can cause a domino affect in the body. Ive taken a few online classes, but never through LCC so I am still trying to learn to navigate this site! I think reading as well as practice problems will be benefit me!

    1. Taylor: we will give plenty of examples of how genetic changes can affect humans as well as other species.

  4. Hello, my name is Megan Guile, and I was born in Lansing, Michigan but I live in Fenton, Michigan. I hope to learn and understand human genetics in a more informed and in-depth way. I find it interesting how there are genes (BRCA genes) that make you more susceptible to cancer but my mom, who has stage 3 uterine cancer does not have that gene, yet her cells surpassed the mitotic checkpoints and turned into a cancerous tumor. Although this is oversimplified, I find the topic very interesting because it applies to me on a personal level. I have taken classes online before and I think it is useful to use videos and reliable articles to better understand the subject at hand.

  5. Megan: I am sorry to hear about your mother. We will discuss the genetics of cancer later in this class. One thing to note is that variants in the BRCA1 gene can result in a very high chance of getting breast cancer and elevated chances of getting other cancers including ovarian and prostate cancer, but not other cancers. I just read some information suggesting that a genetic alteration known to be involved in colon cancer also is associated with uterine cancer. We will also discuss the fact that cancer can run in families, but even when it does not, genes that are altered during a person’s life span can also play an important role in development of cancer.

  6. Hello, my name is Tu. I’m from Holland, Michigan, but I currently live in Okemos. It may be a very generic thing to hope to learn, but I genuinely am fascinated about how certain traits come to be, how some are more prominent than others, etc, and would love to come to know more about it. As far as online classes go, I’m a big fan of well-organized slideshow presentations. It’s a very digestible way of reading and taking in information, and segmented in ways that can be easy to sort through should you need to revisit a topic.

    1. I do use slideshow presentations for our Webex Meetings and they are part of the H5P presentations.

  7. My name is Lauren and I am from Lansing, Michigan, but attended Grand Valley during the year. I am a Medical Laboratory Science major and am very interested in genetics and microbiology and cannot wait to get a better understanding about genetics and how genetic conditions pass from one generation to another. Online learning is difficult for me, but finding time before or after work every day to review is helpful for me. Videos and interactive activities are the best for me, along with continuous review.

    1. I also teach microbiology lab at LCC. When we get to molecular genetics, we will talk about how bacteria have been used to understand basics of molecular biology.

  8. Hi, my name is Janelle. I am from the Kalamazoo area, spent years living in a variety of cities, states, and countries but am now back to my hometown to raise my children near family. I am returning to GVSU in the Fall for a second degree BSN. Genetics on the whole fascinate me as it makes us who we are and it has been interesting to watch the similarities and differences in my children compared to their family members. I look forward to gaining a more in depth understanding of the field. Over the past year, I have found well organized powerpoints to be helpful in addition to completing the reading and watching supplemental videos. The ability to work at my own pace is extremely beneficial as I balance work, school, and family life.

    1. We will spend a bit of time (especially starting next week) on how traits run in families and how we follow them using pedigrees.

  9. Hi my name is Fiona and I’m from Okemos, MI. I go to University of Michigan during the school year and I’m taking this class to get some of my natural science credits out of the way. I’m excited to learn about how different tiny changes have massive effects in genetics. I don’t know a lot about genetics, so I am excited to learn. I’ve taken a few online classes and I find that videos help me learn the most.

  10. My name is William and I am from Holt, Michigan. I hope to learn as much as possible about genetics. What I find most interesting is how a person’s genes and the environment are both factors in making a person the way they are. I also find it interesting that the environment actually impacts how genes are expressed. I have taken online classes before and I have found that reading and videos help me the most.

  11. Hi everyone my name is Lilli and I am from Caledonia Michigan, which is about 20 minutes southeast of Grand Rapids. I have taken a genetics course before at Ferris State so there are a few things I am hoping to get a better clarification on. I think one of the major things I would like to learn more about though is the environmental impact on genetic mutations. Personally, I find pedigrees to be the most interesting thing about genetics and trying to figure out which type of pedigree I am looking at. When I took the class at FSU, it was a flip class, meaning I went into class to work on homework and at home I watched online lecture videos and took notes. Something that helped with that was watching the video all the way through and write down what I remembered. Then I would go back and watch it again, clarifying any notes I had already taken.

  12. Hi. My name is Mohit Korganji and I am from Okemos, Michigan. I hope to learn more about how genetics is changing every minute and how it can turn into a good or bad thing. I find genetics interesting because every individual is different and how genes are expressed within a generation or population. Having a well detailed course schedule and a great format has helped me for online classes.

  13. My name is Evan. I am from DeWitt Michigan. I hope to learn about the the way DNA from both parents to form human life. I find it interesting the way recessive genes from parents can come together and display a phenotype that is unfound in either parent. Staying on top of things has helped me most in online classes. I find that I learn best from readings.

  14. Hi! My name is Mikayla and I am from Lansing, MI. I am hoping to learn more about how the environment can impact genetics. I have taken online courses before and something that is really helpful are online lectures. I also really like when the professor goes over many examples and provides answers/reasoning. .

