Mitosis and Meiosis Activities Summer 2023

Which was your favorite activity?

List one thing you learned from that activity and 2 things that you learned from other activities (Say what the activities are. Use the name on the slide)

22 thoughts on “Mitosis and Meiosis Activities Summer 2023”

  1. My favorite activity was the meiosis square dance. I thought it was a fun video to keep people engaged yet you are still learning about genetics. One thing I learned from this video is that homologs pair in meiosis, but not in mitosis. Another activity that I enjoyed was the snurfle meiosis 2. It helped me learn the differences between random assortment, crossing over, and random fertilization. I liked how there was animations so you could visualize what was happening to get a better understanding of the processes. I also learned a lot from the fill in the blank activity. I liked how I was able to know which terms I knew right away and what terms I needed some extra help on. One thing I learned from that activity was the difference between sister chromatids and homologous chromosomes.

  2. My favorite activities were the snurfle videos on meiosis and the crossover process. I thought it was helpful to have a visual of the processes, as well as the explanations and quiz questions to test knowledge as you go along. I thought it gave the most information out of all the activities.

    One thing I learned from the crossing over activity is it is the homologous chromosomes that exchange DNA during crossing over.

    In the fill in the blank activity, I learned that any chromosome that is not a sex chromosome is called an autosome. In the snurfle meiosis 1 video I learned that one event that may occur during telophase 1 is the nucleus of each cell may reappear as two independent cells are being formed.

  3. Stage identification was my favorite activity. It was short, but helped me identify the different stages of meiosis/mitosis.

    Snurfle meiosis 2 helped drill the importance of independent assortment.

    The fill in the blanks activity was a great review for mitosis/meiosis as a whole

  4. My favorite activity was probably the interactive Snurfle meiosis activities. I learned how each of the steps had specific components (cross over happens in prophase 1 but not prophase 2). In find the homologs I learned the difference between sister chromosomes and homologous chromosomes. Lastly, in mitosis order I learned cellularly what each step looked like.

  5. My favorite activity was the snurfle meiosis activities. The second snurfle meiosis activity helped me gain a better understanding on the differences, results, and importance of independent assortment, random fertilization, and crossover. I enjoyed the interactive ways of working with the material being taught within the snurfle activities. While I found the square dance video painful to listen to, it did teach me that homolog pairing only happens in meiosis and not mitosis.

  6. My favorite activity has to be the snurfle meiosis. it helped me understand a lot better what was going on and i thought it was more entertaining then the others. i thought that the square dance was kind of catchy and i learned that homolog pairing only happen in meiosis lastly i also liked the matching ones because i could learn what it looked like at what stage it is.

  7. My favorite activity was the Fill in the Blanks. I learned about the different parts of Interphase and when the cell’s DNA duplicates. in the Meiosis Square Dance activity, I learned when and how crossing over occurs and all of the phases of Meiosis. In the Find the Homologs activity, I learned to differentiate between sister chromatids and homologous chromosomes.

  8. I liked the snurfle activities, and it was more interactive so I felt more involved when participating, and it was presented in a way that was easier to digest than maybe something like just reading would. I solidified my understanding of crossing over with it.

    The square dance was fun, I got confused a bit about interphase and I think this activity cleared it up. My next favorite would have to be the matching activity, since it set me straight on the ones I did incorrectly (autosomes and karyotypes).

  9. My favorite activities were the snuffle videos because they really differentiated meiosis from mitosis for me. The meiosis video taught me that the nucleus disintegrates during Prophase 1 so that the chromosomes are not trapped in there. I also learned from this activity that cytokinesis usually occurs at the same time as telophase 1, I was thinking that telophase 1 happened first followed immediately by cytokinesis.

    In the fill in the blank activity, I learned that dogs have 78 chromosomes! I did some more research and learned it is because they have 38 pairs of autosomes (76 chromosomes total) plus the two sex chromosomes. I also enjoyed the first two activities, Mitosis Order and Meiosis Order, because they gave actual pictures of what they processes look like.

  10. My favorite was the stage Identification. This helped me see what the stages look like in real life as opposed to a cartoon. The meiosis square dance was good, it was an engaging way to reinforce the stages of meiosis and understand the differences between meiosis 1 and 2. Snurffle meiosis 1 was good because it helped me learn and interact with the stages of meiosis.

  11. My favorite activity was the Meiosis Square Dance. I learned that during Prophase 1 is where crossing over occurs between two homologous chromosomes. I learned that the nucleus must “disappear” during Prophase 1 as well and that a pair of homologous chromosomes are called a tetrad; I learned that from Snurfle Meiosis 1. Finally, I learned from Snurfle Meiosis 2 that there are many ways for gametes to be so genetically different and create such diversity in populations from one another through processes like crossing over, independent assortment, and random fertilization.

