Human Cloning

Many animals have been cloned including monkeys, but so far there have been no confirmed reports of human cloning. Should it be illegal? If not, under what circumstances should it be allowed?

23 thoughts on “Human Cloning”

  1. Although many researchers and scientists have cloned many different organisms, I believe that it would be unethical for us to start cloning human organisms. If a mutation occurs or something goes wrong, which is a very possible risk, it would become a worldwide ethical issue and can stir up major problems in today’s society. Although cloning is very possible, as we learned in this unit, I believe that it is not right to make a copy of a human being. If there are any circumstances that this should be allowed is if the person being cloned agreed completely and the clone used for medical purposes. For example, if a person is in organ failure or needs a perfect copy of a part of the human body, cloning could be used for that purpose. But, I think that cloning shouldn’t be used to just make a copy of someone just to have without a reasonable medical purpose. Cloning should be a last chance resort, but it is very risking and might not be worth it.

  2. Human cloning should not be allowed. The first reason being there is no reason to clone a human. The second reason is that there is no way to test the implications of cloning humans. Cloning humans could lead to dangerous consequences such as overpopulation or inability to control the behavior of the clone. I believe there are too many risks involved to legalize cloning of humans.

  3. Human cloning should be illegal in my opinion. I believe that even animal cloning should be illegal unless it is to keep a species existing. There is no need for human cloning and is very unethical. There are so many places for mistakes and mutations and creating a human being with so many risks could lead to some very emotional outcomes. There is just no need for it and not enough research to support how I would be beneficial or how they can do it without harm.

  4. In my opinion, human cloning should be 100% illegal. There is no reason for us to do that. I can understand why we would want to learn how we can do that with our technology and be interested in it but I don’t think we should. It’s like what I said to last weeks assignment; Haven’t we seen enough scary movies as to why this is not a good idea???

    1. Okay, but some scary movies (like Jurassic Park) do not care enough about the science to have a really effective message. (To clone a dinosaur you would need more than just DNA, you would need intact chromosomes at least (protein is not as stable as DNA). you would also need a dinosaur egg. People have tried to do clone living organisms using an egg from a species that was not the same as the species that the nucleus came from. This does not work if they are not very closely related).

  5. I do not think that reproductive cloning on humans ought to be legal. Despite our successful attempts at cloning animals, there is always some abnormality in the cloned animals (shortened life span, facial or physical deformity, etc.). As such, this is very concerning to me as we do not know the negative changes we could afflict upon a person that was a clone. Furthermore, I have hesitations about making a clone of a person, due to the lack of understanding how the clone would think, act, and feel. Identical twins will share some similar interests and tastes, but they also can have very unique personalities. Similarly, we could create negative behaviors and personality traits in a clone, which we are not adequately prepared to handle.

  6. Regardless of the success in cloning animals, cloning human beings should absolutely remain illegal. There are breakthrough health opportunities and benefits to cloning animals, which can be used to develop drugs and organs to help humans. However, no cloned human being would ethically be able to be used for harvesting or experimentation. Human beings have complex spiritual and emotional aspects that are abstract and very different than that of other mammals. This practice would be unethical and downright scary and would open the door to a plethora of social issues.

  7. I feel that cloning humans should be illegal. Not just for the ethical reasons, but we do not know what kind of problems, abnormalities, or diseases could happen with a cloned human. I know that there has been some benefits of cloning animals, but at the same time these animals generally have issues also. Technology and science have come a long way, but there is still huge unknown with cloning humans.

  8. I think there is no reason for human cloning to be legal. This practice comes with major ethical implications that cannot be ignored. Animal clones have been used to benefit their species, but, ethically, human clones cannot be used for this purpose. It’s almost like a farm of humans, and there is no reason for this to be okay. Not only this, but there is not nearly enough research in cloning and the effects it will have on humans. Human beings have an immense emotional presence, and “clones” may possess the same attributes. Ethically, there is no way for this practice to be legal.

  9. I think it should be illegal, just because something can be done doesn’t mean it should be done. what would be the purpose of it? And who would want a clone of oneself, I would not.

    Cloning tissues I can understand. I see benefit in that. If I had leftover embryos from my ivf cycles I more than likely would have donated them to science, before just destroying them. I think there is a fine line on cloning.