  15. Hi! My name is Paige Sinacori and I am from Rochester, MI. In this class I hope to learn about the different types of DNA technology we use in our society and the disadvantages/advantages that come with it.
    I find it very interesting that we share a large percentage of DNA with different types of animals, such as chimpanzees, and I am excited to have a better understanding of the differences between human and animal genomes. In the past, rewatching lectures and writing the information in my own words has helped me learn online. In addition, I find it very helpful to go through practice exams and read more about specific topics that I had a hard time understanding.

  16. Hi! My name is Chloe. I was born and raised in Grand Ledge, MI but I am currently working and living full-time in the Auburn Hills area. I graduated from MSU with a B.S. in Physiology, so I am excited to learn about how the two topics intertwine. I already studied it from a Physiology perspective, and I am looking forward to studying it from a Genetics perspective. Something I find interesting is evolutions by natural selection’s dependence on genetics. I have always been fascinated by this and I am hoping this class adds to my collection of knowledge in regards to what I have already studied.
    I have taken many online classes before and I have learned that the way I study best is being able to have videos to watch that allow me to follow along and take my own notes, as well as practice sets/problems being given in order to help me study.

  17. What’s up everyone, my name is Mitchell and I am from Lansing. I am hoping to get a better in-depth understanding of genetics and it’s processes. That said, I am really interested in mutations of genes and the mapping of the human genome. I have taken one online course before and I can say what really helped me out was staying on top of my assignments as well as really trying to understand the material.

  18. Good evening,

    My name is Lauren. I grew up in St. Johns, Michigan pretty much my whole life but I currently live in Ovid, Michigan.

    I hope to learn about the different traits that make up a person and the probability of getting certain genes. I remember doing something in high school where we could see brown eyes and brown hair are considered more of a dominant trait and the different probabilities but if I am being honest that is the only thing I remember about genetics, so I have a lot to learn.

    When thinking about genetics I only think of things traits that are inherited from your parents or grandparents, but I am interested to see what else plays a role in it.

    Thus far in my college career I have only ever taken online classes. The things that have helped me learn most online are really a mixture of reading, and lecture videos. I like to read something and then hear it explained through a lecture video that provides examples. It helps me understand things the most.

  19. Hello I am mathieu Ruelle, I am from Ann Arbor Michigan but I am originally french. one thing I look forward to doing in this class are punnet squares since I didn’t understand them when i took this class in high school. what I am interested in learning about is cancer cells that are benign. and what helps me most when studying in an online class would have to be interactive videos or book reading

  20. Hello, I’m jared. I live in Lansing and I am excited to learn about the ways genes are expressed because of environmental factors.

    I learned a lot about genetics from cell biology last semester and I find it amazing how few types of molecules make up DNA.

    As for class online, I find it helps to check on every day, even if just briefly. It helps me keep the due dates in mind so I can better pace myself.

  21. Hello all,
    I’m Leah. My parents live in Troy, MI, but I live in Philadelphia, PA this summer.

    I’m looking forward to understanding genetics better especially in mixed raced children as a lot of people in my culture are mixed.

    I think genetics are interesting seeing how children adopt certain traits or features from certain parents or other family members.

    Using notion helps me keep myself accountable and blocking off time on my calendar to watch the videos and complete my assignments are helpful for online classes.
    I like interactive activities as I am a hands on learner.

  22. Hi,
    I’m Karsyn. I’m from Flushing, MI, but I am a full time student at GVSU living in Grand Rapids during the school year. I hope to learn about how genes work in twins, and siblings, specifically how they can be alike and different. I find the idea of inheriting features and characteristics from parents the most interesting thing about genetics. I have taken many online courses, and I think video lectures explaining the topics help me the most.

  23. My name is Corrynn Eberly and I am from Brighton, MI but I have lived in East Lansing since the fall of 2018, my freshman year at MSU. I am applying to MSU’s PA program at the end of summer and so I am hoping to get a grasp on the fundamentals of genetics to help me in clinical/diagnostic settings. I think the most interesting thing about genetics is how recessive genes can be carried through generations without phenotypically presenting. I have taken lots of online classes in which I have done very well. The thing that helps me the most is staying organized and on top of due dates since we do not have in class reminders. I personally like video lectures because it allows me to go through at my own speed and re-watch topics I need more time with.

    1. I did not know that MSU has a PA program. I get a number of students who want to be PAs, usually they go to Grand Valley, Wayne State or Central.

  24. Hi my name is Griffin!

    I am from Mason, Michigan

    I hope to learn more about genetics to prepare for medical school!

    I find the concepts behind mixing the genes of two parents to create a child and the ever growing genetic modification topic.

    I have not taken and online class before so I am not too sure what websites help. I have used a lot of youtube and khan academy in my in person courses to help explain things better. I really liked John Green’s brother’s channel.

  25. Hi, my name is Makayla Paul, and I am from Grand Ledge, Michigan. I hope to learn about how diseases and different traits can be passed from generation to generation. Sex linked traits are the most interesting to me, especially how it can skip generations and carriers. This is my first online class, and I hope to stay on top of all of the deadlines. Typically watching videos or interactive lessons help me to learn the best.

  26. Hi! I am Aman and I am from India. I hope to learn how the genes of our parents interact and how much of a role they play in defining us physically and mentally. I am really excited about the ongoing research in the field of genetics.
    I have found that to succeed in online classes, we need a higher sense of discipline to avoid procrastination. Making a schedule and marking important dates in Google or Outlook calendar really helps.

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