Introduce Yourself!


Tell the class the following

Where you are from

What you hope to learn in this class

What you find most interesting about Genetics.

If you have taken on-line classes, what has specifically helped you learn on line. What type of activities help you most? Reading? Videos? Interactive activities? Others?

33 thoughts on “Introduce Yourself!”

  1. My name is Arthur Wohlwill, I am your instructor for this class. I was raised in Pennsylvania, but went to college in California (Berkeley) where I majored in Genetics. I got a PhD from Indiana University in Bloomington Indiana in Genetics where I studied how fruit flies respond to temperature stress. I have been teaching at LCC since 2002. My biggest interest in genetics is how organisms develop from simple eggs into complex beings.

    1. Hi, my name is Giang Pham. I am from Vietnam. I moved here 3 years ago. I am transferring to Grand Valley State University in Fall 2019. I will be getting my Exercise Science degree there and understanding biology, genetics and fundamental concepts of living organisms is a must for me before studying other ideas or biology. What I find most interesting about Genetics is one tiny little change in the genes can resulting so many changes in the phenotypes. I have taken online classes, hard ones before but I can not take in as much information as face to face classes. I do not like online classes but something that helps me to the process of learning online is through video and simple examples.

  2. My name is Lindsey Matsumoto. I am a Senior at Bath High School. I am taking this class through Dual Enrollment. I am really interested in Science and loved taking AP Biology. My favorite unit was DNA. I want to expand my knowledge in DNA and human genetics. I really hope to learn more about DNA analysis and genetic disorders! I think it is important for me to take this class, because I want to go into the medical field and this will help me advance my knowledge. I love participating in experiments. I have taken online course through LCC before, but not in Science. What helps me with online courses is making sure I am doing work and logging on everyday. I also think it is important to email the professor if you have any questions.

  3. My name is Paiton Allen. I am currently a senior at Bath High School and I am enrolled in Dual Enrollment. I wanted to enroll myself in this course so that I could learn more about genetics and what it means for me. I have always been interested in science and it has, usually, been one of my strongest subjects so I am interested to learn more about the human body. For me, I find developmental genetics the most interesting because it is targeted at the way we grow as humans in our life and I find it amusing. I have taken many LCC courses online and being able to contact my professors when I am stuck and I have enough time to take my time and do my work.

  4. Hello, my name is Brook Schneider I am a sophomore. I was born in Owosso Mi, I had originally started going to college at Ferris State University but had to medically withdraw from the university this last year so instead of giving up on school I chose to take online classes at LCC so I wouldn’t miss out. I first get interested in genetics in high school when I took our forensic science course and had to break apart cells to get the DNA to find out who our murderer was. Eventually, I ended up taking the A.P. Biomedical class which was genetics and forensics but I absolutely loved it and continue to love learning about it.

  5. My name is Olivia Pecuch and I am from Howell MI. From this class I hope to learn the basics of genetics and whether or not the field is right for me. What I find most interesting about genetics is that different sequences of the same few substances can create so much variation. I have take a few online courses before and what I find to be most helpful is setting aside specific time periods each week to work on the class so that you do not forget about it.

  6. Hello! My name is Nicole Jimenez, I am from Grand Rapids and I’m currently in Grand Valley State University’s nursing program. I hope to gain a better understanding of genetics and learn to apply it to the patients I see in the acute care setting. Although I do not have extensive knowledge in genetics, my favorite topic I have previously learned about is genetic engineering. I have taken online classes before (not at LCC), and what helps me the most is reading material to study from and application worksheets that are a similar style to working through exam questions.

  7. Hello! My name is Lauren Filice, and I am from a small town on the east side of Michigan called South Lyon. I am currently, however, living in Grand Rapids attending GVSU’s nursing program. What I find most interesting about genetics is the novelty of the study: DNA is a recent discovery, so there is so much to learn in this field. In previous online courses, videos have been the most helpful.

  8. Hello! My name is Elizabeth Braun and I am from Canton, MI but am currently attending Grand Valley State University in their nursing program. What I find most interesting about genetics is how it all works together and learning a different aspect of how the human body works. In previous online courses, having all the materials clearly laid out and everything explained well is the most helpful since it’s not face to face.

  9. Hello, my name is Adrianna and I am from East Lansing Michigan,
    I hope to learn how to become more confident in performing Punnett squares. What I find most interesting about genetics are the fundamentals that build up human characteristics. Nope, this is my first time taking an online science class online. I think what will be most helpful to me is getting help at the learning commons.

