Mitosis and Meiosis Review Activities Fall 2024

Go through all of the activities here and when you are finished use the blog post to say which your favorite activity was and why

Mitosis Order

Click on the link. When you do this it will say “Start Game” There will be numbers and images.  Click on number #1 and on the  image that is first in the sequence, then click on number #2 and on the image that is second in the sequence and so on.

Meiosis Order

Drag the Images to put them in order

Find the Homologs

Meiosis Square Dance

It is best to view this full screen

Snurfle Meiosis 1

Click on “Start New Game” and keep clicking until the choice “meiosis interactive” appears. Click on link and follow the directions

Snurfle Meiosis 2

Start a new game. Keep clicking until you get to the screen which says “crossing over, independent assortment” etc. Ignore the questions  about FOIL.

Identify the stage   

From Sa’myia Lee, former BIOL 270 student

Fill in the Blanks

From Sarah Baribeau, former BIOL 270 Student






23 thoughts on “Mitosis and Meiosis Review Activities Fall 2024”

  1. Although all activities were good ways to confirm and test what I know about meiosis, the square dance video will remain with me forever. How can I not sing that song while remembering meiosis? Reminds me of the VHS tapes that we could watch during college.

  2. I really enjoyed the Meiosis Square Dance video! Not only do I find songs helpful for remembering information, but it reminded me of School House Rock videos! Those were some of my favorite as a kid!

  3. Both activities were good. I really did enjoy the two but I enjoyed meiosis more than mitosis. the square video dance is memory to keep. I found it soo helpful which reminded me of high school when I was learning it.

  4. I found the snurfle activities to be really helpful in memorizing the steps of meiosis due to the interactive feature. I found it really helpful to read about what was about to happen, and then see how it happens. I also enjoyed the quizzing sections to make sure I was actually comprehending it.

  5. Both activities were useful in confirming what I know, They were simple tasks yet asked the write questions. My favorite was the snurfle activities, not too much of a dancer/singer.

  6. While all of the activities were useful, the quizlet and the square dance videos were my favorite. The quizlet was my favorite because I used that all throughout high school. The square dance video is also a good one because its catchy.

  7. My favorite activity was the fill in the blank activity. This activity really made me recall the knowledge I have and it was hard enough to make me think through the answer. There were more options in the word bank so I had to decipher the answer.

  8. My favorite activity was the fill in the blank activity. It helped me with knowing the definitions of each term, and it challenged my brain.

  9. I enjoyed the Meiosis square dancing activity. I found it very easy to learn from and very information about the topics we are learning about. However I will say all the activities that we did were very helpful and good to learn from.

  10. My favorite activity was filling in the blanks. I thought all of the activities were fun and helped to reinforce the material.

  11. My favorite activity was the meiosis square dance video, I thought both the video and song did a good job with helping both learn and try to retain the material. It was also helpful that throughout the video you had questions to answer which was another big help in learning the information.

  12. My favorite activity was the snurfle activity. I liked it because it went through all of the steps in detail so it was really informative and it was interactive so that helped me to remember the steps.

  13. My favorite activity was the Snurfle Meiosis 1 and 2 were my favorite. Though I enjoyed the square dance video and thought it was a fun way to remember the steps of meiosis, I think that the Snurfle Meiosis 1 and 2 activities helped me more because they were interactive, gave good visuals and also had review problems to go over what we just learned/went over.

  14. My favorite activity was the Snurfle activities because of the interaction and information the activity gave out. I thought it was pretty fun and informative, I feel like I have a better picture on meiosis.

  15. After playing with some of the activities, I liked the Snurfle Meiosis 1+2 activities the most as it was not only informative, but it also depicted what was happening which allowed me to visually process the information being presented. I think being able to visualize something is an important part of the learning process and making it a fun interactive activity can be intriguing for students.

  16. I thought that the square dance was the best activity. I found this to be super catchy which I believe will help me recall the parts of meiosis better. I also found the fill in the blank puzzle to be worthwhile too because I was able to review the information while trying to use the process of elimination to help piece it together. Both of these activities strengthened my understanding of meiosis.

  17. All of these activities were very helpful. I personally found the square dance and identifying stages helped me the best. The square dance is a fun way of remembering meiosis and it’s easy to follow. I like to visualize the steps so a lot of these activities were interactive and I could see what happens in each step. I feel more comfortable with meiosis now than I did before.

  18. My favorite activity was the meiosis identification because it was easy to use and helped me recognize the different stages of meiosis. Associating the pictures with the stages helped with remembering them.

  19. Although all of these activities were helpful in their own ways, I enjoyed the square dance video! I thought the video helped one be able to remember and retain the information in a unique way. The type of video felt like a blast from the past which proved the video to not only be nostalgic but helpful too!

  20. I really liked the games this was probably my favorite and helped me understand with the snuffles, however when I tried to enter the email part it did not work so hopefully we weren’t supposed to do that part

  21. I found the ‘Snurfle Meiosis 1’ activity to be very helpful in going through the stages of Meiosis. I liked how each step included presenting the information, allowing you to interact, and then quizzing you about what you just learned. This certainly could be useful while studying for the exam. ‘Find the homologs’ was also beneficial for me since the concept of homologs and sister chromatids can be confusing.

  22. I liked the fill in the blanks activity the most. This sort of activity forces me to recall previous knowledge and be an active participant in the activity. I like word related games and activities in general as well.

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