Introduce Yourself! 2019


Tell the class the following

Where you are from

What you hope to learn in this class

What you find most interesting about Genetics.

If you have taken on-line classes, what has specifically helped you learn on line. What type of activities help you most? Reading? Videos? Interactive activities? Others?

33 thoughts on “Introduce Yourself! 2019”

  1. Hello everyone! My name is Brittany Fritsch. I am from Mason, MI but I am currently a senior at GVSU and live in Grand Rapids. One thing I hope to learn in this class is a better understanding of basic genetic makeups and how they can go wrong and the consequences if they do go wrong. Something I find very interesting about genetics is how if one simple letter in a genetic code is switched, someone can have a debilitating disease because of that. I find it interesting that our entire make and model of ourselves is because of sequences of letters. While taking other online classes, something that has helped me learn and stay on top of everything is filling out a planner a few weeks in advance. This helps me stay on top of assignments and make sure I am not missing anything. Activities that have helped me the most are problem sets or questions to get more familiar with the material. I also find PowerPoints to be very helpful as a guide for each chapter/topic.

  2. Hello!
    I am Karl Williams
    Where you are from:
    Currently in Lansing Mi

    What you hope to learn in this class:
    More about human genetics and why we are how were are built

    What you find most interesting about Genetics.:
    The combinations and possibilities seem endless, Genes are passed down through the generations to create US!

    If you have taken on-line classes, what has specifically helped you learn on line. What type of activities help you most? Reading? Videos? Interactive activities? Others?:
    I cannot really say what’s helped me the most but its included plenty of vodka and some long nights!

  3. Hello everyone. My name is Chanpichta Kong. I go by Channy for short. I am from Boston, MA. I moved here about a year ago with my fiancée for his medical school. I currently working and taking perquisite courses for PA school. I am hoping to go back to school as soon as possible. One thing I hope to learn from this class is how CRISPR/Case9 work. I find genome editing very interesting because it can be used to help cure and preventing diseases. I have taken a few on-line classes and I find that being organize is very important because you need to be self-reminded when assignments are due. The type of activities that I find helpful is online lectures and practice questions. Listening to lectures and the ability to go back are very useful for studying. I can obtain class material better through that.
    I am looking forward to this class so let’s have a good semester guys.

  4. Hi, my name is Carson Nolan I am from Webberville, and I in my senior year of high school there. From this course I hope to learn what makes people from different cultures so different. I find it very interesting that humans in general are so visibly diverse. Something that helped me to learn online was keeping track of due dates and staying on task. I find work problems the most helpful because it gives you an opportunity to practice what you’ve learned and to see if you fully grasp the concept or not.

  5. Hi! My name is Sarah Kane, I am from a tiny town about an hour away named Stanton. There’s not just one thing I’m excited about learning as I am excited about learning anything and everything. I fell in love with the study of genetics in high school and it is interesting in the fact that it is the very basis of life itself and one small change in the sequence can destroy or help the whole system. I haven’t had the chance to take a fully online class before but I am excited about being able to work at my own pace and be able to get ahead.

  6. Hello everyone! I am Amalia, some people like to call me Mali for short.
    I am from Lake Odessa MI, (I would be shocked if anybody knows where that is)
    Well, frankly I hope to learn a thing or two about human genetics.
    To be honest I don’t know much about Genetics, I’m really only taking the class because it’s required, but I have always loved my biology classes so I am sure I will love this one two once we get into it. I’m always up for learning new things.
    This is my first online class, so I am kinda experimenting with this whole new environment, but I feel like I would learn best with the use of videos and interactive activities, I have never been able to read online for extended periods of time, my brain just kinda switches off and I find it hard to pay attention to what I’m reading.

  7. Good Afternoon;
    I am Ashleigh Novak; I am from all over but I am settled in the East Lansing/Okemos area.
    I hope to learn a whole scope of things from this class – genetics has always fascinated me, and I look forward to exploring this topic more in depth.
    This will be my fourth semester taking online classes or a combination of online/in person classes; I always find that suggested readings and videos are helpful. Discussion boards have also been a big part of my online learning, because I am able to read viewpoints from other people, which in the past has provided great insight that I might not have considered.

