BIOL 270 Introduce yourself Fall 2023

Tell the class the following

Where you are from

What you hope to learn in this class

What you find most interesting about Genetics.

If the following 2 people had children, give one trait that they might have:

If you have taken on-line classes (even if it was just in high school or in the second half of Spring Semester 2020  what has specifically helped you learn on line. What type of activities help you most? Reading? Videos? Interactive activities? Others?

Also list something that you think you can learn in this class that you can not learn simply by googling or by a you tube video.

Finally, Say something about yourself (some hobby or interest for example) without  actually naming the hobby or interest. This is like something that has been going around social media in which someone might say “Tell me you are from Michigan without telling me your are from Michigan” and someone else might respond “If someone asks me where I am from, I point at a place on my hand”. Note that there is a scientific reason to do this: You are giving evidence for something, rather than simply making a conclusion.

Put your answer as a reply.

I have to approve all posts, so you will not see your reply immediately.

46 thoughts on “BIOL 270 Introduce yourself Fall 2023”

  1. My name is Jonathan Petito, and I am from South Lyon, Michigan. I would like to learn more about the history of genetics throughout the evolution of mankind such as how the earliest homosapiens DNA compares with people today. One of the things I find most interesting about genetics is the fact that a large majority of our DNA does not actually code for proteins. I believe that one characteristic of the offspring of the couple pictured above would be skin that is partially dark and partially light, a shade that is the combination of the two parents skin color. After Covid in the spring of 2020, I had taken many online classes. I found that reading and watching videos about class content were my most effective tools for learning material efficiently. One thing that I would like to learn that would be difficult to google would be how my classmates feel about the ethical questions that come up when dealing with a subject such as human genetics, as I have a minor in philosophy. My hobby has been dominated by humans for thousands of years, but now computers have exceeded even the most brilliant players in the world.

    1. We will talk about some aspects of genetics that you mention such as how we can use DNA to determine ancestry and possibly how human DNA has changed during evolution. We will also talk about the function of non coding DNA.

  2. My name is Kaylie Seeling and I am from Oxford, Michigan. The only knowledge I have about genetics is what I gained in high school. I hope to deepen my understanding of genetics through this course to better prepare me for my future career in healthcare. The thing I find most interesting about genetics are the chances of offspring getting the traits of their parents. If the two people pictured above were to have children, one trait they may have is a complexion that settles in the middle of the two complexions of the people in the photos. Their children may have skin that is lighter than the mother’s, but darker than the father’s. I have taken many online classes ever since the COVID-19 pandemic, two of which have been through Lansing Community College. What helps me learn in online classes are videos or lectures followed by something to test my understanding of the material. For me personally, studying for an exam for a class whether it is online or in-person is the same. The time I take to study is really what helps me lock in the information that is being taught to me. I usually find that making flashcards prepares me best for any exam. I work as an EMT in an emergency room, which I think can help me learn something about genetics that I can’t learn by googling it or by watching a YouTube video. After a few weeks in this course, I am excited to see if I can see the impact of genetics on health and disease in the real world. My hobby is something that everyone enjoys listening to, but I like immersing myself more by being the one to play it.

    1. We will go into the the probabilities of offspring inheriting one or more traits from their parents in our first unit.

  3. Hi Everyone! My name is Diane and I’m from Gregory, Michigan. I’m most looking forward to creating a deeper understanding about the various different ways on how mutations/abnormalities develop and how they are passed down through generations despite an organism’s safeguards to prevent such a thing. I’ve always been fascinated by the morality of genetics so I suppose I’m also looking forward to the unit described in the Course Syllabus as “Genetic Practices and Prospects”. Looking at the previous two pictures, I would say that it is highly likely that a potential offspring would have brown hair and eyes since they are a dominant trait and one parent already possesses one. I’d like to think that I have quite a bit of experience taking online classes and finally have things down pat. I’ve found that courses with a variety of resources (textbooks, powerpoints, individual/group/interactive assignments, discussion posts etc.) to utilize make it significantly easier to be successful. Even if courses didn’t have such a variety of resources, having a communicative/flexible teaching team tended to make up for it. In terms of using Google as a source, I think it’s usually pretty difficult to get an answer when you’re looking to better understand complex concepts that build on multiple ideas or ethical based thinking. Really anything that requires more than a straightforward answer/definition. My hobby is an asthmatic’s worst nightmare (and yes, I like jazz).

