BIOL 270 Introduce yourself Spring 2024

Tell the class the following

Where you are from

What you hope to learn in this class

What you find most interesting about Genetics.

If the following 2 people had children, give one trait that they might have:

If you have taken on-line classes (even if it was just in high school or in the second half of Spring Semester 2020  what has specifically helped you learn on line. What type of activities help you most? Reading? Videos? Interactive activities? Others?

Also list something that you think you can learn in this class that you can not learn simply by googling or by a you tube video.

Finally, Say something about yourself (some hobby or interest for example) without  actually naming the hobby or interest. This is like something that has been going around social media in which someone might say “Tell me you are from Michigan without telling me your are from Michigan” and someone else might respond “If someone asks me where I am from, I point at a place on my hand”. Note that there is a scientific reason to do this: You are giving evidence for something, rather than simply making a conclusion.

Put your answer as a reply.

I have to approve all posts, so you will not see your reply immediately.

29 thoughts on “BIOL 270 Introduce yourself Spring 2024”

  1. I am from Michigan.
    I want to learn about genetics.
    I think that the most interesting part of genetics is the amount of control over the organism they have.
    When two organisms of the same species reproduce, they must produce another organism of the same species. This applies to the two shown as well.
    Videos and text readings help me most in online classes.
    I feel that in a class I can better understand the connections between topics than I can from watching random videos.
    When I hear melodies I tap them out.

    1. You might want to be a bit more specific about what you think the traits might be. They should based on the specific traits of the parents. (That may differ from other humans)

  2. – I am from East Lansing, Michigan.
    – I hope to gain a more in-depth understanding of how genetics work.
    – What I find most interesting about genetics is dominant versus recessive genes.
    – The children will likely have brown eyes since blue eyes are a recessive trait.
    – Interactive activities and questions help me the most.
    – A class can better teach you how everything interacts and connects than a YouTube video.
    – Sometimes I enjoy buying them more than using them.

  3. Hello, I’m from Potterville, Michigan. I hope to increase my knowledge of human genetics and especially of human genetic diseases. I think the most interesting thing about human genetics is how certain genes can be turned on or off by environmental factors. If the couple above had children they would likely have curls. I think textbook readings paired with videos to explain more complex topics are very valuable to my learning process doing online classes. Taking a class specifically designed to teach you about a topic can give you a much more well rounded understanding of the topic than a YouTube video which may leave out a lot of the small but important details. I have 50 waiting on the shelf, but whenever I got to Barnes & Noble I buy more.

  4. I am from Williamston, Michigan.
    I hope to learn more about genetics and how they are involved in health and disease.
    The thing I find the most interesting about genetics is that almost 100% of DNA in humans is identical and it is just a very tiny percent that makes us each look different.
    A child from the couple above would very likely have curly hair because that is a dominant trait.
    When I am learning online, I learn best from videos and interactive activities.
    When you take a class about a specific subject you get a much more in depth understanding of that subject than a short YouTube video would give you.
    My toes are permanently bruised.

  5. Hello, I’m from Charlotte, Michigan! I hope to have a better understanding of how genetics work. What I find interesting about genetics is how some diseases are inherited through genes. If the 2 people were to have a child it would most likely have curly hair since curly hair is a dominant gene. I think i learn best with videos, anything auditory. You don’t gain as much knowledge searching things. I spend a lot of time putting my imagination on paper.

  6. Hello I’m from Lansing, Michigan
    I hope to learn more specifically about the details on different parts of genetics that get passed down
    Something I think is really interesting is that some traits aren’t possible to be passed on based on the parents traits
    A child of the two above would most likely have curly hair
    Readings help me learn the most in online courses
    I love 1200 pound animals that only love me back if I have a carrot

  7. My Name is Jason Hannon. I am from Dansville, it’s just outside of Mason. I hope to learn about how the human body works and how all of the parts work together, and mainly just more about the overall functions of the human body. I find it super interesting that the genetics from two different people can create an entirely different person with different feelings and looks. A trait the child may have would be curly hair because it is a dominant trait. My time at LCC has only been online and I have loved it since, makes learning super easy, I think worksheets and writing papers works the best for me, and answering questions that would be similar on a test helps me learn better. Something I’m going to learn in this class is the process of learning about all about genetics. Notes fly into your ears, or notes are created.

  8. I am from Lansing, Michigan.
    I hope to gather a more in-depth understanding of the subject as a whole and some of the methods used in applicable genetic studies/tests (such as with 23andme).
    If these two individuals had children, I would imagine that they’d have brown eyes, since that is a dominant trait.
    The type of activity that helped me the most was videos (typically by the instructor) discussing the content and in response to email-submitted questions. Additionally, checklists tend to help me a lot, so I was glad to see this is already implemented.
    Generally, specialized or complicated content is hard to learn by myself. This could especially be from a lengthy reading for instance. In this circumstance, a summarized slideshow or video goes a long way in being able to better understand what was covered.
    I enjoy and am practicing discerning a linguistically different alphabet from a country with an extremely punctual train system.

