Introduce yourself! Human Genetics, Summer 2024

Tell the class the following

Where you are from

What you hope to learn in this class

What you find most interesting about Genetics.

If you have taken on-line classes, what has specifically helped you learn on line. What type of activities help you most? Reading? Videos? Interactive activities? Others?

27 thoughts on “Introduce yourself! Human Genetics, Summer 2024”

  1. Hi Genetics scholars,

    I am Jay Smith and am from St. Louis Missouri. I hope to learn about how Genetics applies to pharmacy, medicine, and the future of personalized drug development/treatment because I am starting a 4 year Doctorate of Pharmacy program at UMich Ann Arbor in the Fall.

    I find genetic engineering to be the most interesting part of Genetics. It is so cool to see how expert scientists can transfer key genes between different species to produce remarkable results.

    I have taken a lot of other online courses as close to half my undergraduate courses were in an online format. Watching provided videos and finding additional video content provides the most efficient way for me to learn new material. If I still have questions, I always fall back to the textbook or reach out to the teacher.

    1. Hey!
      Im from Traverse City Michigan, and I hope to expand my knowledge on genetics and all the important parts that influence it. I find the ways we can inherit traits from our parents most interesting. I have previously taken a few online classes and just managing my time correctly and having a plan in place on when i want to complete assignments helps me a lot. Videos and interactive assignments help me grasp the information easiest.

  2. Hello!
    I’m Isabel, I am from Mason, MI but living in Grand Rapids this summer. Honestly, I hope to learn a lot in this class. My knowledge about genetics is not very big so I do not have one specific thing I am interested in learning. The most interesting part of genetics to me is the link in certain diseases throughout families. Just the ability to work when I can and not have to stress out about making it to class on time is the most helpful part of online classes. Definitely interactive activites and reading help me best to learn.

  3. Hi, my name is Grace Henderson and I am from Bloomfield Hills, Michigan! I hope to learn about how genes help shape specific traits and overall health and wellbeing in life. Something I find most interesting about genetics is the similarities in genes when comparing humans to different animals. Interactive videos and practice questions help me the most when taking an online class.

  4. I am from Lansing, MI and I hope to learn more about the foundations of genetics. One thing I find most interesting about genetics is the concept. How genes carry such power information and cells know exactly what to do as instructed by our DNA.
    I have taken several online classes and one thing that specifically helps me is being able to work at your own pace. Activities such as discussion boards, videos, and interactive activities have seemed to help as well.

  5. Hello everyone,

    My name is Nick and I am from Plymouth Michigan, and currently live in Kalamazoo to attend WMU. I hope to learn more about genetic disorders like mutations, and the “why” behind them. I have some background in genetics but not a ton. I find that inheritance interests me. Whether it is physical traits, medical conditions, or certain cancers. I have taken a few online asynchronous classes and I would say my favorite part is establishing a routine. I like using videos and interactive modules to help me learn certain material. Overall I am looking forward to this course!

  6. Hello, Im Kaitlyn and am from Clarkston, Mi. I hope to gain a better understanding of the way genetics play a role in everyday wellbeing, disease, and management. I am pursuing an education in Veterinary medicine and find Epogenetics and changes in dog breeds interesting and love learning about how specific traits are inherited. I am a very hands on learner and appreciate interactive activities or quizzes in which I can practice and revisit for studying purposes. I also enjoy short videos in which I can take notes to and replay.

  7. Hello everyone my name is Steevens I was born in Haiti and moved to Lansing in 2010. I attend GVSU and I plan on becoming a PA in the future. I have a minuscule understanding of genetics through intro to bio and other classes, I hope that this class can make improve my understanding of the basics of genetics.

    One thing that I really love about genetics is that it is relatively new and that new things are being discovered as we learn more about it. I recently read about gene therapies for genetic disorders. Also things like gene editing technologies that are allowing scientists to make precise changes to DNA, which has incredible potential for treating genetic diseases and improving human health.

    I have taken an online class before and one of the things that has really helped me be successful is by printing the course syllabus schedule and posting of my wall where I can see it everyday. This allowed my to stay on schedule and not falling behind. The type of activities that I find helpful are a mixture of everything. I like the idea of short videos and then answering questions right after to see if you understand the material. I also like working on assignments where you have to look for articles related to the topic. I think a combination of different things keeps me interested this keeps the class entertaining for me.