  4. Hello everyone! My name is Omar Qurashi and I’m from Okemos, Michigan. I’m hoping to learn more about the applications of genetics. Something I find interesting about genetics is that they have developed species so heavily. A slight genetic mutation may be the reason an animal dies or could be the addition of an extremely helpful trait benefiting an entire species. If the two individuals in the picture were to have a child, a trait the child may have is a skin color that isn’t particularly dark or light. It would be in between the two parents. While taking online classes in high school (during COVID) videos and other visuals are what particularly helped me as I am more of a visual learner. Interactive activities were also beneficial to me because they bring in ideas from many people creating a great learning environment. This class will allow me to learn about different topics about Genetics at a level and depth that I would not be able to acquire with a Google search or YouTube video. My hobby can be done at a beach with a net and can cause someone to have Osgood Schlatter .

    1. Hello, Omar. The interests in genetic mutation and how they are able to increase the development of species is one thing I have not thought about before. You have me curious on that subject as well.

      I agree with you on the topic of videos to help as a learning tool while doing an online class. I feel the same way,

      I am guessing that your hobby is volleyball? If so, I absolutely love volleyball. I know I feel leg, ankles, thighs, and knee pain after a day of playing. The sand is brutal on the body when doing any physical activity,

    2. We will talk about genetic changes that are critical to the origin of species and for changes within species.

  5. Hi! My name is Lillian White and I’m from Eaton Rapids Michigan. Through this class I am hoping to learn more about genetics then just the basics that you are taught through other biology classes. One thing I find interesting about genetics is how it works, such as how mixed traits can occur due to co-dominancy. Their child would most likely have darker hair. While taking online classes it really helped to have videos a lot of visuals, and interactive activities for me personally. This is mainly because I learn best by doing. One thing that I think I can learn from this class that I likely can’t from google or youtube is a deep understanding of genetics. Googling stuff and watching youtube videos often only give you surface level knowledge. My hobby can be done anywhere and simply involves a hook and any type thread or yarn.

    1. We will talk about co dominant traits like blood type as well as incomplete dominance which can result in blended traits.

  6. Hello, classmates! My name is Paul Foust and I am from Richland, Michigan. I hope to get a better understanding of how people can be carriers of certain traits/diseases. I find the sheer number of possible permutations in human genetics to be quite fascinating. I would expect the offspring of those two individuals to have darker (not blonde) hair color. I have been a strictly online student since I started at LCC in 2021; I live over 50 miles away from the main campus. This will (theoretically) be my final semester at LCC. My hobby involves putting words on paper and getting paid to do so. Nice to “meet” you all!

    1. Hello, Paul. I feel the same way on the understanding of diseases and carriers of certain traits. I think this is an area everyone should learn and understand. It can also help us learn how to better take care of our bodies as we get older.

      I am guessing that you are a writer. If so, are you a book writer of fiction or non-fiction? Do you write articles or blogs? I think that is amazing.

      1. Ashleigh, you are correct. I have written several poetry collections, and have self-published a few of them. It’s a way for me to help pay my tuition bill each semester! Thanks!

  7. Good morning, everyone,

    My name is Ashleigh Boyd. I am from Pittsburgh PA (Steelers Nation). I have lived in Michigan since I was a teenager.

    I am hoping to gain knowledge in every area of the class syllabus. Human genetics have always been intriguing to me. However, I am most interested in the areas of cancer. My mom has Chronic Lymphatic Leukemia. My degree will be in Computer Science specializing in Artificial Intelligence. I am hoping I can utilize my knowledge to create machines that can pinpoint different cancers and how to find a cure. My mother’s cancer has driven me to the peaks of motivation. In addition, help people with Autoimmune issues.

    What i find most interesting about genetics is the variation of beautiful skin complexions, height, hair and eye colors.

    If the two people in the photo above had children, a trait the child could have is blue or green eyes or lighter color hair with mixed texture.