  9. Hi, I’m Chloe Fontana, I’m from the Flint area, but currently live in Lansing. I took an online anthropology class that taught on genetics and evolution and didn’t do too well on the genetics part, so I hope to learn more on that. To be frank, I don’t find it too interesting and I’m thinking that’s my struggle. I’m hoping to obtain more this semester, despite that.
    If the 2 above people had children, they MIGHT have blonde curly hair.
    I have been taking online classes off-and-on for 10 years. I enjoy the readings provided the most, though I find some videos interesting.
    I’m hoping to learn how to tell our chromosomes apart from others, aside from the quantity. I tried googling that previously and still don’t understand.
    I capture moments for money.

  10. I’m from Michigan.
    I’ve taken a high school genetics class, so I have a basic knowledge of most of these topics, but I would like to have a more in depth understanding of each process.
    My favorite part of genetics is the countless number of variations the human body can take on from just 6 feet of material.
    Since the color of skin is usually a co-dominant trait, I would think that a child between those two people would have a skin tone that hovers between those two skins.
    I have found that interactive activities online keep me engaged with the classes, so I don’t drift off or lose interest.
    I took a microbiology class last semester, and the complexity of the immune system seems to difficult to summarize on Google or in a YouTube video, so I think that the genetics of the immune system will not be something I would be able to just look up.
    Finally, my favorite song playlist contains music from one of New York City’s most famous streets that I hope to be on one day.

  11. – I’m from Okemos, Michigan
    – I hope to learn more about gene variation/mutations and how it works
    – One thing about genetics that I find interesting is the complexity of two people having a child and their genetics being mixed to create a whole new set of genetics
    – One trait the couple’s child could have is brown eyes. Brown eyes are dominant, so blue eyes would be the recessive trait, meaning the child is more likely to have brown eyes
    – I took an AP Psychology course online, and interactive learning/handouts are what help me retain information the most
    – I think the science behind genetic diseases would be difficult to learn from one short YouTube video
    – I dive deep underwater

  12. – I’m from Okemos Michigan.
    -I hope to learn about mutations in DNA and how they have changed throughout generations.
    – I find most interesting that two parents could look like they have all the dominant traits, but if they are heterozygous they could have a kid with all recessive traits.
    – If the following two people had kids most of them would have brown eyes because that is a dominant trait.
    – What has helped me learn online are a mix of activities. Having videos and readings keep me engaged when it’s not the same thing every time. I always like when my teachers have office hours so that I can get my questions answered . Along with that the interactions to get to know my classmates and teacher are nice to have too.
    – This class will go into detail about the exact science of genes and the complexity which is hard to explain in just one short YouTube video.
    – I make it but other people eat it.

  13. -Hello I’m Christena and I am from East Lansing.
    -What I hope to learn in this class is how certain DNA sequences have mutations and or delete certain parts of the sequence.
    -What I find most interesting about genetics is how certain traits are dominant or recessive.
    -If the two people pictured had a child a trait they would have is curly hair because it is a dominant trait.
    – Key items that help me learn online are videos posted by the professor going over problems or explaining topics that we will be tested on. In addition, having homework problems helps me as well.
    – Something I can learn in this class that I cannot learn on google is how each topic intersects and connects the next topic we will be discussing and how they relate to one another.
    – My nails often have dirt underneath my fingernails.

  14. – I am from Dansville, Michigan, and I’m still in high school.
    – I want to learn more about how genetics can affect someone’s life. How many things code for one trait? How and why does one variation in your DNA completely change you?
    – I find the potential for research to be the most interesting part about genetics. There are tons of advancements being made with technology and our understanding of genetics. Even in plants, scientists can genetically modify them, which is pretty cool. Think about what else can be done with our genes.
    – I think that the man has a cleft chin. Since the woman doesn’t, and cleft chins are a dominant trait (I think), their offspring would have a high chance of having cleft chins as well.
    – For all of my online classes, I have found videos and lectures to be the most helpful. I really benefit from being able to hear the instructor speak and teach, even if it is just over the computer.
    – I will understand better from being in a class than watching a Youtube video. I can ask questions and get responses that a pre-recorded Youtube video cannot answer. I can iron out any confusion I may have and be able to get a more personalized teaching so that it benefits me.
    – I spend my summer and fall running around and kicking a ball “for fun”.

  15. Hello everyone!
    I am from Lansing Michigan.
    I have always found genetics very interesting, and have some background with learning about genetics from high school and MSU. Though, I hope I can learn more about types of gene mutations especially cancerous ones and the process behind screening for these mutations or harmful genes.
    The children of these two parents may be most likely to have brown eyes and brown hair, because blue eyes and blonde hair are recessive.
    I learn the most through having multiple different ways to learn and practice material. Meaning, lectures and readings along with homework, practice exams, frequent small quizzes.
    I believe this class can help me understand not only genetics better than google would because we will be talking through and actually practicing the material, but also myself and how to be successful in online courses.
    I wear out shoes very easily and constantly have to get new strings.

