Introduce Yourself! Spring 2022


Tell the class the following

Where you are from

What you hope to learn in this class

What you find most interesting about Genetics.

If you have taken on-line classes (even if it was just in high school or in the second half of Spring Semester 2020  what has specifically helped you learn on line. What type of activities help you most? Reading? Videos? Interactive activities? Others?

Also list something that you think you can learn in this class that you can not learn simply by googling or by a you tube video.

Finally, Say something about yourself (some hobby or interest for example) without  actually naming the hobby or interest. This is like something that has been going around social media in which someone might say “Tell me you are from Michigan without telling me your are from Michigan” and someone else might respond “If someone asks me where I am from, I point at a place on my hand”. Note that there is a scientific reason to do this: You are giving evidence for something, rather than simply making a conclusion.

Put your answer as a reply.

I have to approve all posts, so you will not see your reply immediately.

23 thoughts on “Introduce Yourself! Spring 2022”

  1. Hey everyone! My name is Makayla and I’m from Fowler, MI. I am taking this class because I have always had an interest in genetics, but when I learned about it in high school, I was a bit confused. I’m hoping to review a bit and then learn a ton more without losing my brain. Personally, I learn better through visual aids and hands-on interactions and activities.

    Genetics are a really cool in the fact that they explain and can possibly predict future offspring’s attributes. For example, eye color, size, and even beautiful features like “tie dye” skin.

    As a hobby, I like to trap critters in my yard so they can eat the bugs and worms and keep the weeds down. Then I trap them in a building at night. I also eat their children. Don’t worry, I give them food, water, and heat in exchange for their generous donations of food, work, and cuteness.

    I’m so excited to be in this class and I can’t wait to explore genetics.

  2. Hello! My name is Madisen and I’m from Charlotte, MI. I hope to learn more in-depth biology than I learned in my high school class because I thought it was very interesting but found myself wondering what else could be pre-determined by genetics.
    I have taken online classes since 2020 when everyone had to move online. I prefer learning through videos because I can get intimidated by a big wall of text in a textbook that seems never-ending, so a video saves me from the wall of text while still teaching me the information I need. I also enjoy quizzes because they help me check my understanding.
    I think this class will teach us about a few traits or disorders that we may not find by watching a regular YouTube video on biology.
    One hobby I have is to sit for hours and press buttons on a device, usually to help clean up an Island and build DIY furniture for my fellow villagers.

  3. 1. I am from East Lansing.
    2. I hope to understand better human genetics, specifically genetic links to disease processes like cardiomyopathy, arthritis, and mental health disorders.
    3. I find the role of RNA polymerase and the implications of its malfunctioning very interesting.
    4. I have taken many online courses from several institutions. I have found that what helps me learn the most is small research projects about a subject. Secondly, videos explaining topics help online because you can rewatch them, whereas, in a live online course, you do not get that opportunity.
    5. I hope this course will allow me a more thorough understanding of genetics and its application to the medical sciences.
    6. Currently, my biggest hobby is making sawdust and its valuable byproducts like shelves, chairs, etc.

  4. Hi! My name is Joanna and I am from Eaton Rapids, MI. I hope to get a better understanding of genetics as a whole. I took a general biology class my freshman year of college and we touched on genetics a bit. I found it intriguing then, and would like to learn more about it now! I also hope to apply what I learn in the real world and in medical settings.
    What I find most interesting about genetics is how genes and certain characteristics/traits are passed on to offspring. I find it fascinating that any of us could have physically looked different!
    I have taken a fair share of online courses. Activities that help me most are videos and interactive assignments.
    I think that this class will teach us how certain hereditary diseases are passed on as well as mutations, which are harder to explain with just a google search.
    I have a few hobbies. One includes reading and flipping pages of romance and mystery books. Another includes practicing physical and mental exercises/poses.

  5. Hi! My name is Bintulhuda, and you can call me Huda. I’m from Iraq, and I came here in 2018. I hope I learn more about how our genetics work and its patterns. The most interesting about genetics for me is hereditary patterns. I have taken many online classes, and it is helpful to do homework and attend lectures anywhere, at any time. Videos are the most helpful for me. The learning objectives are more organized and easier to follow in class than YouTube or scholarly sources. Also, the class allows one to memorize information better through tests. Last Christmas break, I got eight cooking books, and I wish I have time enough time to try all their recipes. I watch cooking-tutorial videos and learn different national recipes during my free time.

  6. hey my name is Christopher Brooks i live in Lansing Mi i hope to gain better understanding on human genetics I’m hoping to become a biochemist one day. What i find most interesting about genetics is that it what your gene can give you and i find that very interting

  7. Hello! My name is Parker Beebee and I come from my hometown of St. Johns, MI. I actually still attend high school and am taking this class while dual-enrolled. I wish to learn about certain types of genetic diseases and the probability of being inherited by offspring. It is interesting to me that in genetics there will never be one same coding in sexual reproduction, even if the same parents have multiple children. I have taken online classes before with LCC and I believe that visual aids and readings helped me learn best. I think I will be able to learn how to better communicate online with others, which I would not be able to simply google or watch a video on.
    Finally, a hobby of mine is a high school sport in which I constantly jump into a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen molecules while performing a series of contortions to my body. After this is completed, I am then severely judged by my peers and this judgement defines my entire success.