  10. Good Afternoon, I am Michelle Bennett. I am originally from Linwood, MI, currently living south of Dansville, MI. I have a BS in Biochemistry from SVSU, I am taking classes at LCC to brush up on my knowledge, I have been a stay at home mom for 9 years, and preparing to go back to work next year. I worked at an animal toxicolgy lab at MSU. I would like to explore a different career path towards biology verses chemistry. In hopes to get a position at the crime lab, which requires genetics and it is one of the few classes I didn’t have to take. I loved my genetic class in high school. I would like to learn about genetic profiles, which both my husband and I have had done before infertility treatments, what were they looking for, how do they look for it, and how they can look at embryos to avoid passing a gene down.

    I have taken one hybrid class at LCC, Intro to Forensic Science. I preferred the online portion, except waiting for others to post so I could comment. I don’t learn from reading, I don’t comprehend what I read, so learned that if I write everything out I learned it. It was my first class in 22 years. I struggled in the beginning until I set up a regular class schedule everyday while my youngest is in preschool.

  11. Hello my name is Alex Kukuzke, I’m from Howell, Michigan, and I’m a junior in high school. I’m hoping that during the semester, I’ll be able to learn a more in-depth knowledge about genetics, because I didn’t get to learn as much about it as I did during AP Biology last year. I found the processes of mitosis and meiosis most interesting. I’ve never taken an online class before so I’m excited to try something new.

  12. Hello, my name is Ivanna Mendoza and I am from Lansing, Michigan. I am currently a senior at MSU studying kinesiology. I am hoping to gain a better understanding of how diseases are passed down through generations. What I find most interesting about Genetics is how our genes can give us clues about our bodies that we might not have even known ourselves. I have taken a few online classes at MSU as well as at LCC and I find that keeping track of every deadline helps me stay organized and focused on completing each task. In classes in general, I am a very visual learner so seeing practice problems being solved and watching videos are both ways that help me learn.

  13. Hello! My name is Rachelle. I was raised in South Carolina and have a Bachelors Degree in Business – Management and Marketing from the University of South Carolina.

    Before switching my major to business, I studied Chemical Engineering because I loved science all through school, but switched because I was overwhelmed by the math.

    I am excited to learn about human genetics and how traits are passed down through generations. I have worked on the business side of health care for over twenty years, and am making the switch to the clinical side.

    This is my second online class at LCC and I have taken professional development classes online at other universities. I really enjoy online classes because I am an active, working mom and it gives me flexibility in my schedule.

    I have found that I am most successful when I set up a plan for the week and stay consistent. I prefer interactive activities, videos, and reading.

  14. My name is Elizabeth Woodford, and I am a senior at Hope College in Holland, Michigan. Originally from Colorado, I moved out here when I transferred to Hope, three years ago. As Hope does not offer a genetics course in the spring, I was excited to find an online alternative.
    I am currently an intern in the medical genetics department of Spectrum in Grand Rapids, and thus, am very excited to directly apply the information I am learning in this course to my work.
    For me, I find that online classes can go really well when you are correctly self-directed. The times I have found myself struggling in online classes, is when I let me focus slip and do not stay as up-to-date as I should. Therefore, I find it helpful to treat this like any other class, and thus, dedicate the same amount of time as if it were an in-person class. Additionally, since it is online, I have found that not being shy to email your professor always helps as it is easier for things to be lost in translation.

  15. My name is Sarah and I’m from Canton, MI! I’m currently in my third semester of the nursing program at Grand Valley. I’m hoping to further my basic knowledge of genetics and learn more about how our genes make us who we are. What I find most interesting about genetics is how everyone is so incredibly unique, yet we all share about 99% of the same DNA. Videos and weekly folders have helped me learn the best in previous online courses.

  16. Hello! My name is Ashleigh Rasmussen. I am from South Lansing, Michigan but currently live in Middleville, Michigan. There’s nothing too specific that I am hoping to learn in this class, I am just hoping to get into LCC’s Nursing program next Spring semester and I was told this class would help get me ahead. I find anything about humans incredibly interesting so I am excited! Last semester I took medical terminology online and what I loved the most about it, and what made it easy for me was the steady schedule. Every week things were always done on the same day of the week so there were no surprises which made it easy to calculate the times that I needed to put into the class.

  17. Hello my name is Jenna Leveille. I’m from a small town called Vassar on the east side of Michigan. I currently live in Grand Rapids and attend Grand Valley State University. I think the most interesting thing about genetics is the link between genes and certain diseases and how there’s so much still to be discovered. I think it will be interesting to learn more about cancer and cloning in this class. I have taken multiple classes online. It was really helpful to have recorded powerpoint lectures where I followed along taking notes, I also think videos are helpful.