  8. Hi, my name is Carson Hennessey and I am from Davison, Michigan. I hope to learn more about why people are born with certain traits and others are not, I also would like to learn about how people have twins. What I find most interesting about genetics is how something so small like DNA affects how we are born. I have taken an online class before and what helps me the most is treating like an in-person class and creating a checklist each week. What helps me learn the best when taking online classes is in depth explanation videos and demonstrations.

  9. Hello, My name is Finn Weinstein and I am from Lansing Michigan. I hope to learn the basics of human gentics as I do not have much experiance in this field. I am studying to become an engineer and I find the Genetics engineering side to intrest me quite a bit. I have taken online classes before and I thought the videos and examples helped give me most of the information for the class.

  10. Hi!

    My name is Marina L’Heureux, and I am from South Lyon, MI. I have taken a genetics course through MSU, but I am hoping to expand my knowledge on genetics before I apply to PA school in 2025.

    I find the way that genotypes manifest into certain phenotypes is the most interesting idea throughout genetics. Throughout my time at MSU, I learned how to succeed in online courses: self-discipline, time management, and meeting with professors to ask questions.

  11. Hello!

    My name is Erick Guzman, and I am from South Haven, MI, attending WMU in Kalamazoo. What I hope to learn from this class is an indepth look the field of genetics. This is because although this class is about human genetics, I currently internship in the horticulture department at MSU working with strawberries. Later in the summer I will be crossing different genotypes, so anything I learn in this course would be beneficial! Honestly, I find the whole field of genetics interesting. But if I had to choose, I would say probably the process of Cellular Replication is pretty cool. Something that has definitely helped me learn online is creating flashcards on topics in the lecture, such as quizlets.

  12. Hey!

    My name is Falak. I am from India and I study in Michigan State University majoring in Psychology. I hope to learn more about the core of how genetics works in this class. I have always been interested in genetics and biology in general and am excited to learn more about it. I think the coolest thing about genetics is genetic engineering and how heriditary information travels.
    I like online classes as they are flexible and mostly have the whole syllabus updated which helps me make a plan of my own and study. Easy to understand videos, interactive activities and online flashcards help me the most to learn.

  13. Hey everyone,

    I’m Aditya Butle, an engineering student from Qatar at Michigan State University. I’m really excited about this Human Genetics summer course and can’t wait to dive into the amazing world of genetics. Even though I’m studying engineering, genetics fascinates me because it explains so much about who we are and how we inherit traits.

    I’ve done a few online classes before, and for me, interactive videos work the best. They break things down in a way that’s easy to follow and way more engaging than just reading textbooks. Looking forward to learning with all of you.

  14. Hi, my name is Alex Wallace. I am from and currently life in Okemos. I an accounts payable coordinator at a company called Energy Developments. In my free time I like to golf and hang out with my friends. In this class I hope to learn about how different genes get passed down and how they affect how we look and act. I feel that I have learned best in other online classes when there are videos and interactive activities. I also find it very helpful when there are deadlines in a class. When a class is self paced I find myself getting behind and having to do a lot of work at one time.

  15. Hello, my name is Marnie, I am from Canton Michigan, but I currently live in Toledo Ohio. From this class, I hope to learn more about genetic mutations, how they occur, and what those outcomes are. The most interesting point of genetics to me is how heredity and the environment can affect genetic constitutions and the development of diseases.
    I have taken online classes before and what I found to be most helpful was creating a schedule. I would pick set days of the week and times to watch lectures and study. Trying my best to treat it like a regularly scheduled in-person class.

  16. Hello!
    My names is Jenna Heyer and I am from Dewitt Michigan, but spend most of my time in Houghton Michigan. What I hope to learn in this class is genetic mutation and sex-linked traits. I also wonder if fruit flys will be talked about in this class because of there fast growth rate and easy to use when studying genetics. What I find super interesting about this class is how genes are transcribed and actually show up in humans. I also find co-dominant traits interesting as well. I have never taken an online class before but usually I like when teacher post videos and readings. I like when there is freedom when to turn things in because I am also working this summer.

    1. We will spend some time discussing fruit flies. I spent a fair amount of time studying them in graduate school and later on.