  8. Hi everyone, my name is Mitchell Wilkins. I am a senior at MSU but I am taking this class here at LCC because I just need it to apply for PA school and it’s way cheaper here 😉
    Where you are from?:
    I have lived in Lansing my whole life.
    What you hope to learn in this class?:
    I am hoping to learn more about traits that are the product of the combination of multiple genes. Although I have taken a lot of biology classes I feel like that topic is always skimmed over and it still confuses me a bit.
    What you find most interesting about Genetics.
    I think it is so interesting how so many genetic diseases/ mutations still exist, even with all the “safety precautions” our body has for replicating DNA.
    If you have taken on-line classes, what has specifically helped you learn on line. What type of activities help you most? Reading? Videos? Interactive activities? Others?
    I definitely find videos the most helpful. I took biochemistry online and I watched the videos over and over until I really felt like I understood what was being said. I also think videos are the perfect way to study late at night when you don’t have much energy for reading left.

  9. Hello, My name is Jaylyn Fransee. I am originally from Bay City, but moved to Lansing a couple of years ago. I guess I don’t necessarily hope to learn so much as to make sense of genetics. I would like to know what factors go into the creation of your genetics and how diseases play a role in that process. I find it interesting that genetics can be the cause of the most amazing and tragic events in life, and I am taking this course to hopefully better understand this fact.

    I prefer a lot of visual components when taking an online course. I feel videos and imagery help the memory of information.

  10. Hello!
    My name is Julie DeVries. I am from Chelsea, Michigan but have lived in West Michigan/Grand Rapids for the past nine years. I am hoping to learn the basics of genes and how they change through our life. Human genetics is fascinating to me because one gene has the ability to alter our life.

    I have taken a couple of online classes in the past. I found that it helps me to print readings so I can talk to the text rather than trying to read on a screen. Sample quizzes can also be very helpful to gauge if you actually have a grasp on the content or not.

  11. Hi Everyone!
    My name is Kelsey Morgan and I am currently a senior at GVSU studying Nursing in Grand Rapids. I hope to gain a better understanding of Genetics so I can apply it to “everyday nursing” life. I’m specifically interested in genetic disorders and what individuals have in common and what makes us so unique from another. Since this is an Online course, I have found using interactive activities which keep me engaged work best for me. When I am stuck on a topic sometimes it helps to have another person, website, or source explain it to you.

  12. Hello! My name is Ally Tullis, I am from a small town north of Grand Rapids called Whitehall. I am currently a nursing student at GVSU. I hope to learn more about the basics of genetics and certain conditions/illnesses that are gene related. I think genetics is interesting because it seems like simple mutations can have severe outcomes that can effect ones entire life. Watching videos has always helped me to absorb material. I also like to plan ahead and set a schedule at the beginning of each so I know exactly when I have to do what assignments.

  13. Hi y’all, my name is Megan Buckingham. I have completed my undergraduate degree in Marketing and Advertising from UNC and played professional soccer in Chicago and in Iceland. I have recently decided to go back to school for my second degree in nursing and Human Genetics was a prerequisite. I hope to learn about genetics, obviously, and get a better idea of different genetic diseases that we can catch early. I am living in Colorado so after reading this weeks assignments I really hope to find a proctor center at the college in the city. I have taken online classes before and the most helpful thing to me are videos, because sometimes listening to someone else describe the material is better than trying to read about it. Hope y’all are having a good summer.

    1. As a soccer player you might get a kick (sorry!) out of this:
      Soccer Genomics Video
      Later in this class we will talk about genetic testing and whether the idea of genetic testing for things like athletic ability has any value.

  14. Hello! My name is Ashleigh Iles. I am from Holland, MI and I attend GVSU. I am studying toward a career in medicine and hope to learn as many practical applications about genetics as possible in this class.

    Genetics is an interesting subject; it is crazy to think that everything we are (our differences and similarities) comes from a universal code.

    I have not taken a specific online class before, however, I know that I learn best when reading and rewriting my notes. I also learn well when the subject is made applicable to the “real world.”