  18. My name is Dalton Redemsky, and I am a high school Junior attending Portland High School.

    In this class, I hope to learn more about the nature of traits inherited through chromosomes.

    Sex-linked traits have always been a fascination of mine, especially the fact that a male can so easily pass something on to his offspring.

    When taking online classes, I suggest quick (think one to two hour) bursts of motivation mixed with music that fuels determination (or silence for those that prefer the quieter environment). This semester, once the weather warms up, I may consider bringing my laptop outside, perhaps during the hours of twilight.

  19. Hi my name is Sasha Gardner and I am from Lansing. I hope to learn more about genetic traits, transcription, replication, and translations, since these things tie into the other courses I am taking. I find it interesting how certain physical traits are dominant and other are not. I have taken many online classes and what helped me most was actually taking the time to read through all the content for the weeks to avoid missing deadlines. I think discussion board post’s help a lot. Also practice quizzes.

  20. Hi, my name is Kiley Stuller. I am from Grand Rapids, Michigan and am currently in the nursing program at Grand Valley State University. I am hoping to gain the knowledge learned in this class and apply it to an RN role. I find it interesting all the information you can get from DNA, something so small. I have had previous online classes and the best way I learned from them were video lectures instead of long reading assignments.

  21. Hello, my name is Raven Hein. I’m from St Johns a bit north of lansing and I’m currently retaking a couple classes to better my chances of getting into vet school. What I find most interesting about genetics is finding all the possibilities and combinations available with punnett squares and recessive genes, I have always found that very fun. I have only taken one online class before, which wasn’t the best oriented to learn in that format. Already this is looking much easier to grasp. As with most, a structured time to go over the notes is necessary I would have to sit with a beverage to motivate myself to do so, and I would have to rewrite main ideas for my own benefit. I would suggest taking what you’ve just learned and put it into practice, find activities, and such to actually apply it. These were not supplied but if I knew what I knew now I would have seeked them out!

  22. My name is Christina Davenport. I am taking this class to learn more about genetic disorders and how each person genetics contribute to their children. I was born in Wisconsin, but lived most of my life in Albion, MI. I joined the Navy right out of high school, then had my first son shortly after joining, he is now 22 and in the Navy. I have been married for 17 years and also have a 16 year old daughter. My son just blessed us with our first two grandbabies! With twin boys!! For me staying on track with my classes is in my organization. I write everything down and have two different planners one for work and one for school. I am very busy and that keeps me focused and helps me succeed.

  23. Hi, I’m Kezia (but I go by the name Jupiter)! I’m from Lansing, Michigan. I’m adopted and not genetically related to anyone in my family, so genetics has always interested me in a self-awareness kind of way. Currently, I’m very interested in gender and sex based discussions and hope to learn more about those topics in this class.
    I took a writing class last summer online and found the discussion forums to be helpful when needing to held accountable and/or needing feedback

  24. Hello! My name is Desirea Kennedy and I am originally from Grand Rapids. I went to school downtown Chicago and have a bachelor’s degree in philosophy. The past year, my education has taken a very different and exciting path into the field of health care. While working full time in my career, I am taking all of the prerequisites required for Grand Valley State University’s accelerated second degree BSN program. Thus, I am excited to learn the ins and outs of human genetics as well as the clinical significance of the material. I find genetics extremely interesting as it vastly differentiates us as humans. The concept of genetic engineering is also very interesting to me. In online classes in the past, I found making a list each week and schedule time to complete the list greatly helped with my success. As well, I had one professor that created PowerPoint videos and recorded her voice explaining the material and those videos helped me comprehend the material substanially better than I would have otherwise.

  25. My name is Ryan Malburg. I am from a small town called Hart Michigan. I hope to learn the basics of genetics and understand how nature and nurture work together. I think the most interesting thing about genetics is the way genes can be expressed in an organism. Whether the genes are dominant or recessive, they are apart of an organism’s makeup.

    The things that helped me learn taking online classes is having a set agenda and understanding when things are due and when to study. I tend to procrastinate and online classes are the easiest way to procrastinate. I like to take part in watching videos, games that improve memory on the material, and discussions with classmates about questions we may have on a topic.