  17. Hello. My name is Bridget Motcheck, and I come from Mason, Michigan. My main goal is to gain a deep understanding of genetic traits and gene identification. I am particularly interested in delving deeply into the world of genetics and DNA to further educate myself on these topics. I have taken my whole two years at LCC online. I find myself learning more with videos and hands-on learning, such as taking notes on videos.

  18. Hello everyone!
    My name is Mikayla Campbell and I am from Brighton Michigan. I am excited to learn about how different genes are passed on and how they can be adapted. I find genetics very fascinating that we can track what animals and species were around and how they evolved over hundreds and thousands of years. I have taken online courses in the past, and I think being diligent about the amount of time spent on the class is very important for success

  19. Hey everyone! My name is Ramy and I am from Okemos. I lived in Detroit during the school year and attended Wayne State. I am a Biology major so genetics is a favorite of mine. I’m hoping to learn more about genetics than I had in just a few short chapters in high school. The most interesting thing about genetics was sex-linked and autoimmune diseases. For some reason, those notes/chapters stand out very much in my head from my biology course in my sophomore year of high school. When learning biology I am a big video watcher, I LOVE AmoebaSisters and all the other YouTube channels I rely on for a good visual representation. When taking MicroBiology last semester, watching videos helped me understand what was going on in DNA replication.

  20. Hello
    My name is Aladid, and I am from Sudan. I am taking this class as prerequisites for PA school. Genetic has a significant impact on many aspects of human life, the discovery of causes and therapies for human diseases. I am interested to learn about human genetic variation and inheritance of some diseases through gene.
    Taking an online class helps me to work and complete my school work at any convenience place and time. I also enjoy videos and replay them as much I need.

  21. Hello everyone! My name is Amelia Nevins and I’m from East Lansing Michigan. I am actually a guest student here at LCC for the summer, and attend Ferris State University. I don’t know much about genetics and have only really learned about Mendelian genetics a bit from general biology, and worked a lot with fruit flies in my labs to understand genetics traits, sex linked traits, mutations, and how all of that works! So I guess I’m hoping to branch away from that a little bit and learn anything else about genetics that I can. I guess from what I know so far, I find all the different kinds of mutations that occur the most interesting. I like learning about why they occurred, and how they affect each individual in positive and negative ways. From taking online classes in the past, I find that having example problems posted as well as videos explaining the material most helpful. I don’t particularly like to read, I find it confuses me more, and i am more of a visual learner. I also find that going to a library helps me to focus and get my work done better than trying to do it at home, since there’s many distractions there.

    I look forward to taking this class and learning more about genetics!

  22. Hello,
    My name is Capri and I live in Arizona. What I find most interesting about genetics, and what I hope to learn about is the inherited variations in human genetics. Learning more about these variations will help me to better understand the inheritance of characteristics by children from parents. Videos, interactive assignments and also readings help me to learn in my online classes.

  23. Hi!
    My name is Madysen Shahady and I’m from Aurora, Illinois. Through this course, I hope to learn about genetics as a whole and also how it relates to nursing. Something really interesting I have found about genetics is the medical conditions and diseases one can get from a mutation in their genome. I have taken a couple classes online and using resource materials like study guides, quizlets, and practice tests have helped me to do well in courses in the past. Specifically for genetics, I believe that activities like videos and practice worksheets will help me the most to learn the material.

  24. Hi everyone!

    I’m Jessica, originally from Macomb, Michigan. I’m currently in nursing school at Grand Valley State University. Genetics was one of my favorite topics in my bio classes, but the content was very brief. I want to potentially go into genetic cancer research further along in my career so I am really excited to deep dive into the topic. I find the complexity and randomness of genetics to be most interesting. Spontaneous mutations and deletions fascinate me. I work at a summer camp for adults with disabilities (anything you could think of) and a lot of them have genetic disorders. I see the outcomes of these situations and now I want to know the why and how of it all. I’ve taken a few online classes, one at LCC last summer, and I found practice worksheets, retake-allowed quizzes, and interactive stuff more helpful. I need feedback in order to understand what I did wrong so that also helps. I am so pumped for this semester!

  25. Hi!! My name is Kelsea Chisolm, I am from Detroit, Michigan. I hope to learn more about how genetics can form our personalities. I find it most interesting how our behavior can be influenced based off of our genetics. I have taken online classes before I feel like interacting activities mainly keep me engaged throughout the course. I believe my learning style includes being hands on and I am definitely a visual learner aswell.

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