  15. Hi all! My names Milica Jokanovic and I’m from Macomb MI. I’m taking this class to fulfill my prerequisites for PA school and am in my first cycle of applying. I hope to learn alot more about how genes influence our behaviors later in life. I find genetics interesting because there are so many outcomes of life from our genes . Taking online courses before i’ve learned that you still need to make time during the week regularly to study, so having a schedule really helps. I like to use a planner to make what times during which days i go online to keep up with my classes and study for exams and tests. I find writing projects that have to do with the chapters are very helpful because it forces me to write about the topics.

  16. Hello everyone!
    My name is Autumn Harvey but everyone that knows me calls me Rose. I am from Fowlerville, MI and currently work as an Inventory Specialist for a specialty pharmacy. I’m gonna be honest and say that I don’t know a whole lot about genetics other than the basics which makes me excited to learn about everything this class has to offer. What I find most interesting about genetics is that our genes literally control all aspects of our physical being. As many other classmates have pointed out, one miniscule change in genetic material can present big challenges for a person. I’ve always been highly interested in Biology and Anatomy and I hope that the material I learn in this class will help further my current knowledge. I have taken online courses in the past and I find that reading helps my understanding more than anything because I can absorb the material at my own pace and reference it when needed. Videos are also very helpful but I have a tendency to sometimes miss information when it’s being presented to me verbally. I’m very glad to be here and I’m excited for the course!

  17. Hello everyone!

    My name is Hannah Hegberg and I am from Fowlerville, MI. I am currently taking this class as a prerequisite for PA school. I am excited for this class as it coincides with my interests in physiology and anatomy. The only frame of reference I have for genetics is the small section we covered in biology.

    I have seven siblings so I think it will be interesting to learn more about how genes are passed from the parent to the child. I think the role that genes play is interesting in that my siblings and I look so similar but none of us particularly look like either of my parents. It is funny to think that genetics decide who we look like.

    I have taken many online classes as an undergrad and even more post-bac. I think the most helpful way for me to learn and stay on task is through interactive learning. Watching videos and taking notes is beneficial, but when I get to apply what I have learned in an interactive setting, it solidifies the information for me. I am looking forward to this semester and the knowledge I will gain from this class!

  18. Hello everyone,
    My name is Chloe. I am 19 (as of yesterday) and live in Pinckney, Michigan. This is my third semester at LCC. I am currently pursuing an Associates Degree in Biology than I plan to transfer to Eastern to continue my degree to get a Bachelor’s in Biology. I am currently working full-time as a Preschool teacher and also going to school full-time. I love working with kids and hope to one day become a pediatrician. I don’t know much about genetics and am very excited to learn about them. Being that this is my third semester I’ve taken a handful of online classes, my best tip is to be very diligent and organized. At the beginning of every week for my classes, I make a schedule with all my “must-dos” and homework so I know exactly what has to be done and I also include due dates to help manage the craziness. 🙂

  19. Hi everyone!
    My name is Emily, and I am from Jackson, MI. I am a nursing/Pre-PA student, so everything human body related is super interesting to me. I currently work in the Emergency Room in Jackson, as well as an assisted living facility in Lansing. I hope that this class will help me to learn the reasoning behind why all of us are how we are, scientifically speaking. What I find the most interesting about genetics is how our genes can (and have) evolve so much over time. I would love to be able to understand the reasoning behind it. This is my first online class, so I am a little nervous to see how it goes; but I know that I am a very interactive learner, and am hoping to experience a little of that with this class.

  20. 1. Where you are from?
    Hi everyone, my name is Olubunmi Olapade, but i go by Bunmi. I am from Nigeria, I am a sophomore at GRCC, currently taking prerequisite for GVSU BS. Nursing in anticipation to transfer to GVSC.

    2.What you hope to learn in this class
    I hope to learn more from my basic understanding of genes in microbiology and human anatomy, How genes are read, transcribed and are transferred and how they vary from generations to generations and from humans to humans and how they can also cause defects on human existence.

    3. What you find most interesting about Genetics
    What I find most interesting in Genetics is how cancer is caused due to a genetic error or defects that was wrongly transcribed from one generation to another, Although this is based on my little knowledge as I have not really had an in depth knowledge of the course.

    4.If you have taken on-line classes, what has specifically helped you learn on line. What type of activities help you most? Reading? Videos? Interactive activities? Others?
    I have taken an on-line course before and I found out that videos showing explanation of the topics and reading helped me better in understanding the course. I also make sure I check my emails daily for any updates on assignment and quizzes.