  8. Hi All!
    My name is Heather and I am from Hillsdale, MI. I’d like to learn more about genetics and inheritable diseases; as well as how genes may be manipulated to help change, eliminate, or cure a disease. What I find most interesting is how modern man can, almost accurately, rebuild (facial features, for example) a 2,500 year old mummy based on its genetic makeup.
    Videos, reading and open group meetings with the professor and other students (to help clarify and answer questions) have been the most helpful in all of my online classes.
    A hobby I enjoy is using a brush dipped in liquid of various colors, and then swiping it on a flat surface.

  9. Hello! My name is Jackson Keegstra and I am from Lansing MI. I hope to learn more about virus replication in human cells and how they use existing cells’ genetic “machinery”. I find genetics interesting because of its application in medicine. I find the most helpful activities for learning new material online for me have been textbook reading followed up by a quiz to make sure you retained the important information in the section. I’m sure I could learn things about genetics in this class that I could not learn by going to google or a youtube video. I like to physically exert myself and travel vast distances in the summer and fall, but in the winter the roads and sidewalks are too slippery for the two wheels.

  10. Hello! My name is Tonya. I am from Williamston, Michigan.
    In this class, I hope to learn and understand more about the role genetics and heredity plays in genetic diseases and disorders. What I find most interesting about genetics is that there is so much more information to discover than what it seen on the surface. Learning and understanding a person’s genetics information can help in understanding disease processes or even the efficacy of medications for a person.
    When taking online classes, I like taking practice quizzes because it highlights areas of importance and is concise in asking questions on key topics. Also, it helps to show which areas I understand or need work on. Videos and PowerPoints also help with comprehension of some material. Rather than just Googling or using YouTube, I think taking this class will help me learn real life applications of genetics. It will help me understand ways genetics shows up in our day-to-day encounters which will help me understand the material.
    My typical day consists of caring for three small humans who I made myself. I have been holding them captive for the past few years. I allow them to leave the house on occasion to socialize with other humans and to earn an education. I feed them and clothe them. I will release the female to the wild in 11 more years and the two males will be released in 14 more years. Until then I will continue to care for them as they are quite fond of me, and I am of them as well.

  11. Hi guys,
    My name is Nate I’m from Lansing and I’m taking this course in hopes to learn or relearn genetic coding as well the structure of heterozygous types and how mixing certain (D) genes with traits that contain other genotypes can completely rebuild them. I’m a psych major so this applies to Behavioral neuroscience, the field of psych that is concerned primarily with the relationship between psychological processes and the underlying physiological events—or, in other words, the mind-body phenomenon. Hereditary traits that relate to disorders, and so on. I believe this class will help me relearn the basics of genetics and a slight advancement in my knowledge of human cells.

  12. Hello all, my name is Ashleigh Caviness. I’m from Brighton Michigan. I hope to learn more about genetics in this class, because I know not a thing. I do have a rare genetic condition so I’m hoping to learn some more about that. Genetics interest me because of this. I have taken online college classes since I started college, and what has helped me most learn online is when the teacher provides video explaining subjects or powerpoints explaining subjects, as I learn best hearing and seeing. Taking this class rather than googling for answers is beneficial to learn the ins and outs because google can only give you surface level answers that may not even be accurate.
    A hobby I enjoy without specifically naming it is typing about fantasy worlds on a keyboard.. I don’t know if that gives it away too easily, haha.

  13. Hello! My name is Ella Schafer, I live in St. Johns MI.
    I hope to learn more about the causes of different genetic diseases as well as mutations in this class. Something I find interesting about genetics is how one is able to figure out someone’s recessive and dominant genes using a simple square. I think I will be able to work better with people online after this class since I will have to work with people that are not right next to me. From being online I have learned that it is helpful for me to read and take notes. It is also useful when I can see someone explain or demonstrate how to do an activity in a video. One of my activities includes taking substances and mixtures that don’t normally taste good and putting them together. After all the items are mixed together I stick them in the oven and hope when they come out they will taste amazing.

  14. Hi all, my name is Sarah Horger. I am from Owosso, MI. My favorite thing about genetics is the diversity and unpredictable results (both phenotype and genotype) that can occur through generations of breeding. For instance, the world of genetics in the horse industry. It is so amazing! Breeding to get certain traits, characteristics, even coat colors. I find it very interesting.

    Once I’ve read through the weekly material, I like to reflect on it by completing the quizzes and the weekly lessons. The ORT sessions are also helpful so I can ask questions in real time.

    I believe I can learn the application of genetics better in this class rather than just through Google or Youtube. I also hope I can be exposed to more potential careers in this field.

    During the springtime I love to whip a wormy treat into a lake and slowly pull the line in hoping to meet a new (and preferably big) friend. It is always thrilling to bring them in and discover what lies below the water’s surface.

