Introduce Yourself! Fall 2020


Tell the class the following

Where you are from

What you hope to learn in this class

What you find most interesting about Genetics.

If you have taken on-line classes (even if it was just in high school or in the second half of Spring Semester 2020  what has specifically helped you learn on line. What type of activities help you most? Reading? Videos? Interactive activities? Others?

31 thoughts on “Introduce Yourself! Fall 2020”

  1. My name’s Lauren i’m from Lansing. I hope to learn some really interesting facts about genetics. I’ve always found punnet squares interesting. I’ve never done online so I hope this semester goes well.

  2. My name is Willow, I’m from Dimondale. I hope to learn facts about genetics that will help me into the future. I find interesting about how genetics can skip around generations. I have done an online class before and the main thing I liked was imagery and interactive activities.

  3. My name is Alyssa Murphey, I’m from Howell. I would like to learn about genetic disorders this year, I find it really interesting. I have taken a couple online classes and I have found that visual representations are helpful for me (readings, charts, pictures, videos, etc).

  4. My name is Cecilia, and I’m from Grand Rapids. I don’t know anything about genetics, as this is the first class I have taken in this subject. So, I’m hoping to learn anything I can about this topic!
    What helps me most is interactions with the professor and other students (discussions like these), recorded lectures where the professor teaches and we can watch at our own pace, and weekly quizzes/assignments to keep me on track.

  5. My name is Brennan, I am from Holt, Michigan. I just hope to get through this class with a good grade because I am very nervous about everything being online. Having a guideline to fill in notes for the chapter is the most helpful thing for me.

  6. Hello. My name is Jimmy Gray-Jones. I’m from Lansing (born and mostly raised). In this class, I hope to learn about the real life applications of genetics, in both research and medicine.

    The most interesting portion about genetics to me is inheritance, and how inherited traits can affect people/species.

    Things that’ve helped me the most as far as online learning are worksheets. I next to never print them off, but I can look at the examples given and reverse engineer the processes from there.

  7. My name is Gracie and I’m from Laingsburg. I’m hoping to learn about genetic disorders and information that will help me in future careers. I have always enjoyed punnett squares. I have taken multiple online classes in the past. What always helps me is making a schedule and keeping to it. I also like to write notes and rewrite them as a review.

  8. My name is Caity and I am from Haslett, MI. I have never taken a genetics class so I am excited to see everything that is has to offer, but I am specifically excited to learn about the different genetic disorders, as they are what I find the most interesting when it comes to genetics. I have taken a lot of college classes online and I think the most important thing that helped me was staying organized and making sure I had reminders of what was due as I was not getting the reminders from in class.

  9. Hello, my name is Mckenzie Storr and I’m from the Holt/ Lansing area. I am excited to learn about genetic mutations and how genetically similar different things are to one another because I’ve always been fascinated by it. As far as what is helpful in online learning, I’d say that videos and interactive activities are what helps me most. And creating a schedule to keep up with the workload.

  10. My name is Jenna, I am originally from Mason, but now live in Grand Rapids for school. I hope to learn about genetics as it relates to humans and different health aspects surrounding them. I love learning about recessive genes and their impact on society and evolution. I have taken many online courses, and the thing that has helped me most in my education is worksheets. I helps me practice and apply what I am learning, and it acts as a great study tool for exams.

  11. Hi! I’m Miranda, and I just finished my undergrad degree at U of M, so I am currently trying to fulfill the rest of my prerequisites for vet school. I really enjoy chemistry, so I am hoping there are some of those aspects in this course. I really enjoy how genes function and influence characteristics of living beings. I have taken partial online courses this past spring semester, but it was pretty informal, and I was used to the software the professors uploaded material to, so this platform will definitely be very new for me! We used Zoom for lectures and submitted assignments to Canvas.

    1. There will be some chemistry in this class, especially the second half when we get to DNA. Perhaps we can find a way to use your chemistry expertise to teach students who do not have a strong chemistry background.