  10. I don’t think reproductive cloning of humans should be legal. There are countless movies that show the cons of living in a world where technological/medical advances become unregulated and take control of the global landscape. . . . . just kidding. But seriously, there would really have to be some kind of revolutionary necessity for it because unless it offers some major benefit to society (that outweighs the ethical concerns), it’s going to be somewhat tabooed. Even therapeutic cloning with iPS cells ,which has really achieved a lot in terms of eliminating some of the ethical hurdles involved with stem cell research, is still met with resistance despite all of the potential benefits that can come from it. Who knows, maybe one day it will be the only socially accepted way to test living on Mars or something but, ultimately I don’t see a reason that it should be legal presently.

  11. I don’t think that human cloning should be allowed. Each person has their own unique set of DNA, what good would it be to create someone exactly like them? There are many things that could go wrong in the process of cloning a human due to their intricate nature, so it may create many mistakes that make it very hard for the cloned human to live.

  12. The only time cloning should be legal is in the event someone feels a valid want to be cloned, ie in the event of imminent death or disease. Said clone would be legally named differently so that they are not mistaken for the original person in text and such. Otherwise, cloning humans only contributes to over-population.

  13. I don’t believe that cloning a human in whole should be legal. While DNA would all be the same you would not get the same person through personality or experiences, and would become a legal mess if ever one was involved in a crime. Cloning of organs sounds promising and would have lower rates of rejection, as the cells and immune system should be the same as the donor which would also be the recipient in these cases.

  14. I feel that human cloning should not be illegal but if allowed, should be regulated to only special circumstances. I think people who struggle to have children, and have not been successful at having children after trying many other methods should be allowed to have a child through cloning. I noticed one of the videos said Dolly died because she was a clone from an older sheep so that would definitely cause issues. I hope scientist do not attempt to clone humans.

    1. I am not sure whether there are more studies which link the age of the “clonee” to the health of the clone. I will have to look into that. Dolly was just one subject. She lived about 1/2 the typical lifespan of her breed of sheep.

  15. Although animal cloning has been successful, I don’t think that human cloning should be legal. I do think it would be an amazing medical breakthrough to be able to successfully clone a human, but it has too many risks and is completely unnecessary. I often wish I could be in two places at once, but not enough to support cloning.

  16. I think that human cloning should definitely be illegal. Even if it was for special circumstances such as a couple struggling to have another child or someone close to death, there are far too many risks and ethical issues associated with it to justify it. Even if the cloning was successful, who knows what their quality of life would be like. Dolly died early because she was cloned from an older sheep. Cloning tissues or organs however, I think could be beneficial.

  17. I do not think it is ethical to clone humans. I agree and encourage the use of cloning to correct medical diseases and disorders, but do not believe it is appropriate to clone humans. There are too many unknowns and ethical implications to clone humans. This technology should be used but needs oversight and group discussion to make sure it is handled correctly. Using cells for research is very different than using a humans and other animals for research.

  18. I believe that human cloning to a certain extent should be legal. Cloning an entire human being should be illegal. However, the cloning of someone’s own heart, liver, lungs, kidneys, etc. could have so many more benefits than ever thought of. Every day numerous people die because they need an organ. Likewise, people are put onto a waiting list waiting years to usually never receive a transplant. With human cloning, there could be in theory no more need for that list. For example, say you are in kidney failure and you do not have someone that can donate. You then get put onto the transplant list. A lot of the times you will never get that transplant. If cloning gets far enough advanced then who is to say you couldn’t find just a few healthy kidney cells and create a brand new kidney. All in all full human cloning should be illegal. For the medical purpose, only cloning of certain organs or body parts should be allowed if it will be beneficial to a person/society.

  19. I do not think human cloning should be legal. It should be illegal, because ethically it poses a large risk by cloning a human being who already living or has already lived in the past. In addition, we do not know what type of long term affects this may have on the cloned person. Cloning for medical purpose is tempting, but in my opinion is ethically and morally wrong.

  20. It is fascinating that cloning exists, but I don’t see any benefit to cloning humans. First off, our world is so densely populated already, and just the thought of having cloned humans walking around is a bit creepy. I would imagine the cost of resources and funding to be astronomical. That type of funding should be put towards more pressing issues other than cloning an actual human. I feel the same way about cloning animals, there is simply no need for it. I do agree with the benefits of it in the medical field such as creating new organs for those in need.

  21. I don’t think that human cloning should be legal because everyone in their own way is special and unique. My question is why would you want someone that is exactly like you when there is already one of you in this world. I honestly do not see how this is beneficial to the human race in anyway our world is already overpopulated and our world is dying from all the pollution and adding more people to it is not going to help because human cloning would not mean that they are babies they would be your age so they wouldn’t be growing up knowing not to hurt the earth

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