Article Discussion Site

Find an article about biotechnology and post the URL here with a short summary in your own words and why you found it interesting.

Some places to look are or

LCC research databases

(General onefile or omnifile are good places to start)

Note: this is a public site which means that it can be read outside of LCC. Please keep this in mind and use appropriate language.


Enter your submission as a reply to this post.

I have to approve all new users to this site, so the first time you use this, you will not see your article appear until after it is approved.

You can get up to 10 points extra credit for doing this. This can be valuable, especially if you did poorly on the last exam.

Note: The total number of extra credit points possible in this class is 25. Some people are close to 20 extra credit points. You can find the total in D2l.