  12. Hello! My name is Grace Dreier, and I am from Stockbridge, MI (about 40 minutes away from Lansing). I hope to better understand the way the human body works. Genetics is a fascinating process. It’s amazing how each person has genes that aren’t shown because they aren’t dominant.
    I am still in high school concurrently, so this will be an interesting process. I found teacher-made videos helped me the most during my difficult classes. Online worksheets (Google Docs or Word documents) also helped because I could gain some feedback on my answers and understanding of the concepts.

  13. Hi everyone! My name is Marie and I am from Troy but now live in Dewitt. I am excited for this course all about genetics because I am prepping for a nursing program and thinks the human body is fascinating. I hope to spend a good amount of time in understanding the role of DNA coding and how genes work in expressing our traits both visible and not visible to the eye. As another student mentioned, I also think genetic disorders will be a great discussion topic to talk about and learn as much as we can. I find it interesting how we have traits inherited that express themselves at different times and in reaction to different circumstances our bodies undergo. Some genes are expressed from birth and others possibly show up much later in life and affect our health because of the change in gene expression. I have taken online classes before but it has been a few years since I had a class exclusively online and no classroom interactions. Videos from various resources (professor lectures and example problems, educational illustrations, real life examples of concepts we are learning) help me a lot and I think group discussion boards help us connect and convey clearly how we are understanding concepts and ask questions we all might have. Reading and taking quick notes as I read and reread also helps a lot. I really grasp materials well when we have to immediately apply what we have learned into assignments and discussions with each other/ teach each other about it. I also think a very connected and interactive classroom helps make the class feel like a collaborate learning space.

  14. Hello fellow students, my name is Mariah and I am from Lansing, MI. As a student of Computer Science, I am very interested in the topic of Biology as a whole. The human body can be extremely unpredictable but yet so simple at the same time. What I find to be the most interesting thing about genetics is how it acts as its own database.
    As a returning student this semester at LCC, I find the most helpful way of learning online is flexibility. Having the option to utilize videos or reading. Everyone learns differently depending on the subject and it relieves pressure having more than one option. There are many different ways of learning online; by using websites, software, textbooks, and even Live chat rooms. With my schedule for work being hectic, I found it more effective to have textbooks and videos at my disposal when I needed them.

  15. Hello, my name is Austin I’m from Lansing. I hope to learn about human genetics, molecular genetics, biochemical genetics, and developmental genetics. I think human genetics are quite interesting and can be full of information about ourselves. What I find the most interesting about genetics is that they can tell families about their habits, diet, and environment. I have previous experience with online classes and one thing that helped me learn online was not being lazy and spending lots of time working hard. There wasn’t really any activity that really helped me succeed. Online classes are hard because their more work and students have to have good time management

  16. Hi, my name is Shadriq and I am from Lansing. In the course I hope to learn about eugenics. What I find most interesting about human genetics is its role in evolution. I took online classes during the summer and the most important thing for me is to not procrastinate. Time management is key. Reading the book and drawing figures/diagrams helped me succeed in my summer classes.

    1. Unfortunately the history of genetics has been tainted with eugenics. Hopefully we have learned something over the many years. We currently have the technology to alter human embryos and you may be aware that such experiments have been done.
      We will discuss these experiments from both technological and ethical sides later in the semester.

  17. Hello, I’m Emilie from Perry. I hope with this class to strengthen my understanding of genetics because I was confused by it in AP bio in high school many years ago, and I know it will really help my future to get a better understanding. I find the genetics in evolution to be incredibly interesting, especially with animals because I’m studying zoology and environmental sciences. I’ve taken quite a few online classes and I find detailed planning to help me the most. I struggle with time management and getting overwhelmed easily, so writing down every single thing I need to do down to the smallest detail really helps me do good in classes online.

  18. Hi! My name is Rajpreet and I am from Lansing. I hope to learn more about genetic disorders in this class. The thing I find most interesting about genetics is the huge role it plays within all of our lives and the specific traits we all get. I have taken a online class before in high school and what helped me the most was videos and just learning how to manage my time wisely.