    Most of my classes are taken online. I enjoy it better than being in-person. I have a daughter that is in travel sports and I work at home for Treasury. In addition, I just started my first two businesses which are a men’s and women’s clothing line. I will be launching the swimwear line in June 2024. My schedule is busy and online classes give me the opportunity to complete my class work, lectures etc… throughout the day or night. I believe lectures help me the most. Online videos or tutorials give me different views and better understanding as if I were to be in-person.

    Google is a great source for information. However, there are so many scientists or scholars with different opinions which can be confusing. Learning from this class will give me the correct information needed tailored to the syllabus.

    About me, I am an adrenaline junky for anything outdoors. Winter, summer, spring, fall… you name it. I mentioned that I am starting a clothing line, so I like to create on my free time. Huge sports fan. 🙂 I enjoy outdoor motorized toys of all sorts. Land and water.

  8. Hey everyone, my name is Amanda Brown and I am from Howell, Michigan. I am interested in learning about genetics of the immune system and cancer genes. What I find most interesting about genetics is that genes determine which characteristics we inherit from our parents. If the people pictured above were to have children, I think their skin color would be a mix of both the mother and father. From taking online courses in the past I have found that interactive activities to be most helpful as I feel they keep me engaged with learning the material. I feel that genetics is too complex of a subject for me to learn anything from google or youtube.
    Fun fact: It has been 8 years since the last time I used the bathroom in peace.

    1. We will discuss the unique genetic features of cancer. In some cases the condition is inherited, but in many cases, the critical genes are mutated during the lifespan of a person.

  9. Hello everyone! My name is Chelsie, I am from Owosso Michigan. One thing I would like to learn in this class is how Cancer cells are formed. What I find the most interesting about genetics is how it makes us who we are. If the two people in the pictures had children together the children’s eyes will most likely be the most dominant color of the parent’s eyes, and their skin tone can be darker than the dad’s but lighter than the moms. I have taken all my classes at LCC online. Webex meetings as well as videos help me learn the most. One thing I think I will learn in this class is how to do genetic screening and if we can treat any “bad” genes. One of my hobbies is leaving my home on the weekends and staying in a “mobile home” with my friends to enjoy the outdoors in the summertime.

  10. Hello, my name is Zachary Painter, and I am from Williamston Michigan. I am hoping to learn more about genetics as an overall topic and how individuals end up with the physical traits they possess. I find it super interesting that genetics are hereditary and are inherited from our parents but that you can still get a gene from one of your parents that your parents may not have meaning that gene could have skipped a generation and now you have that gene but it’s visible. The trait that first came to mind if those two individuals had a child would be a combination of skin color somewhere in between both individuals. I have taken a decent number of online classes and some exercises that I find to help me the most have been interactive readings or open book quizzes as you can look over the questions and then while I read the book the answer to those questions seem to stick out to myself more than just reading the chapter. I think that this class will allow me to understand genetics on a deeper and more in-depth level because I feel as though google can answer a ton of questions, but they seem to be very surface level answers that leave me wanting to learn more and I think this class will answer those questions more in depth. A hobby of mine includes hitting and searching for an object trying to make it in the goal in as little attempts as possible.

  11. Hello everyone, my name is Nathan Schloegl and I am from Grand Rapids. I am unsure if this class will touch on this or not but I think it would be really cool to learn about certain genetic diseases that are incompatible with life. As I am pursuing nursing in the NICU, I think it would be fascinating to learn a little more about why some kiddos are born with these genetic diseases. It is definitely an interesting aspect of genetics in my opinion.

    As for the pictures of the two individuals, if they had children, I would expect the children to have a skin complexion that more likely resembled the mother’s definitely lighter.

    I have taken a handful of classes online in the past, mostly at GRCC and one of the things they do an outstanding job of is having a user friendly platform for their online courses. I am hoping I can get up to speed quickly with D2L but my first impression is that LCC is severely lacking compared to GRCCs Blackboard platform. A neat platform where the course information is presented in an organized way definitely has helped me in the past with online courses.

