On line Genetics Question Forum

Here is a place to post questions about the class. You may post questions about the class organization and about specific topics. I will also post questions that get frequently asked.

Answers from other students are welcome!


Here are an issue that came up last semester. More will be posted as they become relevant to the current material.

Worksheets: Worksheets are not graded. They are just for practice.

A student had a question about the group worksheets. As a project that has been going on for a number of years, I have had my students make problems that involved going to a site (Genetics Home Reference) and finding a disease based on their name. I have then used these problems for future classes. Many (but not all) of the group worksheet problems came from these students (note that there are names next to problems that have not been solved, these are the names of the students who made the problems).

You do not need to look up any information on the disease, that is just for your interest.


2 thoughts on “On line Genetics Question Forum”

  1. Hi! I had a question about one of the examples on the Rules for probability power point, the second part of the question about two heterozygous parents with red hair. “If they have three kids, what is the chance that at least one kid has red hair?”. I know that you are supposed to use the sum rule, but the venn diagram confused me a little bit. Thank you!

    1. The purpose of the Venn Diagram is to show that having at least one child with Red hair and having no children with red hair is mutually exclusive. Furthermore, those are the only possibilities. Therefore one can write the following “word” equation. 100% =the chance of at least one child having a condition + the chance of no children having the condition. One can rearrange this to
      The change of having at least one child having a condition =1 (100%) – the chance that no children have the condition.

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