  12. My favorite activity was the snurfle meiosis activities. It helped me understand the processes of crossing over, independent assortment, and random fertilization. Specifically how each process works and what the outcome is. The stage identification taught me how to identify each stage based on images of what is happening to the chromosome. In the meiosis square dance activity, I learned that homologous pairs only appear in meiosis and not mitosis

  13. My favorite activity was the the snurfle meiosis activities. They really helped me understand what happens at each step, and I learned more specifically how crossing over happens, and when. From the mitosis order quizlet game, I learned what the different stages of mitosis physically look like, which was interesting. In the find the homologs game, I learned about the difference between homologous chromosomes and sister chromatids.

  14. List one thing you learned from that activity and 2 things that you learned from other activities (Say what the activities are. Use the name on the slide)

    My favorite activity was the square dancing video because it was a good mix of entertaining and helpful. From this video, I learned more about what specifically occurs during each step of meiosis.

    From the last fill in the blank activity, I got the clarification I needed to understand the differences between sister chromatids and homologous chromosomes.

    From the Mitosis Order exercise, I learned what mitosis looks like on a microscopic level. It was interesting to see it from a different perspective.

  15. My favorite activity was the snurfle meiosis 2 activity. Something that I really loved learning more of was independent assortment, the game provided insight into that concept that I hadn’t grasped before like its purpose is to developement a variety of gene combinations. It like understand punnett squares in a different way. I also really like the fill in the blank, learned that cytokinesis is always 50/50. I also liked Mitosis order game, it allows us to visually understand what each phase looks like.

  16. I thought the square dance video was alot like School House Rock, which made it fun to watch. It helped me better grasp when the crossover happens and in what order the splitting happens, homologs, then sisters.

    I also needed the refresher on what is a homologous chromosome and what is a sister chromatid.

    Finally the fill-in-the-blank activity was very helpful to keep the steps of mitosis straight.

  17. My favorite activity was the Stage identification activity. I felt like I learned the most from this activity because I used to always be so mad at figuring out the differences between Meiosis 1 and Meiosis 2, but I think this activity helped. I think one thing I learned from a different activity was what crossing over looked like, because I never fully understood that concept either. I learned that from the Snurfle activities. One last takeaway was from the Meiosis Square Dance. That activity was just a fun one overall because of the song, but I think it helped me understand the attaching of the spiral fibers and the pulling to the centrosomes.

  18. My favorite activity was probably the stage identification. I found it to be very helpful and although I wouldn’t say I necessarily learned something new, it definitely solidified my understanding of what each phase looks like inside the cell which I was previously having a hard time visualizing.

    I did learn a few new facts from the fill in the blank exercise which I also found helpful. I learned that dogs have 78 chromosomes and that cells do not always split 50/50, which is something I would not have guessed. I also learned what a Karyotype is!

  19. My favorite activity was the meiosis snurfle #2. I learned that when crossing over occurs between two homologous chromosomes, the variation goes from 2 to 4 because of the new combinations that can be formed with the gametes.
    I learned from the mitosis order how to better identify prophase by noticing the nucleus and the genetic material being present.
    I learned from the meiosis square dance that you can determine the x vs the y chromosome because the x is bigger than the y.

  20. The activity I enjoyed the most was meiosis snurfle #2 since it helped me understand the roles independent assortment and crossing over play during gametogenesis and how these two mechanisms lead to an increase in diversity.

    Stage identification was also another activity I enjoyed since it helped me identify the different stages of meiosis.

    The square dance video clarified when homologous pairing only occurs during meiosis and not mitosis. It also clarified other aspects of gametogenesis.

  21. I think the best activity for my learning was the Snurfle Meiosis activity 2. The repetition really helped me understand the concept better.

    One thing I learned from this activity was the foil method to figure out genotypes. I found it easier to understand seeing it a different way.

    I liked the Quizlet matching activity too because I liked being able to see what the processes look like under a microscope, so in a sense I learned what it looked like I real life.

    I also learned from the filling in the blank activity that dogs have 78 chronmosomes too!

  22. My favorite activity was the two snurfle videos of Meiosis 1 and Meiosis 2. It helped me learn how to differentiate how crossing happens and have a good understanding. From find the homologous, I learned how to properly identify homologues. From Mitosis order, I learned and got a better understanding between that and meiosis. I was able match the phases by their order correctly.

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