    Something I think I can learn in this class that I can’t find on Youtube or Google…. That’s a tough one because I’m a firm believer that you can learn anything you want to from Youtube! If I had to choose though, I’m going to go back to genetic diseases that are incompatible with life. (If you can’t tell, I’m hoping to learn a little of this in this class.)

    As for an interest of mine without specifically naming it, I enjoy the water, I like engines, and I love going fast….

    1. We will discuss a few genetic conditions that can cause lethality including a condition called Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) which is the leading genetic condition of infant mortality. We will also discuss some promising treatments for that condition and others.

  12. I’m Madelynn and I’m from Owosso, Michigan.

    I hope to learn more about what makes people what they are.

    I guess I find genetics interesting because everything about DNA and the processes surrounding it are fascinatingly complicated. Thinking about how grand it all is makes me ask how the whole thing came to exist in the first place.

    The child of this couple would probably have curly hair.

    I am horrible at online learning. I have absolutely no self discipline. Every semester I have about a three week heave of determination and it fades quickly. I’m going to push past that this year.

    I think I could learn more about how I feel about the subject by studying it.

    My favorite way to spend my time is tying elaborate knots you can wear.

    1. On-learning does take some discipline. A regular schedule and not tryinig to do anything at once can help.

  13. Hello, my name is Melanie. I am from Davison, Michigan. Being completely honest I do not have any specific things I want to learn about genetics, I just want to learn. I am excited to start this course and learn more about what makes us “us”. I remember bits and pieces of genetics from high school, but I am looking forward to elaborating on those concepts and going more in depth.
    If those two people were to have a child I would have a strong guess that their child would have brown eyes. I say this because brown eyes is a dominant trait, especially because the guy have blue eyes. I know that brown eyes isn’t guaranteed because there is a lot more that goes into it. However, that would be my guess.
    Yes, I have taken online courses before. I honestly prefer them because I can concentrate a lot better than I do in class. I can control my environment and I can also stay comfortable in my own home. Because my classes are online, I learn a lot better by videos or interactive activities. I can learn from reading but it does it boring after a while.
    I do not have a specific thing I can list that I can learn in this class that I can’t just Google or watch a YouTube video about. I think there will be a lot of things that will fit into that category though. Once we get past the Punnett square, dominant vs recessive genes (which is all I remember from high school) it will be things I cannot just google or watch a video about. I would be learning it straight from this course.
    I have a hobby that I have had since I was in sixth grade. I am able to use my imagination but could also make it real life like. Hint: It is on the computer.

  14. Hi, my name is Jakob Selich. I am from Swartz Creek, Michigan. I am enrolled in this course in order to learn more about how genetics makes everybody individually unique to help me with my career as a Physical Therapist Assistant going into being a Physical Therapist.
    I would think if those two people were to have a child that there is a strong chance that then would have a child with either brown hair or brown eyes.
    Yes, I have taken online classes before and have found that they have really helped me to be able go flexible with my schedule so I can still work full time.
    I assume there is a lot I can learn from this class that I cannot find on google because I would not even know where to start when it comes to asking a question about genetics.
    My hobby involves watching entertainment that I cannot play anymore.

  15. Hello everybody! I am Eric from Owosso, Michigan! I am pretty familiar with how online courses work as I have taken most of my bachelor’s degree online. The only thing that I have found difficult with these online courses is that they are all set up differently. Once you learn and become familiar within the course, it becomes much easier to understand.
    I would say, a hobby of mine is being outdoors, or passing time with some exercise in the gym, or on a bike trail.
    I am not as familiar with human genetics as one should be. So, this class will be very interesting for me and very much informative! My area of study is within criminal justice, and I hope to be getting a job with the state at the end of this year. I look forward to meeting in reading some of your stories.
    From what I see in the picture I think that if the two individuals had a child together, then the child would have between a light and a dark skin complexion.

  16. Hey everyone, my name is Katherine Foreman and I’m from Leslie, Michigan. I’m hoping to possibly gain a better understanding of how far current genetic technologies can go. What I find most interesting about genetics is how vast the possibilities are. If the people in the pictures had children, they would probably inherit a skin tone in-between the parents’. In my experiences with online classes, a mixture of reading and videos helped me the most. I believe something I could learn in this class that would be difficult to learn by simply googling it might be more complex concepts and ideas, possibly involving the more ethical conversations surrounding genetics.
    For fun, I like to create lines that come together to form recognizable shapes, usually with a pencil and paper.