  16. Hi everyone!
    I’m Joy and I’m from Haslett. I hope to learn more about heredity and gene mutations since that has always been super interesting to me. I find what helps me most in online classes (since I’ve taken many) is having a space to connect with other students either with discussion boards or a GroupMe just chat about class topics and ask each other questions without fear of judgment.
    I think each professor has done something really cool in their line of work or in the subject they teach. Something I think I can’t learn by Googling is valuable insight from professionals like our teachers.
    A fun fact about me is I like wondering around in the woods (aka Hiking).

  17. – I am from Grand Rapids, Michigan
    – I look forward to understanding genetics especially how they determine some traits
    – I find recessive and dorminant genes concept interesting
    – A child from the two will most likely have curly hairs
    – Interactive activities help me learn most
    – I think understanding how genetics works needs a class especially mutation
    – I am always hitting the roads

  18. Hi!! My name is Grace and I am from Williamston, Michigan. In this class I hope to learn more about the human body (obviously) and be able to apply the concepts that we learn to real like/notice it around me in everyday life. With genetics, I find it so cool how distinct traits get passed all by themselves to another human; like you can share your traits with someone just like that. Also I heard that if you stretch a persons DNA out it would reach to pluto and back.
    If the two people in the picture had a child he/she could have wavy/curly hair.
    I have taken multiple online classes and I think what helps me the most is interactive activities where I can know if I am right or wrong immediately, and videos are good too because it makes it more like a real lecture.
    I feel like there is not a lot you cannot learn in a YouTube video but I will try and think. I guess I will be able to learn more in depth and memorize the content better than by just watching a video.
    Finally, my favorite place (other than mass hehehe) is where water and tiny rocks meet.

  19. Hello! I am from East Lansing, Michigan.
    I hope to increase my knowledge of human genetics and its involvement in heath and disease.
    What I find the most interesting about genetics, is that all humans share 99.9% of DNA, and it is the 0.1% that makes you unique!
    The children of the two would likely have brown eyes, as that is the dominant trait.
    The things that have helped me the most with online courses have been interactive activities and videos.
    I enjoy playing with a piece of inflated leather both indoor and in the sand!

  20. Hi guys, my name is Kyndall! I am from Holt Michigan. I don’t really have an exact thing I’d like to learn about this class I would just overall like to get a good understanding of human genetics itself. What I find to be really cool about our DNA looking so different, and how different we are from other things but we actually share a lot of our DNA with plants.
    If those two people had a baby together, the outcome would be that they have brown eyes because that is the dominant trait.
    I find things that help me in online classes are interactive labs/games. another thing I find to be helpful is discussion posts even tho at time they can be a little annoying, I think being able to view how someone else understands the idea can be helpful.

  21. Hello! My name is Caden Anderson.
    In genetics I would like to get a more in depth understanding about how genetics work. Something that intrigue me about genetics is that there are no 2 humans that are exactly alike. If those two people had a baby together the baby would most likely have brown eyes. Things that will help me get a better understanding of what I am learning would be interactive/hands on activities. Something that I enjoy is throwing line into the water and reeling it in.

  22. Hi!
    I’m from East Lansing.
    I hope to learn about how cancerous cells work and get a broad understanding of how genetics work.
    I find how certain traits get passed down through generations while others don’t to be the most interesting thing about genetics.
    The children might have brown eyes because brown is a dominant trait and blue is recessive.
    I have taken online classes before and interactive activities help me the most. It’s nice to be able to read about topics and then make sure I fully understand it with activities that give immediate feedback. That way I can make sure I know I have the right idea before committing it to memory.
    By having regular assignments as opposed to solely reading/watching online material I think I will be able to understand and comprehend topics like chromosomal abnormalities better and in more depth.
    It’s comical how much I like to read a certain kind of book.

  23. Hi I’m from Williamston, MI
    I hope to improve my general understanding of genetics and its importance.
    The most interesting thing about genetics is that humans share a large percentage of their genetic material with completely different organisms.
    The child from those two people would likely have dark hair as that is a dominant trait.
    The most helpful activities online are definitely interactive activities with feedback.
    Something I think I can learn in this class that I wouldn’t be able to learn through a Google search is the function of individual genes.
    Triangles are cyclopropane to me.

  24. -I’m from Macomb, MI.
    -I want to learn more about genetics in this class.
    -I want to learn more about how dominant and recessive traits
    -I learn best by watching videos and reading articles
    – This class will help me gain a deeper understanding about
    genetics and help me to apply my knowledge in real life
    -even though I have a closet full I always want more

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