Mitosis and Meiosis Review Activities

Go through all of the activities here and when you are finished use the blog post to say which your favorite activity was and why

Mitosis Order

Click on the link. When you do this it will say “Start Game” There will be numbers and images.  Click on number #1 and on the  image that is first in the sequence, then click on number #2 and on the image that is second in the sequence and so on.

Meiosis Order

Drag the Images to put them in order

Find the Homologs

Meiosis Square Dance

It is best to view this full screen

Snurfle Meiosis 1

Click on “Start New Game” and keep clicking until the choice “meiosis interactive” appears. Click on link and follow the directions

Snurfle Meiosis 2

Start a new game. Keep clicking until you get to the screen which says “crossing over, independent assortment” etc. Ignore the questions  about FOIL.

Identify the stage   

From Sa’myia Lee, former BIOL 270 student

Fill in the Blanks

From Sarah Baribeau, former BIOL 270 Student






24 thoughts on “Mitosis and Meiosis Review Activities”

  1. The Meiosis Order game was my favorite. I liked being able to physically manipulate objects. It is how I learn best. It is also something that is difficult to achieve with online learning. I also liked that there was a way to “check” your answers at the end, in order to figure out where you went wrong. It was a great study tool! Thanks!

    1. The H5P program is very useful for making these types of activities. Note that 2 of the activities were made by former students in BIOL 270. These can be done to make up for missed assignments or assignments for which the grade was poor.

  2. My favorite game was the fill in the blank game because t challenged on what I learned through the other activities.

  3. My favorite activity was the Snuffle Meiosis (both I and II). This is because these activities both had pretty in-depth explanations for each stage or factor of meiosis it was trying to represent. All of the other activities (for the most part) just focused on whether something was correct or used quick recall.

  4. Is it really a competition? Obviously, the Meiosis square dance was the best. The catchy tune gives another way to remember the order in which Meiosis occurs while having a fun interactive video to retain the information as well. Overall, this was the best.

  5. I liked the Snurfle Meiosis activities. I liked how interactive it was because it helped cement my understanding. The other activities were also fun but didn’t help me as much since I am a very hands-on learner, so the interactiveness helped me.

  6. I enjoyed the Mitosis Order as well as the meiosis interactive games the most. They were easy to understand and have seemed to be the most helpful. I also would agree that the Snurfle Meiosis games were also very helpful as well.

  7. My favorite activity from the provided list was “Snuffle Meiosis 1.” I think I liked it the best because it was the most informative for me and helped to fill in the blanks after doing the readings for the week. It’s less like a game and more of a very tolerable study tool, which I very much appreciate.

  8. My favorite activity was the fill in the blank game. It really tested how well I know everything. I also liked how I was able to check my answers so I know what I got wrong so I can study more.

  9. Snuffle meiosis was my favorite to play, both one and two. Fill in the blank is a great resource, too! However, the first game Mitosis order which was the matching game gave me anxiety but I finished in 27.7 seconds. I sure I could’ve done better if it didn’t start a timer as soon as the page opened. All in all, all of these websites were a great tool to not only further learning the information in this unit, but also test ourselves.

  10. My favorite activities were snurfle meiosis 1, and the meiosis square dance video. I liked these activities because they were both very informative and a great study tool.

  11. My favorite activity was the mitosis order, because it was a competition, but also because it was well put together, with clear images. I’m a very competitive person, and so once I saw there was a leader board I made it my goal to get first, making it a fun challenge while I was learning.

  12. I definitely liked the meiosis square dance the best. It was funny and catchy and I feel like I could definitely learn the words to know and understand the order and functions of each part of meiosis. I learn well with coming up with rhymes or something to remember the content by so this absolutely helps me.

  13. My favorite activity was the meiosis square dance. Both the animation and the song were awesome. The clever rhyming was very satisfying and I have found that creating rhymes to learn material is one of my most effective study strategies. It was both educational and entertaining, one of the best combinations!

  14. My favorite activities were the Snurfle Meiosis games. I liked how interactive they were, that aspect helped me to really understand and remember the information that they provided.

  15. My favorite of the activities above was the Meiosis Square Dance. I tend to remember things better when it’s put into a song. The Snurfle Meiosis activities were also really helpful because they broke everything down and showed the process in action. This made it a lot easier to understand.

  16. I ended up finding some of these activities much more useful than others. For example, I really enjoyed the mitosis order and meiosis order activities. The reason I enjoyed and found these the most useful was because I know my learning style is hands on so being able to see what each stage looks like and then put them in order sticks with me. I also like being able to get feedback from my work as soon as possible and knowing what the other answers are because I have found that the more, I keep trying things I don’t understand the more frustrating it is for myself and then my brain kind of stops. I will admit I didn’t enjoy the Snurfle games because I didn’t understand what I was supposed to be doing so it was confusing.

  17. I found two different activities helpful in learning mitosis and meiosis. The first activity was the Quizlet matching game for mitosis. I found this helpful to see the order and stage it was in. The other activity I found helpful was the meiosis matching activity as well. Again I could see the order and what the different stages looked like.

  18. I felt like the Snurfle games were the most beneficial in learning due to the depth they go into for Meiosis 1 and 2. However, I had the most fun with the Mitosis order quizlet game. I wouldn’t say it was overly beneficial to learning but I did have fun seeing how fast I could get the order right and therefore how high up I could go on the quizlet ranking board!

  19. My favorite game was the Snurfle Meiosis 1 because it provided good images to understand what was occurring at certain stages in the cell. It also had an interactive aspect to it by asking you to answer questions and do certain “tasks” that represent the stages of Meiosis.

  20. Honestly, all of the games have a specific value within learning. The meiosis and mitosis help with the understanding of the order of stages. Finding the homologs was fun. Identifying the stages was informative as was filling in the blanks. However, the meiosis dance was adorable to watch and informative in a fun way. Stuck in my brain after watching.

  21. I found the fill in the blanks activity to be the most helpful because it helped with learning the terms in words rather than with pictures. Personally, I find it easier to learn with things worded out and this activity was helpful with that.

  22. I really liked both of the Snurfle games the most. It was almost like a review and allowed me to read the definitions, see what was happening during each phase, and then answer a question based on that. It also seems like it could be used as a good study tool, as well.

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