  17. Hi, my name is Jasmine Tran and I am from Lansing, MI. I’m hoping to gain a better understanding of genetics, as this is my first course related to the topic. What I find interested about the topic is the many possibilities there are for outcome. If the people in the pictures had children, I would imagine they may inherit curly hair from the mother.

  18. Hi, my name is Amabel. I’m from Williamston, MI, but I live in Lansing now.
    I was really interested in genetics when it was briefly taught to us in high school, so I hope to be able to explore the subject more and be more informed!
    I think it is super interesting to learn about the things that make you you!
    I would assume that if these two people had a kid, they would probably have dark hair and eyes.
    I’ve taken a fair amount of online classes, and I think the biggest help would be good organization. If the lessons and my work don’t get jumbled up, it is pretty easy for me to stay on track.
    I really want a good understanding of this subject, I want to be able to be confident in my knowledge of genetics without having to use Google. I’ve had genetic questions in the past and tried to use Google to figure it out, and even though it can somewhat answer a question, it is hard to get a deeper understanding of the topic.
    Something I have been doing a lot this summer is taking trips to the beach and putting rocks in my pockets and taking them home. Sometimes I will polish them.
    I am really excited about this class! I can’t wait to get started.

  19. Hi, my name is Jasmine Thomas. I am from New Jersey. I have taken online classes previously and have found videos and interactive activities were most helpful. I really like science and I am wanting to go into the medical field so I think I will enjoy this class. I am really hoping to deepen my understanding of genetics. My hobby involves telling people to read lettered charts on walls with one eye closed.

  20. My name is Tabitha. I am from southeast Michigan, but currently live in Portland Oregon.

    I hope to glean a better understanding on how certain diseases/conditions are passed from generation to generation.

    Evolution and adaptation are incredibly intriguing to me. It wrinkles my brain a little bit to know there’s this sort of invisible driving force that leads to certain characteristics being favored over others. I love that we have been able to discern direct links between events and how animals then adapted and evolved.

    If the two people had children, they might have a child with curly hair.

    In online classes I have learned best from a combination of videos, reading, and interactive activities.

    I think in this class will bring a much deeper and well rounded understanding of genetics than a google search or a video.

    My hobby involves tying my life to another person.

  21. I am from Trenton Michigan which is Southeast of Detroit. I hope to learn a bit about what I want to do in the future with going into bio this is a class I need to take to graduate from LCC and move on. What I find most interesting about genetics is evolution and I want to know more about evolution and how it occurs and if humans have evolved recently or when would they evolve if need be. If these two had a kid a trait could be that the kid would have dark eyes with darker hair. With online classes the best way I have learned is from videos, I can I can dial in the most on videos and actually stayed focused unlike reading because I usually get too bored of it. I could probably learn more and actually be able to keep the info rather than just looking up something one time and forgetting 20 mins later. I hit balls for a living.

  22. Hello, I’m Joy, I’m from Williamston, MI. I hope to learn more about genetic mutations because the body always has to be so precise and careful it’s kind of crazy and I’ve always thought stuff like that is very interesting. One trait the kids of these two people may have is blonde coily hair. I’ve taken a few online classes, both during COVID-19 and in college and what I’ve found is most helpful is if the instructor provides a checklist each week that helps you keep track of both work that isn’t an assignment, such as reading, and of graded work so that it is turned in on time. I think it’s important to learn from other people’s experiences and stories so one thing I think we won’t be able to learn in this class by googling or youtube is the advice of our professor and what he’s done in the field of genetics and biology in general and any STEM career advice he may have. One of my hobbies is staring at pages with words on them.