  26. Where you are from
    What you hope to learn in this class
    What you find most interesting about Genetics.
    If you have taken on-line classes, what has specifically helped you learn on line. What type of activities help you most? Reading? Videos? Interactive activities? Others?
    Hi, my name is Zach. I grew up in the Ann Arbor area and I currently live in Howell. I have a BS is Kinesiology so I have had my fair share of biology classes and covered bits and pieces of genetics. However, I have yet to take an actual genetics course. This course is a pre-req for a PA school that I applied to so from this class, I hope to gain a general understanding of genetics that can help me to succeed in grad school. I think the thing that I find most interesting about genetics is that with all of the potential for genetic variation, there is still somewhat of a predictability and understanding to it.
    In my experience, the thing that is most helpful in online course success is simplicity and consistency. When the instructor presents the material in a manner that can be easily followed without the face-to-face experience and when it is easy to understand what the expectations are for assignments and assessments, it is very helpful. I think this makes it much easier to keep track of where material is located and how to utilize it.

  27. My name is Taylor Bloom. I’m currently living in Lansing, but I’m from Alpena which is a relatively small town in the northern lower peninsula. I hope to learn a deeper understanding for genetics. I find myself the most curious about genetics when working in the vet clinic and seeing how diverse a litter of pups/kittens can be. I have a general understanding of it, but with practice I’m really looking forward to understanding traits. I’ve had online courses before and what really helped me was staying ahead of schedule! Also, keep a planner or something to keep track of the days! I found that the only time I had ever missed an assignment was when I had forgot to write it down.

  28. Hi everyone! My name is Allison Goward and I am currently a sophomore here at LCC. I’m from Owosso which is 40 minutes away from campus (hence the online version of this class). I first discovered genetics in my bio honors class my freshman year and I’ve been hooked ever since. It started with punnet squares and I’ve never looked back. I want to become a geneticist or a fertility doctor when I grow up. I mostly just want to learn more about genetics in general. The most interesting thing about genetics to me is how genetic diseases are passed down family lines and how genes are expressed. I’ve only taken one other online class before and I feel like a mixture of reading and videos/ interactive activities helped me in that class.

  29. Hi everyone, my name is Sam Reicher and I am originally from Fowlerville but now live in East Lansing. I took this class in the hopes to learn more about genetics because the topic has always fascinated me. I am also in the process of switching my major so I’m playing around with a couple classes and seeing what interests me the most. Ever since my Biology course sophomore year in high school I’ve been blown away by genetics ever since. What I find most interesting about genetics is that we’re still finding stuff out about them and they can do very interesting things. For example, the fact that we share a large amount of DNA with different species or that two people can even share almost the same exact genetic material except for 0.01%. All around I’m fascinated by it all.

    What you find most interesting about Genetics.

    If you have taken on-line classes, what has specifically helped you learn on line. What type of activities help you most? Reading? Videos? Interactive activities? Others?

  30. Hi everyone!
    My name is Catherine and I live in the Lansing area. In this class, I would really like to gain a good understanding of how our genetics work and I want to learn more about genetic disorders and how to predict the probability of them.
    The thing I find most interesting about human genetics is how we are able to pass down traits to our offspring and create a life that has similar characteristics to our own.
    I have taken a few online classes in previous semesters. The thing I find most helpful is when the due dates are clearly posted in an organized manner. As far as learning styles go, I like short videos explaining the readings.

  31. My name is Graham Minney and I am from Michigan in general! I grew up in Monroe county in a small town called Ida. I spent a lot of time in the Ann Arbor and Detroit area in my teens and early twenties. After going to community college for a few years I went to Western Michigan and lived in Kalamazoo for 3 years or so. In 2015 I moved in with my then girlfriend, now wife, to Lansing area and have been here ever since!

    What you hope to learn in this class:

    I hope to gain a better understanding of how genetics works, and how that effects our human growth and development.

    What you find most interesting about Genetics.

    I find ethnicity and genetics very interesting! My wife is black and I and incredibly white, so we always guess what our children will look like. It think it’s fascinating how genetics mix the qualities of parents to make really beautiful children.

    If you have taken on-line classes, what has specifically helped you learn on line. What type of activities help you most? Reading? Videos? Interactive activities? Others?

    I like interactive activities, research discussions, and readings. Like this class seems to be, I like it when there are multiple smaller reading assignments compared to just reading a longer chapter or two. It makes it seem more manageable in the online environment.

  32. I am from Onondaga Michigan but now live in Lansing.

    I hope to learn more about genetics to better understand how the human body works. I find genetics interesting because of how different traits or lack of can affect us. With the advancements of technology. I find it very compelling to learn because of genome editing. On top of that, I am aspiring to be in the medical field and know that genetics plays a huge role.

    I find most interesting about Genetics is genome editing and being able to distinguish the various traits inherited or possibly passed down.

    I have taken online classes before and find interactive activities are the best way to learn and interact with one another. Disscusion boards are very helpful as well.

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