Category Archives: Assignments

Unit 2 article Summary Spring 2021

Find an article that is relevant to this unit. Here are some possible topics

(1) Why do older mothers have a greater chance of having a child with Down’s syndrome (which is due to an extra chromosome 21).

(2) Find an article on a practical use of stem cells

(3) How has recombination mapping been used to identify disease genes?

Find an article on a specific condition (other than Down’s syndrome) that results either from an abnormal number of chromosomes or a chromosome rearrangement. Write a short summary of the article in your own words. Give the URL.

Post your summary as a reply to this blog.

Lesson 1 Complete and incomplete dominance

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After completing the lesson on complete and incomplete dominance, Read the exercise below and answer the short answer question within  (do not reply to this post) This is your first lesson and is worth 1/2 point

Stem Cells and Cloning

Find a video or article on stems cells (including IPS cells) or cloning that you found interesting. Give the URL and a short (1 paragraph) summary of why you found the material interesting. Do use any reading or video that was in this week’s folder and make sure no previous poster use the same source.


Note: because of a time lag delay between when articles are posted and when I approve them, it is possible that 2 more people will use the same source. I will allow this exception to the above rule.

Rosalind Franklin and The Double Helix Fall 2019

Watch the video below (It is long but well worth it)

When you are finished, answer the following questions in a reply to this blog post

(1) Was Rosalind Franklin “Robbed”?

(2) What “rights” do scientists have to their data? Do they “own” it?

(3) What do you think of Gosling’s statement at the end of the video about who was responsible for  Wilkins (and thus Watson and Crick) seeing the data?

(4) Did Rosalind Franklin “steal” Wilkins’ student (Raymond Gosling)?

(5) Do you think something like this would happen today? Have times changed?

(6) Were Watson and Crick too careless in their first model, or is this ( as some have suggested) just how science works, by trial and error? Was Franklin too cautious?

Mother Courage and DIY sites

Read the Mother Courage article and the DIY scientist articles.  What major ethical error did a doctor make in the first article? What do you attribute the difference in insight between this doctor and Jill Viles? You will get 6 points for answering this question. You will get 1 point if you comment on someone else’s answer (Give their name), but you must first make a comment before you can read and comment. Note that I must approve the first comment, so you won’t see your comments until after I approve them.

Write your answers as a reply in the comments section

On line Genetics Question Forum

Here is a place to post questions about the class. You may post questions about the class organization and about specific topics. I will also post questions that get frequently asked.

Answers from other students are welcome!


Here are an issue that came up last semester. More will be posted as they become relevant to the current material.

Worksheets: Worksheets are not graded. They are just for practice.

A student had a question about the group worksheets. As a project that has been going on for a number of years, I have had my students make problems that involved going to a site (Genetics Home Reference) and finding a disease based on their name. I have then used these problems for future classes. Many (but not all) of the group worksheet problems came from these students (note that there are names next to problems that have not been solved, these are the names of the students who made the problems).

You do not need to look up any information on the disease, that is just for your interest.