  23. Hello! My name is Kaleb and I am from Waverly, Michigan. I hope to develop a better understanding of genetics to further my research in Biomedicine. What I love about genetics is the fact that we can trace a segment of DNA to better understand our history as a species. Because the two people have different hair colors, and blond hair is a recessive trait, the offspring will have black hair. Something that helped me most during the Covid year was reading and watching videos on topics I didn’t fully understand. Sometimes it even broadened my knowledge of the topic, helping me even more. Something I believe I can learn from this class comes from researching and finding something about the human genome on my own. Finally, my hobby was invented in the 1800s and has become a great American pastime since its creation. With the crackerjacks and sliders in play, it’s such a fun activity!

  24. My name is Emily Pohl and I am from Portland MI. I hope to learn about genetic mutations and defects as well as hoe genetic traits are passed on. I think genetics are very interesting because of how it can very in each and every person.
    If the two people in the pictures had a baby I would suspect it to have brown eyes and brown hair at least.
    I have taken all of my LCC classes online and I find interactive activities help me understand concepts a lot more, the same goes for videos. I think I will get a better understanding of genetics overall from this class then if I just looked it up online.
    one of my biggest hobby is using yarn and a hook to create things and is often referred to as a granny activity.

  25. Hello, My name is Jinan Noori and I am from Lansing,Mi. I hope to learn about the basic of genetics, and genetics of cancer. I find it interesting that siblings might not have the same traits. If the two people in the picture had children one trait could be darker curly hair. I think Im going to learn more about human genetic. one of my biggest hobby is going to Barnes & Noble.

  26. Hello! My name is Kami Pline, and I’m from Pewamo Mi. I have taken a biology class in the past and really enjoyed it, so I’m hoping to learn more than I did in that class. I find it interesting that all traits that a person has comes from somewhere down the family line. for example, My sister and I are the only two blondes in my family for the past two generations, so there are genes that have been passed way down the line. Looking at the picture above, I think that the children of the two would be likely to have dark, curly hair. As far as online classes go, I have always learned best from videos. Lastly, my hobby! I like collecting a certain type of thing that most people find creepy. I have a lot of them on shelves in my room. If you’ve seen the Annabelle movies, you’ll know. Though mine aren’t nearly that creepy.

  27. Hello. My name is Teague Freidhoff and I’m from Okemos MI. There isn’t really anything specific that I’m hoping to learn about in this class, but rather about human genetics in its entirety. Genetics is interesting to me due to the fact that it is how organisms appearance, some actions, and so many other things are determined. One thing that these two individuals offspring may have would be the color of their skin, being a mix of the two parents. I have taken many online classes before, around 12 of them, all through Michigan Virtual, in a large variety of substances. I learn very well through readings, as well as visuals. One thing that I can learn in this class that I couldn’t from Google or YouTube would be time management, and how to structure my time. My hobby is one of the most viewed sports of all time, and is largely influential in many people’s lives.

  28. Hello, My name is Shreya. I live in Okemos, MI. I am looking forward to learning this course in general. I am taking this course for transfer purposes and how organisms evolve, change, and reproduce. Looking at the two pictures above, it’s quite obvious that their offspring would definitely inherit a mix of skin color and most likely inherit curly hair as well. The last four to five semesters I took at LCC consisted of all online classes for me. Online classes have taught me to manage my time, effectively study, and figure out a study method that works for me. My hobby is making new recipes at home.

  29. My name is Hannah Charlip, and I am from Farmington Hills, MI. I have never taken a genetics course other than it being a topic in previous biology courses, so overall I am just generally excited for the content. I am particularly interested in learning about mutations and what that means for those who inherit them. What I find most interesting about genetics is how siblings from the same parents are able to inherit some genes and express them while others don’t. It’s crazy to think that you can look completely different from your siblings, when in reality you are inheriting similar genes from the same parents. If the people shown had a child together, one trait that they might express is brown eyes. I am pretty familiar with taking online courses. I went through college during the height of the pandemic, so I learned quickly how to learn virtually. I am currently taking some post-bacc courses here at LCC. I think that videos are helpful when learning virtually. That is, when professors post videos of content and talk through the material rather than just giving readings without any additional guidance. I think that this class will provide a more thorough understanding of genetics, especially complex topics; it is really hard to read multiple sources trying to gain an understanding of a complex topic. My hobby includes going on a vehicle in the air to explore new places.

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