  15. Hello, my name is Emma Sova. I’m from Howell, MI. In this class I hope to learn about genetics in general because I do not remember much from middle school and high school when we talked about genetics. I think the different outcomes of genetics are pretty interesting as well as genetic mutations and how or why they happen.
    For learning on line, taking the same classes as a friend has helped because we were able to give each other advice on some assignments, and making and using Quizlets to study helps me learn a lot too. Out of everything that helps me learn, short videos and Quizlets helped the most.
    I think I could get a way better understanding of genetics in general from this class rather than a surface level Google search or YouTube video.
    A hobby I have without saying it would be putting colors on paper. That probably gives it away but I’m not sure how else to describe it.

  16. Hello, my name is Cecily. I was born in Potomac, Maryland. In this class I hope to learn how genetics contribute to human health. The thing I currently find most interesting about genetics is that there is a dynamic relationship between the expression of someone’s genes and their environment.

    The most helpful thing I’ve done for online classes is create a google doc for my notes so that I can reference them conveniently while taking online assessments. I love recorded lectures because I can pause, rewind, speed up or slow down the content as needed to take good notes.

    It can be hard to learn the relationship between various concepts from self-directed study and googling. I think this class will give me a framework for understanding human genetics that will be more encompassing that any google-search result or youtube video.

    If someone asked me how I invest I’d show them the stamps on my passport.

  17. Hello! My name is Devin Foote and I am from Portland, Michigan and I hope to learn and understand the deeper meaning behind human genetics. The thing that I find most interesting about genetics are the dominant and recissive genes, it’s a bit weird but the reason why I like it is because I have to think what my life would be like if I had different genes from what I have now. I have taken all my LCC classes online and what I have learned is that I am very much a visual and kinaestetic learner (learn by doing). One thing that I am curouis about when taking this class is to see if we get to learn about disabillities, I have a grandfather who is dyslexic and an older brother who suffers with the rare disability Cereblellar Hypoplasia (an underdeveloped cerebelum disorder commonly found in cats) and has never walked or talked a day in his life. Something interesting about myself is that I am an amateur poet, musician, and artist.

  18. Hi everyone! My name is Kylie Elsass (pronounced like Elsa). I am from Brighton, Michigan and I am 19 years old. I currently live in East Lansing with 3 roommates! I took biology last semester and was very interested in the genetics chapter of it! I find it very interesting in learning how genetics work and how they are passed down. I have been taking online courses since last spring. I have never been able to focus super well online due to having severe ADD but I definitely have gotten the swing of things and have gotten better at it. I forgot what taking in-person classes are like because I haven’t been in person since my senior year of high school. I have learned how to teach school to myself and find it very helpful when there is videos and presentations because I am a visual learner and can easily go back and look if I forget. Something that also helps me is weekly quizzes because it refreshes my memory and makes sure I’m on track with the material. I believe this class will help me and go more in depth on human genetics than my bio class last semester because we just quickly touched on it. A hobby of mine is putting acrylic mix on my finger nails and painting colors on them!

  19. Hi! I’m Ashley; I’m from Kalamazoo. I have taken online classes before and found it really helpful to create a strict schedule for viewing lectures and doing assignments; almost like I was in a traditional class.
    I have a strong background in ecology and I think genetics is really interesting at a population level (ie genetic drift). I am hoping to solidify my knowledge of genetics at an individual level since I never seem to be able to retain that information. I would also like to connect the two levels and see how they influence each other.
    My main hobby involves lots of hanging upside down and spinning!

  20. Hello my name is Emma Murphy and I am 21 years old and I am from Lansing. And what I hope to learn from this class is just a wider knowledge of genetics. And I am taking this class because I plan to go to dental school and I hope this class can teach me more about what I need to know for the future science classes that I have to take. Something that I find interesting about genetics is that they can teach you a lot about what your DNA is made up of. I have taken online classes at LCC before so it is not a new thing for me. And something that I think that this class will teach me that you cannot learn from the internet is the lessons that a teacher can teach you that you cannot find on the internet. And something interesting about myself is that what I want to do in the future for a career I am currently working for in office.

  21. Hello everyone! My name is Jessi Taylor.

    I have been living in East Lansing for almost 5 years now! I hope to learn more about heredity of diseases and the modification of genetics. The fascinating thing about genetics is the abundant variation of genes, and how they come to evolve overtime! Human genetics is intensive, and I want to dive deeper into the topic more than my surface level biology courses.

    For the past two years, my classes have been online. It’s helpful to stay engaged with interactive activities, as well as videos explaining the concepts in more detail!

    Something I can take from this class is the feedback from a professor that you wouldn’t get on your own. Another possibility is learning how to look at my own family and personal genetics!

    One winter experience that I enjoy, especially in the below freezing weather, is bundling up to ride a chair in the air to the top of a mountain. Then proceeding to ride down it on a board with my feet strapped in, only to do it all over again. This most likely ends in pain, but that doesn’t outweigh the fun!

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