  21. My name is Doreen and I live in Okemos with my husband and 3 young children, ages 6, 4 and 3. (Yes I am a very busy mom). I was at GVSU’s College Of Nursing but I had to take a break in order to care for my then little children. I plan to go back next year so I am taking this course as a co-requisite.

    I have a very basic understanding of the subject matter but I hope to learn more than I already know and get a better understanding of the human genome which I believe would further be an asset to the carrier path I have chosen.

    One thing I find very interesting about genetics is how a minute coding error or a single gene mutation is able to have a major impact or effect on the organism even though it is said that the human genome is made up of about three 200 million base pairs.
    I have taken online classes before and I will admit that using weekly checklist and organizing the weekly activities in a chronological order in a folder, as well as logging on D2L on a regular basis helped me stay up to task. I am mostly an audio-visual learner. However, a combination of activities, especially videos, reading and interactive learning are an integral part of my understanding of the course.

  22. I am from Lansing, MI; born and raised. I spent 2 years in Lincoln, NE to finish my Bachelor’s degree and now I’m back in Lansing.

    I’m taking this course to get into PA school. So, I am hoping to learn content that will help in that aspect.

    What i find most interesting in genetics is how physical traits are pasted down.

    What’s helped me most in online classes is videos. I’m generally an auditory learner. So audible explanations help me process information.

    1. There will be plenty of videos in the class. There will also be opportunities to make lessons from videos by inserting questions in them. (See the H5P documents in the course documents folder).

  23. Hello everyone
    My name is Mike and I am from the Lansing area. I am fascinated with the study of humankind. I am an Anthropology major with current interests in Culture and Language. Anthropology has four main focuses in the United States; Language, Culture, History, and Biology. In that regard, I hope to further my understanding of the biological dynamics of human life while studying genetics in this class.
    What intrigues me about genetics is the unity that all humans share and yet, we all individually possess a unique piece of the greater puzzle. Understanding genetics will allow me to further my study on human kind and our uniformed relationship on earth. In previous courses online, I felt weekly discussion boards helped a lot in maintaining my connection with the class. Also, an open question board that students could ask one or another, or even just ask the professor in reference to current assignments, due dates, etc.
    I look forward to this course to grow my understanding of Genetics, both in terms of academics and personal interests.
    Thank you.

    1. We had an open question board last semester. Thanks for the reminder, I will put one up again this semester.

  24. Hi everyone!

    My name is Rachel Snabes and I am from Farmington Hills, MI. I am taking this course to brush up on genetics to attend Physician Assistant (PA) school. I have applied to many schools already and I am looking forward to receiving an interview opportunity in the transition to my goal of being accepted into a program and becoming a PA.

    I hope to learn about how genetics can play a role in the expression of genes that can be linked to autoimmune diseases. I currently work in a dermatology office and I am learning more and more about the direct genetic link to many skin disorders such as psoriasis and malignant melanoma skin cancer. I find the application of probability and statistics to real-time group population problem solving interesting.

    Learning online can be tricky but my key is to re-read and always document all due to dates to ensure there are no missed assignments or points. Furthermore, I ask a lot of questions and validate my understanding of concepts by double-checking. I also often read through textbooks if they are available.

  25. Hey! My name is Kenza Sumbal. I am from Lansing Michigan. I hope to learn about genetic diseases and their effects on the next generations. Genetics is my favorite subject and I am excited to learn about the passage of physical characteristics from parents to children. Reading and power points always help me with online classes.

  26. Hello everyone, my name is Nathan. I am from St Johns and hoping to use this class as an opportunity to get more insight into the sciences and human development.

    I am very interested in the psychological aspect of genetics and how it relates to inheritablity of certain traits.

    As this is my first online course, this should be quite the learning experience in more ways than one.

  27. Hi! My name is Shanae. I have just been added to the class. I am from Flint, Mi. Currently, I am enrolled in my final pre-reqs needed to apply to PA school. I love learning new things especially about the body so I am very excited about taking this course. I never took a genetics course while at MSU so I’m eager to learn more. In the past, interactive activities have been very helpful for taking online classes. Mini-quizzes and practice questions are great study tools as well.

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