Mitosis and Meiosis Review Activities Spring 2024

Go through all of the activities here and when you are finished use the blog post to say which your favorite activity was and why

Mitosis Order

Click on the link. When you do this it will say “Start Game” There will be numbers and images.  Click on number #1 and on the  image that is first in the sequence, then click on number #2 and on the image that is second in the sequence and so on.

Meiosis Order

Drag the Images to put them in order

Find the Homologs

Meiosis Square Dance

It is best to view this full screen

Snurfle Meiosis 1

Click on “Start New Game” and keep clicking until the choice “meiosis interactive” appears. Click on link and follow the directions

Snurfle Meiosis 2

Start a new game. Keep clicking until you get to the screen which says “crossing over, independent assortment” etc. Ignore the questions  about FOIL.

Identify the stage   

From Sa’myia Lee, former BIOL 270 student

Fill in the Blanks

From Sarah Baribeau, former BIOL 270 Student






5 thoughts on “Mitosis and Meiosis Review Activities Spring 2024”

  1. My favorite activity was the snuffle activity because I thought it was very easy to follow each stage with the visuals and the follow up questions were very helpful for trying to remember specific information from each stage of meiosis.

  2. My favorite activity was both part one and part two of the snuffle activities. They were great in helping me visualize the stage of Meiosis and be able to review with follow-up questions. Additionally, they provided specific terminology and explanations for each level and how they compared to previous stages. I especially appreciated their concise and simple-to-understand explanation of crossing over, independent assortment, and random fertilization!

  3. My favorite activity was snuffle meiosis 1 and snuffle meiosis 2 as the made me understand more about cross over, independent assortment and fertilization. The quiz was engaging and I always found myself going back again to ensure I get every concept well

  4. I enjoyed the mitosis order activity because it provided actual images of the stages and because there is competition for the fastest time.

  5. My favorite activities were both of the snurfle activities. I like the graphics and thought they had great descriptions of what was happening. The pictures clearly showed every step and the two activities together, which really helped me understand the difference between Meiosis 1 and Meiosis 2.

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