  19. Hello I am Mohammed and I am from Lansing. I hope to get a better understanding of genetics and hopefully put it to use later on in my career. Online classes can be very overwhelming especially if someone is taking 3-4 classes per semester. What helped me the most was always finishing assignments/quizzes as soon as possible and not waiting until the last minute. Youtube is also very helpful and there are videos on almost any subject.

  20. Hi, I’m Calvin from Lansing. I hope to gain a better knowledge of genetics, as well as the practical applications of our current knowledge. The most interesting thing that comes to mind about genetics is how every living thing (that we know of) uses the same codes. I seem to respond to a variety of learning activities: reading, interactive activities; however, videos seem to be the most beneficial, when not too long (focus on specific material instead of long lecture which makes it difficult to locate a certain concept while re-watching).

  21. My name is Helen Erceg and I am from Lansing. Married with one grown daughter.
    I hoping to expect to learn from this class about how genetics and diseases come into play. I have multiple health issues ranging from diabetics, Rheumatoid arthritis, to asthma. If you name it I probably have it. that is why I taking this class online I can not at all take a face to face class with COVID-19 still running rampage.Also I am taking the class so to essentially learn about genetics.
    This isn’t my first on-line class. What I found worked for me is videos, reading and interactive activities. Dotting down notes is important to when it comes to exams.

  22. Hi!
    My name is Jami Fell and I live in East Lansing. I was born in Michigan, raised partly in Texas when my parents divorced but came back to Michigan to finish high school at Lansing Catholic and live with my dad. I have 4 children and am not married.

    I have several autoimmune diseases such as Lupus, diabetes, rheumatoid and osteo arthritis, connective tissue disorder, hyperthyroid autoimmune disease just to name a few. They have all been diagnosed in the past 5-10 years even though I have been living with them for a lot longer. I am interested in learning how genetics play a role in all of this.

    This is not my first online class. I have a degree from MSU, but decided to go back to school and get my nursing and possibly medical degree. What helps the most for me is to make sure I keep on top of all the assignments and not leave them until the last minute. It can work in some lectures, but is destine to fail with online courses. I also like reading, videos and teacher led discussions for learning online.

  23. Hello everyone, My name is Dauan Hendley Jr. I am from Detroit Michigan. I took online classes this past Spring and Summer. What helped me the most was the online tutoring service Brainfuse as well as watching YouTube videos. What I find interesting about genetics is how unpredictable they are. What I hope to learn in this class is to gain a better understanding of genetics.

  24. Hi everyone!
    My name is Ihab Hassan I live in Okemos. I was born in Iraq, Babylon. I came to the USA as a refugee with no English and $35 in my pocket. That was in 2001. I worked so many jobs such as dishwasher, housekeeping, newspaper delivery, pizza delivery and many other kinds of jobs. I learned English and Spanish here in the US at LCC, then I went to MSU and finished higher level of English Language. I have four college degrees: bachelor degree in Arabic Language and BS in Physical Education from The University of Baghdad, Master’s Degree in Public Administration from Western Michigan University, and Associate Degree in Cinematography from Lansing Community College.

    This is my first online class at LCC. I have decided to go back to school to get Physician Assistance Degree . I would love to learn the essential thing about genetic that would help me to understand the principle of genetic and provide good healthcare to patients.

  25. Hello, my name is Bailey Badgero. I am sorry that I am late to posting this but I recently graduated from Portland High School and I have taken many dual enrollment classes at Lansing community college before but this is my first Human Genetics class I have ever taken. I am looking to transfer to Michigan State next year to study supply chain management! I am excited to learn more about human genetics with all of you!

  26. Hi!
    My name is Noah White and I’m from East Lansing. I added genetics to my schedule so that I can be better prepared to (hopefully) attend graduate school this coming year. I hope that this class will provide me with information that will be applicable to clinical settings so that I can better serve future patients. Specifically, I think genetic disorders are important for a healthcare provider to be familiar with.

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